mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:51:19 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into eftd
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ else()
message(STATUS "Building for 32 Bit")
if (MINGW)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc")
# add_compile_options for older cmake versions
@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ Half-Life SDK for Xash3D & GoldSource with some fixes.
cmake ../
Crosscompiling using mingw:
mkdir build-mingw && cd build-mingw
TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=i686-w64-mingw32 # check up the actual mingw prefix of your mingw installation
You may enable or disable some build options by -Dkey=value. All available build options are defined in CMakeLists.txt at root directory.
See below if you want to build the GoldSource compatible libraries.
@ -68,6 +74,8 @@ or when using make without cmake:
Unlike original client by Valve the resulting client library will not depend on vgui or SDL2 just like the one that's used in FWGS Xash3d.
Note for **Windows**: it's not possible to create GoldSource compatible libraries using mingw, only msvc builds will work.
Note for **Linux**: GoldSource requires libraries (both client and server) to be compiled with libstdc++ bundled with g++ of major version 4 (versions from 4.6 to 4.9 should work).
If your Linux distribution does not provide compatible g++ version you have several options.
@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ if(NOT MSVC)
add_compile_options(-fno-exceptions) # GCC/Clang flag
add_compile_options(-Wno-write-strings) # GCC/Clang flag
add_definitions(-D_LINUX -DLINUX) # It seems enough for all non-Win32 systems
add_definitions(-Dstricmp=strcasecmp -Dstrnicmp=strncasecmp -D_snprintf=snprintf -D_vsnprintf=vsnprintf )
add_definitions(-Dstricmp=strcasecmp -Dstrnicmp=strncasecmp)
add_definitions(-D_snprintf=snprintf -D_vsnprintf=vsnprintf)
@ -376,7 +376,22 @@ void DLLEXPORT HUD_MobilityInterface( mobile_engfuncs_t *gpMobileEngfuncs )
gMobileEngfuncs = gpMobileEngfuncs;
bool isXashFWGS()
bool HUD_MessageBox( const char *msg )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( msg ); // just in case
if( IsXashFWGS() )
gMobileEngfuncs->pfnSys_Warn( msg );
return true;
// TODO: Load SDL2 and call ShowSimpleMessageBox
return false;
bool IsXashFWGS()
return gMobileEngfuncs != NULL;
@ -181,5 +181,6 @@ inline void UnpackRGB( int &r, int &g, int &b, unsigned long ulRGB )\
HSPRITE LoadSprite( const char *pszName );
bool isXashFWGS();
bool HUD_MessageBox( const char *msg );
bool IsXashFWGS();
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
extern globalvars_t *gpGlobals;
extern int g_iUser1;
extern bool g_hasPredictedFOV; // Vit_amiN: from HUD
// Pool of client side entities/entvars_t
static entvars_t ev[32];
@ -879,7 +878,6 @@ void HUD_WeaponsPostThink( local_state_s *from, local_state_s *to, usercmd_t *cm
to->client.fuser2 = player.m_flNextAmmoBurn;
to->client.fuser3 = player.m_flAmmoStartCharge;
to->client.maxspeed = player.pev->maxspeed;
g_hasPredictedFOV = true; // Vit_amiN: ready
//HL Weapons
to->client.vuser1[0] = player.ammo_9mm;
@ -381,6 +381,18 @@ void CHud::VidInit( void )
// assumption: number_1, number_2, etc, are all listed and loaded sequentially
m_HUD_number_0 = GetSpriteIndex( "number_0" );
if( m_HUD_number_0 == -1 )
const char *msg = "There is something wrong with your game data! Please, reinstall\n";
if( HUD_MessageBox( msg ) )
gEngfuncs.pfnClientCmd( "quit\n" );
m_iFontHeight = m_rgrcRects[m_HUD_number_0].bottom - m_rgrcRects[m_HUD_number_0].top;
@ -413,7 +425,6 @@ int CHud::MsgFunc_Logo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
float g_lastFOV = 0.0;
bool g_hasPredictedFOV = false; // Vit_amiN: it'll became true after the first prediction
@ -514,10 +525,6 @@ int CHud::MsgFunc_SetFOV( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
int newfov = READ_BYTE();
int def_fov = CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "default_fov" );
//Weapon prediction already takes care of changing the fog. ( g_lastFOV ).
if( g_hasPredictedFOV )
return 1;
g_lastFOV = newfov;
if( newfov == 0 )
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
extern float g_lastFOV; // Vit_amiN
extern bool g_hasPredictedFOV; // Vit_amiN
@ -52,7 +51,6 @@ int CHud::MsgFunc_ResetHUD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
// Vit_amiN: reset the FOV
m_iFOV = 0; // default_fov
g_lastFOV = 0.0f;
g_hasPredictedFOV = false;
return 1;
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ int CHud::DrawHudString( int xpos, int ypos, int iMaxX, const char *szIt, int r,
int DrawUtfString( int xpos, int ypos, int iMaxX, const char *szIt, int r, int g, int b )
if (isXashFWGS())
if (IsXashFWGS())
// xash3d: reset unicode state
gEngfuncs.pfnVGUI2DrawCharacterAdditive( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void IN_Shutdown( void )
void IN_Init( void )
if (isXashFWGS()) {
if (IsXashFWGS()) {
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "FWGS Xash3D input is in use\n" );
currentInput = &fwgsInput;
} else {
@ -1650,8 +1650,8 @@ void CHalfLifeMultiplay::SendMOTDToClient( edict_t *client )
// read from the MOTD.txt file
int length, char_count = 0;
const char *pFileList;
const char *aFileList = pFileList = (const char*)LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME( CVAR_GET_STRING( "motdfile" ), &length );
char *pFileList;
char *aFileList = pFileList = (char*)LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME( CVAR_GET_STRING( "motdfile" ), &length );
// send the server name
MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgServerName, NULL, client );
@ -1679,10 +1679,10 @@ void CHalfLifeMultiplay::SendMOTDToClient( edict_t *client )
if( char_count < MAX_MOTD_LENGTH )
pFileList = aFileList + char_count;
pFileList = 0;
*pFileList = 0;
WRITE_BYTE( pFileList ? FALSE : TRUE ); // FALSE means there is still more message to come
WRITE_BYTE( *pFileList ? FALSE : TRUE ); // FALSE means there is still more message to come
WRITE_STRING( chunk );
@ -1454,14 +1454,6 @@ void EMIT_GROUPNAME_SUIT( edict_t *entity, const char *groupname )
// texture name to a material type. Play footstep sound based
// on material type.
int fTextureTypeInit = FALSE;
#define CTEXTURESMAX 512 // max number of textures loaded
int gcTextures = 0;
char grgszTextureName[CTEXTURESMAX][CBTEXTURENAMEMAX]; // texture names
char grgchTextureType[CTEXTURESMAX]; // parallel array of texture types
// open materials.txt, get size, alloc space,
// save in array. Only works first time called,
// ignored on subsequent calls.
@ -1513,87 +1505,17 @@ static char *memfgets( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize, int &filePos, char *pBuffer
return NULL;
char buffer[512];
int i, j;
byte *pMemFile;
int fileSize, filePos = 0;
if( fTextureTypeInit )
memset( &( grgszTextureName[0][0] ), 0, CTEXTURESMAX * CBTEXTURENAMEMAX );
memset( grgchTextureType, 0, CTEXTURESMAX );
gcTextures = 0;
pMemFile = g_engfuncs.pfnLoadFileForMe( "sound/materials.txt", &fileSize );
if( !pMemFile )
memset( buffer, 0, 512 );
// for each line in the file...
while( memfgets( pMemFile, fileSize, filePos, buffer, 511 ) != NULL && ( gcTextures < CTEXTURESMAX) )
// skip whitespace
i = 0;
while( buffer[i] && isspace( buffer[i] ) )
if( !buffer[i] )
// skip comment lines
if( buffer[i] == '/' || !isalpha( buffer[i] ) )
// get texture type
grgchTextureType[gcTextures] = toupper( buffer[i++] );
// skip whitespace
while( buffer[i] && isspace( buffer[i] ) )
if( !buffer[i] )
// get sentence name
j = i;
while( buffer[j] && !isspace( buffer[j] ) )
if( !buffer[j] )
// null-terminate name and save in sentences array
j = Q_min( j, CBTEXTURENAMEMAX - 1 + i );
buffer[j] = 0;
strcpy( &( grgszTextureName[gcTextures++][0] ), &( buffer[i] ) );
g_engfuncs.pfnFreeFile( pMemFile );
fTextureTypeInit = TRUE;
// given texture name, find texture type
// if not found, return type 'concrete'
// NOTE: this routine should ONLY be called if the
// current texture under the player changes!
extern "C" char PM_FindTextureType( char *name );
char TEXTURETYPE_Find( char *name )
// CONSIDER: pre-sort texture names and perform faster binary search here
for( int i = 0; i < gcTextures; i++ )
if( !strnicmp( name, &( grgszTextureName[i][0] ), CBTEXTURENAMEMAX - 1 ) )
return grgchTextureType[i];
return PM_FindTextureType(name);
// play a strike sound based on the texture that was hit by the attack traceline. VecSrc/VecEnd are the
@ -500,9 +500,6 @@ void CWorld::Precache( void )
// ok to call this multiple times, calls after first are ignored.
// init texture type array from materials.txt
// the area based ambient sounds MUST be the first precache_sounds
// player precaches
W_Precache(); // get weapon precaches
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define TOUCH_FL_DEF_HIDE (1U << 6)
#define TOUCH_FL_DRAW_ADDITIVE (1U << 7)
#define TOUCH_FL_STROKE (1U << 8)
#define TOUCH_FL_PRECISION (1U << 9)
#define TOUCH_FL_PRECISION (1U << 9)
typedef struct mobile_engfuncs_s
@ -65,13 +65,21 @@ typedef struct mobile_engfuncs_s
void (*pfnTouchSetClientOnly)( unsigned char state );
// Clean defaults list
void (*pfnTouchResetDefaultButtons)();
void (*pfnTouchResetDefaultButtons)( void );
// Draw scaled font for client
int (*pfnDrawScaledCharacter)( int x, int y, int number, int r, int g, int b, float scale );
void (*pfnSys_Warn)( const char *format, ... );
// Get native object for current platform.
// Pass NULL to arguments to receive an array of available objects or NULL if nothing
void *(*pfnGetNativeObject)( const char *obj );
void (*pfnSetCustomClientID)( const char *id );
// To be continued...
} mobile_engfuncs_t;
extern mobile_engfuncs_t *gMobileEngfuncs;
// function exported from client
// returns 0 on no error otherwise error
typedef int (*pfnMobilityInterface)( mobile_engfuncs_t *gMobileEngfuncs );
@ -168,24 +168,23 @@ void PM_InitTextureTypes()
char buffer[512];
int i, j;
byte *pMemFile;
int fileSize, filePos;
int fileSize, filePos = 0;
static qboolean bTextureTypeInit = false;
if( bTextureTypeInit )
memset(&( grgszTextureName[0][0] ), 0, CTEXTURESMAX * CBTEXTURENAMEMAX );
memset( grgchTextureType, 0, CTEXTURESMAX );
memset(&( grgszTextureName[0][0] ), 0, sizeof( grgszTextureName ) );
memset( grgchTextureType, 0, sizeof( grgchTextureType ) );
gcTextures = 0;
fileSize = pmove->COM_FileSize( "sound/materials.txt" );
pMemFile = pmove->COM_LoadFile( "sound/materials.txt", 5, NULL );
pMemFile = pmove->COM_LoadFile( "sound/materials.txt", 5, &fileSize );
if( !pMemFile )
memset( buffer, 0, 512 );
filePos = 0;
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( buffer ) );
// for each line in the file...
while( pmove->memfgets( pMemFile, fileSize, &filePos, buffer, 511 ) != NULL && (gcTextures < CTEXTURESMAX ) )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user