2016-06-04 18:24:23 +05:00
* Copyright ( c ) 1996 - 2002 , Valve LLC . All rights reserved .
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software , Inc . ( " Id Technology " ) . Id Technology ( c ) 1996 Id Software , Inc .
* All Rights Reserved .
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// ammohistory.h
// this is the max number of items in each bucket
class WeaponsResource
private :
// Information about weapons & ammo
WEAPON rgWeapons [ MAX_WEAPONS ] ; // Weapons Array
// counts of weapons * ammo
WEAPON * rgSlots [ MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS + 1 ] [ MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS + 1 ] ; // The slots currently in use by weapons. The value is a pointer to the weapon; if it's NULL, no weapon is there
int riAmmo [ MAX_AMMO_TYPES ] ; // count of each ammo type
public :
void Init ( void )
memset ( rgWeapons , 0 , sizeof rgWeapons ) ;
Reset ( ) ;
void Reset ( void )
iOldWeaponBits = 0 ;
memset ( rgSlots , 0 , sizeof rgSlots ) ;
memset ( riAmmo , 0 , sizeof riAmmo ) ;
///// WEAPON /////
int iOldWeaponBits ;
WEAPON * GetWeapon ( int iId ) { return & rgWeapons [ iId ] ; }
void AddWeapon ( WEAPON * wp )
rgWeapons [ wp - > iId ] = * wp ;
LoadWeaponSprites ( & rgWeapons [ wp - > iId ] ) ;
void PickupWeapon ( WEAPON * wp )
rgSlots [ wp - > iSlot ] [ wp - > iSlotPos ] = wp ;
void DropWeapon ( WEAPON * wp )
rgSlots [ wp - > iSlot ] [ wp - > iSlotPos ] = NULL ;
void DropAllWeapons ( void )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_WEAPONS ; i + + )
if ( rgWeapons [ i ] . iId )
DropWeapon ( & rgWeapons [ i ] ) ;
WEAPON * GetWeaponSlot ( int slot , int pos ) { return rgSlots [ slot ] [ pos ] ; }
void LoadWeaponSprites ( WEAPON * wp ) ;
void LoadAllWeaponSprites ( void ) ;
WEAPON * GetFirstPos ( int iSlot ) ;
void SelectSlot ( int iSlot , int fAdvance , int iDirection ) ;
WEAPON * GetNextActivePos ( int iSlot , int iSlotPos ) ;
int HasAmmo ( WEAPON * p ) ;
///// AMMO /////
AMMO GetAmmo ( int iId ) { return iId ; }
void SetAmmo ( int iId , int iCount ) { riAmmo [ iId ] = iCount ; }
int CountAmmo ( int iId ) ;
HSPRITE * GetAmmoPicFromWeapon ( int iAmmoId , wrect_t & rect ) ;
} ;
extern WeaponsResource gWR ;
# define MAX_HISTORY 12
enum {
} ;
class HistoryResource
private :
struct HIST_ITEM {
int type ;
float DisplayTime ; // the time at which this item should be removed from the history
int iCount ;
int iId ;
} ;
HIST_ITEM rgAmmoHistory [ MAX_HISTORY ] ;
public :
void Init ( void )
Reset ( ) ;
void Reset ( void )
memset ( rgAmmoHistory , 0 , sizeof rgAmmoHistory ) ;
int iHistoryGap ;
int iCurrentHistorySlot ;
void AddToHistory ( int iType , int iId , int iCount = 0 ) ;
void AddToHistory ( int iType , const char * szName , int iCount = 0 ) ;
void CheckClearHistory ( void ) ;
int DrawAmmoHistory ( float flTime ) ;
} ;
extern HistoryResource gHR ;