Portable Half-Life SDK. GoldSource and Xash3D. Crossplatform.
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
@echo off
set MSDEV=BuildConsole
set CONFIG=/ShowTime /ShowAgent /nologo /cfg=
set MSDEV=msdev
set CONFIG=/make
set build_type=release
call vcvars32
%MSDEV% engine/engine.dsp %CONFIG%"engine - Win32 Release" %build_target%
if errorlevel 1 set BUILD_ERROR=1
%MSDEV% mainui/mainui.dsp %CONFIG%"mainui - Win32 Release" %build_target%
if errorlevel 1 set BUILD_ERROR=1
if "%BUILD_ERROR%"=="" goto build_ok
echo *********************
echo *********************
echo *** Build Errors! ***
echo *********************
echo *********************
echo press any key to exit
echo *********************
goto done
@rem Successful build
rem //delete log files
if exist engine\engine.plg del /f /q engine\engine.plg
if exist mainui\mainui.plg del /f /q mainui\mainui.plg
echo Build succeeded!