DWORDLoadVersionInfo(LPCSTRpszFileName);// Load versioninfo on a file.
BOOLHasErrors()const;// Returns TRUE if versioninfo could not be retrivied.
DWORDGetLastError()const;// Returns the windows errorcode.
// language independant data
// Get the fileversion.
BOOLFileVersion(int&iMajor,int&iMinor,int&iMicro,int&iState)const;// Get the fileversion.
// Get the productversion.
BOOLProductVersion(int&iMajor,int&iMinor,int&iMicro,int&iState)const;// Get the productversion.
BOOLIsDebugBuild()const;// Returns TRUE if the file contains debugging information or is compiled with debugging features enabled.
BOOLIsInfoInferred()const;// Returns TRUE if the file's version structure was created dynamically; therefore, some of the members in this class may be empty or incorrect.
BOOLIsPatched()const;// Returns TRUE if the file has been modified and is not identical to the original shipping file of the same version number.
BOOLIsPreRelease()const;// Returns TRUE if the file is a development version, not a commercially released product.
BOOLIsPrivateBuild()const;// Returns TRUE if the file was not built using standard release procedures.
BOOLIsSpecialBuild()const;// Returns TRUE if the file was built by the original company using standard release procedures but is a variation of the normal file of the same version number.
DWORDFileFlag()const;// Returns a bitmask that specifies the Boolean attributes of the file. Use IsXXXX functions instead.
DWORDOSFlag()const;// Returns: VOS_NT The file was designed for Windows NT. VOS__WINDOWS32 The file was designed for the Win32 API. For more flags see dwFileOS variable for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO in MSDN.
DWORDTypeFlag()const;// Returns: VFT_APP The file contains an application. VFT_DLL The file contains a dynamic-link library (DLL). For more flags see dwFileType variable for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO in MSDN.
DWORDSubtypeFlag()const;// Returns: See dwFileSubtype variable for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO in MSDN.
BOOLIsRequiredVersion(intiReqMajor,intiReqMinor=0,intiReqMicro=0)const;// Returns TRUE if the file has the required version or is newer.
// language dependant data
constchar*Comments(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns additional information that should be displayed for diagnostic purposes.
constchar*CompanyName(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns the company that produced the file. For example, "Microsoft Corporation" or "ADRA Datasystem AB (publ)."
constchar*FileDescription(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns the description in such a way that it can be presented to users. This string may be presented in a list box when the user is choosing files to install. For example, "ViewLine" or "Microsoft Word for Windows".
constchar*FileVersion(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns the version of this file. For example, "3.00.001R" or "5.00.RC2".
constchar*InternalName(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns the files internal name. For example. "UDIMEAS" or "WINWORD"
constchar*LegalCopyright(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns all copyright notices, trademarks, and registered trademarks that apply to the file. For example "Copyright <EFBFBD> ADRA Datasystem AB (publ) 1997- 1998"
constchar*LegalTrademarks(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns all trademarks and registered trademarks that apply to the file. This should include the full text of all notices, legal symbols, trademark numbers, and so on. In English, this string should be in the format "UDIBAS is a trademark of ADRA Datasystem AB.".
constchar*OriginalFileName(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns identifies the original name of the file, not including a path. This enables an application to determine whether a file has been renamed by a user.
constchar*PrivateBuild(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns whom, where, and why this private version of the file was built.
constchar*ProductName(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns the name of the product with which this file is distributed. For example, this string could be "Microsoft Windows".
constchar*ProductVersion(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns the version of the product with which this file is distributed. For example, "3.00.001R" or "5.00.RC2".
constchar*SpecialBuild(DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Returns a description how this version of the file differs from the normal version.
constchar*GetTextData(LPCSTRpszParameter,DWORDdwLanguage=-1L);// Do a VerQueryValue for a paramater. For example "ProductVersion".