2017-03-12 21:12:29 +05:00
//++ BulliT
//Most parts written by David "Nighthawk" Flor (dflor@mach3.com) for the mod Opera (http://www.halflife.net/opera)
//Parts of code from Valve Software mdlviewer (CalcBonePosition).
# include "hud.h"
# include "cl_util.h"
# include "const.h"
# include "parsemsg.h"
# include "com_model.h"
# include "studio.h"
# include "com_weapons.h"
2017-03-30 16:37:12 +05:00
# include "agmodel.h"
2017-03-12 21:12:29 +05:00
void CalcBonePosition ( int frame , mstudiobone_t * pbone , mstudioanim_t * panim , float * pos ) ;
extern int g_iPure ;
// Construction/Destruction
AgModel : : AgModel ( )
m_vMinBounds = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_vMaxBounds = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_iVertexCount = 0 ;
m_vMinBone = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_vMaxBone = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_iBoneCount = 0 ;
m_bCorrupt = false ;
m_bFoundAndChecked = false ;
AgModel : : ~ AgModel ( )
void AgModel : : AddVertex ( const Vector & vPoint )
if ( m_iVertexCount = = 0 )
m_vMinBounds = m_vMaxBounds = vPoint ;
m_vMinBounds . x = min ( m_vMinBounds . x , vPoint . x ) ;
m_vMinBounds . y = min ( m_vMinBounds . y , vPoint . y ) ;
m_vMinBounds . z = min ( m_vMinBounds . z , vPoint . z ) ;
m_vMaxBounds . x = max ( m_vMaxBounds . x , vPoint . x ) ;
m_vMaxBounds . y = max ( m_vMaxBounds . y , vPoint . y ) ;
m_vMaxBounds . z = max ( m_vMaxBounds . z , vPoint . z ) ;
m_iVertexCount + + ;
void AgModel : : AddBone ( const Vector & vPoint )
if ( m_iBoneCount = = 0 )
m_vMinBone = m_vMaxBone = vPoint ;
m_vMinBone . x = min ( m_vMinBone . x , vPoint . x ) ;
m_vMinBone . y = min ( m_vMinBone . y , vPoint . y ) ;
m_vMinBone . z = min ( m_vMinBone . z , vPoint . z ) ;
m_vMaxBone . x = max ( m_vMaxBone . x , vPoint . x ) ;
m_vMaxBone . y = max ( m_vMaxBone . y , vPoint . y ) ;
m_vMaxBone . z = max ( m_vMaxBone . z , vPoint . z ) ;
m_iBoneCount + + ;
void AgModel : : AddBonesToVertices ( void )
Vector vAdjust ;
if ( m_iBoneCount > 0 )
vAdjust = ( m_vMaxBone - m_vMinBone ) ;
AddVertex ( vAdjust / 2 ) ;
AddVertex ( - ( vAdjust / 2 ) ) ;
m_vMinBone = m_vMaxBone = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_iBoneCount = 0 ;
void AgModel : : ReadModel ( const char * szModelName )
char * pBuffer ;
char * pTempBuffer ;
char szFullName [ _MAX_PATH ] ;
float flBone [ 3 ] ;
strcpy ( szFullName , szModelName ) ;
pBuffer = ( char * ) gEngfuncs . COM_LoadFile ( szFullName , 5 , NULL ) ;
if ( pBuffer )
studiohdr_t * pHeader ;
mstudiobodyparts_t * pBodyParts ;
mstudiomodel_t * pModel ;
long iCnt ;
long iModelCnt , iModels ;
long iVert , iVertCnt ;
vec3_t * pVert ;
mstudiobone_t * pBone ;
long iBoneCnt , iBones ;
mstudioseqdesc_t * pSequence ;
long iSequenceCnt , iSequences ;
mstudioanim_t * pAnim ;
long iFrameCnt , iFrames ;
pHeader = ( studiohdr_t * ) pBuffer ;
if ( 10 = = pHeader - > version )
pTempBuffer = ( pBuffer + pHeader - > bodypartindex ) ;
pBodyParts = ( mstudiobodyparts_t * ) pTempBuffer ;
iModels = 0 ;
for ( iCnt = 0 ; iCnt < pHeader - > numbodyparts ; iCnt + + )
iModels + = pBodyParts [ iCnt ] . nummodels ;
pTempBuffer + = ( pHeader - > numbodyparts * sizeof ( mstudiobodyparts_t ) ) ;
pModel = ( mstudiomodel_t * ) pTempBuffer ;
for ( iModelCnt = 0 ; iModelCnt < iModels ; iModelCnt + + )
iVert = pModel [ iModelCnt ] . numverts ;
pVert = ( vec3_t * ) ( pBuffer + pModel [ iModelCnt ] . vertindex ) ;
for ( iVertCnt = 0 ; iVertCnt < iVert ; iVertCnt + + )
AddVertex ( pVert [ iVertCnt ] ) ;
pBone = ( mstudiobone_t * ) ( pBuffer + pHeader - > boneindex ) ;
iBones = pHeader - > numbones ;
pSequence = ( mstudioseqdesc_t * ) ( pBuffer + pHeader - > seqindex ) ;
iSequences = pHeader - > numseq ;
for ( iSequenceCnt = 0 ; iSequenceCnt < iSequences ; iSequenceCnt + + )
iFrames = pSequence [ iSequenceCnt ] . numframes ;
pTempBuffer = ( pBuffer + pSequence [ iSequenceCnt ] . animindex ) ;
pAnim = ( mstudioanim_t * ) pTempBuffer ;
for ( iBoneCnt = 0 ; iBoneCnt < iBones ; iBoneCnt + + )
for ( iFrameCnt = 0 ; iFrameCnt < iFrames ; iFrameCnt + + )
CalcBonePosition ( iFrameCnt , pBone + iBoneCnt ,
pAnim , flBone ) ;
AddBone ( flBone ) ;
AddBonesToVertices ( ) ;
m_bFoundAndChecked = true ;
m_bCorrupt = true ;
gEngfuncs . COM_FreeFile ( pBuffer ) ;
void CalcBonePosition ( int frame , mstudiobone_t * pbone , mstudioanim_t * panim , float * pos )
float s = 0 ;
int j , k ;
mstudioanimvalue_t * panimvalue ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + )
pos [ j ] = pbone - > value [ j ] ; // default;
if ( panim - > offset [ j ] ! = 0 )
panimvalue = ( mstudioanimvalue_t * ) ( ( byte * ) panim + panim - > offset [ j ] ) ;
k = frame ;
// find span of values that includes the frame we want
while ( panimvalue - > num . total < = k )
k - = panimvalue - > num . total ;
panimvalue + = panimvalue - > num . valid + 1 ;
// if we're inside the span
if ( panimvalue - > num . valid > k )
// and there's more data in the span
if ( panimvalue - > num . valid > k + 1 )
pos [ j ] + = ( panimvalue [ k + 1 ] . value * ( 1.0 - s ) + s * panimvalue [ k + 2 ] . value ) * pbone - > scale [ j ] ;
pos [ j ] + = panimvalue [ k + 1 ] . value * pbone - > scale [ j ] ;
// are we at the end of the repeating values section and there's another section with data?
if ( panimvalue - > num . total < = k + 1 )
pos [ j ] + = ( panimvalue [ panimvalue - > num . valid ] . value * ( 1.0 - s ) + s * panimvalue [ panimvalue - > num . valid + 2 ] . value ) * pbone - > scale [ j ] ;
pos [ j ] + = panimvalue [ panimvalue - > num . valid ] . value * pbone - > scale [ j ] ;
bool AgModel : : CheckModel ( const char * szModelName )
2018-09-21 07:41:11 +05:00
/* try
2017-03-12 21:12:29 +05:00
ReadModel ( szModelName ) ;
catch ( . . . )
m_bCorrupt = true ;
if ( m_bCorrupt )
char szMessage [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( szMessage , " Server enforces model check and %s seems to be corrupt. \n " , szModelName ) ;
AgLog ( szMessage ) ;
ConsolePrint ( szMessage ) ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
return true ;
# else
return false ;
# endif
2018-09-21 07:41:11 +05:00
2017-03-12 21:12:29 +05:00
Vector vMaxBounds = Vector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
Vector vBounds = m_vMaxBounds - m_vMinBounds ;
if ( ! strnicmp ( szModelName , " /models/player " , 14 ) )
if ( 0 < g_iPure )
vMaxBounds = Vector ( 78 , 30 , 98 ) ;
vMaxBounds = Vector ( 105 , 105 , 105 ) ; //Big fucking models allowed..
else if ( ! strnicmp ( szModelName , " /models/p_ " , 9 ) )
vMaxBounds = Vector ( 42 , 21 , 60 ) ;
else if ( ! strnicmp ( szModelName , " /models/w_ " , 9 ) )
vMaxBounds = Vector ( 82 , 69 , 76 ) ;
else if ( ! strnicmp ( szModelName , " /models/v_ " , 9 ) )
vMaxBounds = Vector ( 46 , 55 , 120 ) ;
vMaxBounds = Vector ( 100 , 100 , 100 ) ;
if ( vBounds . x > vMaxBounds . x | | vBounds . y > vMaxBounds . y | | vBounds . z > vMaxBounds . z )
char szMessage [ 256 ] ;
2020-01-07 05:51:26 +05:00
sprintf ( szMessage , " Server enforces model check and %s is not valid. Your model got these ranges: %.4f,%.4f,%.4f \n " , szModelName , ( double ) vBounds . x , ( double ) vBounds . y , ( double ) vBounds . z ) ;
2017-03-12 21:12:29 +05:00
AgLog ( szMessage ) ;
sprintf ( szMessage , " Server enforces model check and %s is not valid. \n " , szModelName ) ;
ConsolePrint ( szMessage ) ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
return true ;
# else
return false ;
# endif
return true ;
bool AgModel : : IsChecked ( )
return m_bFoundAndChecked ;
//-- Martin Webrant