2017-12-18 02:39:44 +03:00
* Copyright ( c ) 1996 - 2002 , Valve LLC . All rights reserved .
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software , Inc . ( " Id Technology " ) . Id Technology ( c ) 1996 Id Software , Inc .
* All Rights Reserved .
* This source code contains proprietary and confidential information of
* Valve LLC and its suppliers . Access to this code is restricted to
* persons who have executed a written SDK license with Valve . Any access ,
* use or distribution of this code by or to any unlicensed person is illegal .
* * * */
2017-12-11 01:40:41 +05:00
# pragma once
2021-06-20 03:53:07 +05:00
# if !defined(MONSTERS_H)
2017-12-18 02:39:44 +03:00
# include "skill.h"
# define MONSTERS_H
= = = = = monsters . h = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Header file for monster - related utility code
// CHECKLOCALMOVE result types
# define LOCALMOVE_INVALID 0 // move is not possible
# define LOCALMOVE_INVALID_DONT_TRIANGULATE 1 // move is not possible, don't try to triangulate
# define LOCALMOVE_VALID 2 // move is possible
// Hit Group standards
# define HITGROUP_HEAD 1
// Monster Spawnflags
# define SF_MONSTER_WAIT_TILL_SEEN 1 // spawnflag that makes monsters wait until player can see them before attacking.
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# define SF_MONSTER_GAG 2 // no idle noises from this monster
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// 8
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# define SF_MONSTER_PRISONER 16 // monster won't attack anyone, no one will attacke him.
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// 32
// 64
# define SF_MONSTER_NO_YELLOW_BLOBS 128 //LRC- if the monster is stuck, don't give errors or show yellow blobs.
//LRC- wasn't implemented. #define SF_MONSTER_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT 128 //spawnflag that makes monsters wait to check for attacking until the script is done or they've been attacked
# define SF_MONSTER_PREDISASTER 256 //this is a predisaster scientist or barney. Influences how they speak.
# define SF_MONSTER_FADECORPSE 512 // Fade out corpse after death
# define SF_MONSTER_NO_WPN_DROP 1024 //LRC- never drop your weapon (player can't pick it up.)
//LRC - this clashes with 'not in deathmatch'. Replaced with m_iPlayerReact.
//#define SF_MONSTER_INVERT_PLAYERREACT 2048 //LRC- if this monster would usually attack the player, don't attack unless provoked. If you would usually NOT attack the player, attack him.
# define SF_MONSTER_FALL_TO_GROUND 0x80000000
// specialty spawnflags
# define SF_MONSTER_WAIT_UNTIL_PROVOKED 64 // don't attack the player unless provoked
// MoveToOrigin stuff
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# define MOVE_START_TURN_DIST 64 // when this far away from moveGoal, start turning to face next goal
# define MOVE_STUCK_DIST 32 // if a monster can't step this far, it is stuck.
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// MoveToOrigin stuff
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# define MOVE_NORMAL 0 // normal move in the direction monster is facing
# define MOVE_STRAFE 1 // moves in direction specified, no matter which way monster is facing
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// spawn flags 256 and above are already taken by the engine
extern void UTIL_MoveToOrigin ( edict_t * pent , const Vector & vecGoal , float flDist , int iMoveType ) ;
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Vector VecCheckToss ( entvars_t * pev , const Vector & vecSpot1 , Vector vecSpot2 , float flGravityAdj = 1.0 ) ;
Vector VecCheckThrow ( entvars_t * pev , const Vector & vecSpot1 , Vector vecSpot2 , float flSpeed , float flGravityAdj = 1.0 ) ;
extern DLL_GLOBAL Vector g_vecAttackDir ;
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extern DLL_GLOBAL CONSTANT float g_flMeleeRange ;
extern DLL_GLOBAL CONSTANT float g_flMediumRange ;
extern DLL_GLOBAL CONSTANT float g_flLongRange ;
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extern void EjectBrass ( const Vector & vecOrigin , const Vector & vecVelocity , float rotation , int model , int soundtype ) ;
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extern void ExplodeModel ( const Vector & vecOrigin , float speed , int model , int count ) ;
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BOOL FBoxVisible ( entvars_t * pevLooker , entvars_t * pevTarget ) ;
BOOL FBoxVisible ( entvars_t * pevLooker , entvars_t * pevTarget , Vector & vecTargetOrigin , float flSize = 0.0 ) ;
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// monster to monster relationship types
# define R_AL -2 // (ALLY) pals. Good alternative to R_NO when applicable.
# define R_FR -1 // (FEAR)will run
# define R_NO 0 // (NO RELATIONSHIP) disregard
# define R_DL 1 // (DISLIKE) will attack
# define R_HT 2 // (HATE)will attack this character instead of any visible DISLIKEd characters
# define R_NM 3 // (NEMESIS) A monster Will ALWAYS attack its nemsis, no matter what
// these bits represent the monster's memory
# define MEMORY_CLEAR 0
# define bits_MEMORY_PROVOKED ( 1 << 0 ) // right now only used for houndeyes.
# define bits_MEMORY_INCOVER ( 1 << 1 ) // monster knows it is in a covered position.
# define bits_MEMORY_SUSPICIOUS ( 1 << 2 ) // Ally is suspicious of the player, and will move to provoked more easily
# define bits_MEMORY_PATH_FINISHED ( 1 << 3 ) // Finished monster path (just used by big momma for now)
# define bits_MEMORY_ON_PATH ( 1 << 4 ) // Moving on a path
# define bits_MEMORY_MOVE_FAILED ( 1 << 5 ) // Movement has already failed
# define bits_MEMORY_FLINCHED ( 1 << 6 ) // Has already flinched
# define bits_MEMORY_KILLED ( 1 << 7 ) // HACKHACK -- remember that I've already called my Killed()
# define bits_MEMORY_CUSTOM4 ( 1 << 28 ) // Monster-specific memory
# define bits_MEMORY_CUSTOM3 ( 1 << 29 ) // Monster-specific memory
# define bits_MEMORY_CUSTOM2 ( 1 << 30 ) // Monster-specific memory
# define bits_MEMORY_CUSTOM1 ( 1 << 31 ) // Monster-specific memory
// trigger conditions for scripted AI
// these MUST match the CHOICES interface in halflife.fgd for the base monster
2016-06-25 21:33:39 +05:00
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} ;
0 : " No Trigger "
1 : " See Player "
2 : " Take Damage "
3 : " 50% Health Remaining "
4 : " Death "
5 : " Squad Member Dead "
6 : " Squad Leader Dead "
7 : " Hear World "
8 : " Hear Player "
9 : " Hear Combat "
// A gib is a chunk of a body, or a piece of wood/metal/rocks/etc.
class CGib : public CBaseEntity
public :
void Spawn ( const char * szGibModel ) ;
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void EXPORT BounceGibTouch ( CBaseEntity * pOther ) ;
void EXPORT StickyGibTouch ( CBaseEntity * pOther ) ;
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void EXPORT WaitTillLand ( void ) ;
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void LimitVelocity ( void ) ;
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2016-08-01 16:13:13 +05:00
virtual int ObjectCaps ( void ) { return ( CBaseEntity : : ObjectCaps ( ) & ~ FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION ) | FCAP_DONT_SAVE ; }
static void SpawnHeadGib ( entvars_t * pevVictim ) ;
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static void SpawnHeadGib ( entvars_t * pevVictim , const char * szGibModel ) ;
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static void SpawnRandomGibs ( entvars_t * pevVictim , int cGibs , int human ) ;
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static void SpawnRandomGibs ( entvars_t * pevVictim , int cGibs , int notfirst , const char * szGibModel ) ; //LRC
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static void SpawnStickyGibs ( entvars_t * pevVictim , Vector vecOrigin , int cGibs ) ;
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2016-08-01 16:13:13 +05:00
int m_bloodColor ;
int m_cBloodDecals ;
int m_material ;
float m_lifeTime ;
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} ;
virtual Schedule_t * ScheduleFromName ( const char * pName ) ; \
static Schedule_t * m_scheduleList [ ] ;
# define DEFINE_CUSTOM_SCHEDULES(derivedClass)\
Schedule_t * derivedClass : : m_scheduleList [ ] =
# define IMPLEMENT_CUSTOM_SCHEDULES(derivedClass, baseClass)\
Schedule_t * derivedClass : : ScheduleFromName ( const char * pName ) \
{ \
2016-08-01 16:13:13 +05:00
Schedule_t * pSchedule = ScheduleInList ( pName , m_scheduleList , ARRAYSIZE ( m_scheduleList ) ) ; \
if ( ! pSchedule ) \
return baseClass : : ScheduleFromName ( pName ) ; \
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return pSchedule ; \
# endif //MONSTERS_H