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2018-10-04 09:35:00 +05:00
// HPB bot - botman's High Ping Bastard bot
// (http://planethalflife.com/botman/)
// bot_navigate.cpp
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "bot.h"
#include "bot_func.h"
#include "bot_weapons.h"
#include "waypoint.h"
extern int mod_id;
extern WAYPOINT waypoints[MAX_WAYPOINTS];
extern int num_waypoints; // number of waypoints currently in use
extern int team_allies[4];
extern edict_t *pent_info_ctfdetect;
extern bool is_team_play;
extern bool checked_teamplay;
extern FLAG_S flags[MAX_FLAGS];
extern int num_flags;
extern bot_weapon_t weapon_defs[MAX_WEAPONS];
extern edict_t *holywars_saint;
extern int halo_status;
extern int holywars_gamemode;
int max_drop_height = 800;
static FILE *fp;
char welcome_msg[80];
int x_welcome_msg_len = 42;
unsigned char x_welcome_msg[] = {
'H'^0x5a, 'P'^0xa5, 'B'^0x5a, ' '^0xa5, 'b'^0x5a, 'o'^0xa5, 't'^0x5a, ' '^0xa5,
'-'^0x5a, ' '^0xa5, 'h'^0x5a, 't'^0xa5, 't'^0x5a, 'p'^0xa5, ':'^0x5a, '/'^0xa5,
'/'^0x5a, 'p'^0xa5, 'l'^0x5a, 'a'^0xa5, 'n'^0x5a, 'e'^0xa5, 't'^0x5a, 'h'^0xa5,
'a'^0x5a, 'l'^0xa5, 'f'^0x5a, 'l'^0xa5, 'i'^0x5a, 'f'^0xa5, 'e'^0x5a, '.'^0xa5,
'c'^0x5a, 'o'^0xa5, 'm'^0x5a, '/'^0xa5, 'b'^0x5a, 'o'^0xa5, 't'^0x5a, 'm'^0xa5,
'a'^0x5a, 'n'^0xa5};
extern void BotCheckTeamplay(void);
void welcome_init(void)
for (int i=0; i < x_welcome_msg_len; i++)
if ((i % 2) == 0)
welcome_msg[i] = x_welcome_msg[i]^0x5a;
welcome_msg[i] = x_welcome_msg[i]^0xa5;
welcome_msg[x_welcome_msg_len] = 0;
void BotFixIdealPitch(edict_t *pEdict)
// check for wrap around of angle...
if (pEdict->v.idealpitch > 180)
pEdict->v.idealpitch -= 360;
if (pEdict->v.idealpitch < -180)
pEdict->v.idealpitch += 360;
// returns the number of degrees left to turn toward ideal pitch...
float BotChangePitch( bot_t *pBot, float speed )
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
float ideal;
float current;
float current_180; // current +/- 180 degrees
float diff;
// turn from the current v_angle pitch to the idealpitch by selecting
// the quickest way to turn to face that direction
current = pEdict->v.v_angle.x;
ideal = pEdict->v.idealpitch;
// find the difference in the current and ideal angle
diff = fabs(current - ideal);
speed = speed * pBot->f_frame_time; // angles per second
// check if difference is less than the max degrees per turn
if (diff < speed)
speed = diff; // just need to turn a little bit (less than max)
// here we have four cases, both angle positive, one positive and
// the other negative, one negative and the other positive, or
// both negative. handle each case separately...
if ((current >= 0) && (ideal >= 0)) // both positive
if (current > ideal)
current -= speed;
current += speed;
else if ((current >= 0) && (ideal < 0))
current_180 = current - 180;
if (current_180 > ideal)
current += speed;
current -= speed;
else if ((current < 0) && (ideal >= 0))
current_180 = current + 180;
if (current_180 > ideal)
current += speed;
current -= speed;
else // (current < 0) && (ideal < 0) both negative
if (current > ideal)
current -= speed;
current += speed;
// check for wrap around of angle...
if (current > 180)
current -= 360;
if (current < -180)
current += 360;
pEdict->v.v_angle.x = current;
return diff; // return number of degrees left to turn
void BotFixIdealYaw(edict_t *pEdict)
// check for wrap around of angle...
if (pEdict->v.ideal_yaw > 180)
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw -= 360;
if (pEdict->v.ideal_yaw < -180)
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw += 360;
// returns the number of degrees left to turn toward ideal yaw...
float BotChangeYaw( bot_t *pBot, float speed )
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
float ideal;
float current;
float current_180; // current +/- 180 degrees
float diff;
// turn from the current v_angle yaw to the ideal_yaw by selecting
// the quickest way to turn to face that direction
current = pEdict->v.v_angle.y;
ideal = pEdict->v.ideal_yaw;
// find the difference in the current and ideal angle
diff = fabs(current - ideal);
// speed that we can turn during this frame...
speed = speed * pBot->f_frame_time;
// check if difference is less than the max degrees per turn
if (diff < speed)
speed = diff; // just need to turn a little bit (less than max)
// here we have four cases, both angle positive, one positive and
// the other negative, one negative and the other positive, or
// both negative. handle each case separately...
if ((current >= 0) && (ideal >= 0)) // both positive
if (current > ideal)
current -= speed;
current += speed;
else if ((current >= 0) && (ideal < 0))
current_180 = current - 180;
if (current_180 > ideal)
current += speed;
current -= speed;
else if ((current < 0) && (ideal >= 0))
current_180 = current + 180;
if (current_180 > ideal)
current += speed;
current -= speed;
else // (current < 0) && (ideal < 0) both negative
if (current > ideal)
current -= speed;
current += speed;
// check for wrap around of angle...
if (current > 180)
current -= 360;
if (current < -180)
current += 360;
pEdict->v.v_angle.y = current;
return diff; // return number of degrees left to turn
bool BotFindWaypoint( bot_t *pBot )
int index, select_index;
int team;
PATH *pPath = NULL;
int path_index;
float distance, min_distance[3];
int min_index[3];
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
team = pBot->defender;
team = UTIL_GetTeam(pEdict);
for (index=0; index < 3; index++)
min_distance[index] = 9999.0;
min_index[index] = -1;
index = WaypointFindPath(&pPath, &path_index, pBot->curr_waypoint_index, team);
while (index != -1)
// if index is not a current or recent previous waypoint...
if ((index != pBot->curr_waypoint_index) &&
(index != pBot->prev_waypoint_index[0]) &&
(index != pBot->prev_waypoint_index[1]) &&
(index != pBot->prev_waypoint_index[2]) &&
(index != pBot->prev_waypoint_index[3]) &&
(index != pBot->prev_waypoint_index[4]))
// find the distance from the bot to this waypoint
distance = (pEdict->v.origin - waypoints[index].origin).Length();
if (distance < min_distance[0])
min_distance[2] = min_distance[1];
min_index[2] = min_index[1];
min_distance[1] = min_distance[0];
min_index[1] = min_index[0];
min_distance[0] = distance;
min_index[0] = index;
else if (distance < min_distance [1])
min_distance[2] = min_distance[1];
min_index[2] = min_index[1];
min_distance[1] = distance;
min_index[1] = index;
else if (distance < min_distance[2])
min_distance[2] = distance;
min_index[2] = index;
// find the next path to a waypoint
index = WaypointFindPath(&pPath, &path_index, pBot->curr_waypoint_index, team);
select_index = -1;
// about 20% of the time choose a waypoint at random
// (don't do this any more often than every 10 seconds)
if ((RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 20) &&
(pBot->f_random_waypoint_time <= gpGlobals->time))
pBot->f_random_waypoint_time = gpGlobals->time + 10.0;
if (min_index[2] != -1)
index = RANDOM_LONG(0, 2);
else if (min_index[1] != -1)
index = RANDOM_LONG(0, 1);
else if (min_index[0] != -1)
index = 0;
return FALSE; // no waypoints found!
select_index = min_index[index];
// use the closest waypoint that has been recently used
select_index = min_index[0];
if (select_index != -1) // was a waypoint found?
pBot->prev_waypoint_index[4] = pBot->prev_waypoint_index[3];
pBot->prev_waypoint_index[3] = pBot->prev_waypoint_index[2];
pBot->prev_waypoint_index[2] = pBot->prev_waypoint_index[1];
pBot->prev_waypoint_index[1] = pBot->prev_waypoint_index[0];
pBot->prev_waypoint_index[0] = pBot->curr_waypoint_index;
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = select_index;
pBot->waypoint_origin = waypoints[select_index].origin;
pBot->f_waypoint_time = gpGlobals->time;
return TRUE;
return FALSE; // couldn't find a waypoint
bool BotHeadTowardWaypoint( bot_t *pBot )
int i;
Vector v_src, v_dest;
TraceResult tr;
int index;
bool status;
float waypoint_distance, min_distance;
int team, skin;
float distance;
float pause_time = 0.0;
edict_t *pent;
bool bot_has_flag = FALSE;
bool touching;
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
if (!checked_teamplay) // check for team play...
// is team play enabled (or is it Counter-Strike)?
if (is_team_play)
team = UTIL_GetTeam(pEdict);
team = -1; // not team play (all waypoints are valid for everyone)
// check if the bot has been trying to get to this waypoint for a while...
if ((pBot->f_waypoint_time + 5.0) < gpGlobals->time)
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = -1; // forget about this waypoint
pBot->waypoint_goal = -1; // also forget about a goal
// check if a goal item exists...
if (mod_id == TFC_DLL)
pent = NULL;
while ((pent = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pent, "item_tfgoal" )) != NULL)
if (pent->v.owner == pEdict) // is this bot carrying the item?
// we are carrying the flag/card/ball
bot_has_flag = TRUE;
break; // break out of while loop
else if (FInViewCone( &pent->v.origin, pEdict ) && // can bot see it?
FVisible( pent->v.origin, pEdict))
// check if the flag has an owner...
if (pent->v.owner != NULL)
// get the team for the owner of the flag...
int player_team = UTIL_GetTeam(pent->v.owner);
// attack if not our team and not allies team...
if ((player_team != team) &&
!(team_allies[team] & (1<<player_team)))
// kill the man with the flag!
pBot->pBotEnemy = pent->v.owner;
pBot->waypoint_goal = -1; // forget the goal (if there is one)
return TRUE;
// check if it matches one of the flags...
for (i=0; i < num_flags; i++)
// is the flag for this team (or any team)?
if ((flags[i].edict == pent) &&
((flags[i].team_no == (team+1)) || (flags[i].team_no == 0)))
// find the nearest waypoint to the ball...
index = WaypointFindNearest(pent->v.origin, pEdict, 500, team);
if (index == -1)
// no waypoint is close enough, just head straight towards the ball
Vector v_flag = pent->v.origin - pEdict->v.origin;
Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_flag );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y;
return TRUE;
waypoint_distance = (waypoints[index].origin - pent->v.origin).Length();
distance = (pent->v.origin - pEdict->v.origin).Length();
// is the bot closer to the ball than the waypoint is?
if (distance < waypoint_distance)
// just head towards the ball
Vector v_flag = pent->v.origin - pEdict->v.origin;
Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_flag );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y;
return TRUE;
// head towards this waypoint
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
// remember where the ball is located...
pBot->waypoint_near_flag = TRUE;
pBot->waypoint_flag_origin = pent->v.origin;
else if ((mod_id == GEARBOX_DLL) && (pent_info_ctfdetect != NULL))
pent = NULL;
while ((pent = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pent, "item_ctfflag" )) != NULL)
if (pent->v.owner == pEdict) // is this bot carrying the item?
// we are carrying the flag
bot_has_flag = TRUE;
break; // break out of while loop
else if (FInViewCone( &pent->v.origin, pEdict ) &&
FVisible( pent->v.origin, pEdict))
// the bot can see it, check what type of model it is...
skin = pent->v.skin;
if (skin == 0) // Opposing Force team (these are BACKASSWARDS!)
skin = 1;
else if (skin == 1) // Black Mesa team
skin = 0;
// see if the flag matches the bot's team...
if (skin == team)
// is and enemy carrying our flag/card?
if (pent->v.owner != NULL)
// kill the man with the flag/card!
pBot->pBotEnemy = pent->v.owner;
pBot->waypoint_goal = -1; // forget the goal (if there is one)
return TRUE;
else // flag/card is for another team!
// check if someone is NOT carrying the flag/card...
if (pent->v.owner == NULL)
// find the nearest waypoint to the flag/card...
index = WaypointFindNearest(pent->v.origin, pEdict, 500, team);
if (index == -1)
// no waypoint is close enough, just head straight towards the flag/card
Vector v_flag = pent->v.origin - pEdict->v.origin;
Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_flag );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y;
return TRUE;
waypoint_distance = (waypoints[index].origin - pent->v.origin).Length();
distance = (pent->v.origin - pEdict->v.origin).Length();
// is the bot closer to the flag/card than the waypoint is?
if (distance < waypoint_distance)
// just head towards the flag/card
Vector v_flag = pent->v.origin - pEdict->v.origin;
Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_flag );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y;
return TRUE;
// head towards this waypoint
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
// remember where the flag/card is located...
pBot->waypoint_near_flag = TRUE;
pBot->waypoint_flag_origin = pent->v.origin;
else if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
if ((pBot->waypoint_goal != -1) && // does bot have a goal?
int team = UTIL_GetTeam(pEdict); // skin and team must match
if (!pBot->defender) // if attacker...
if (pBot->pCaptureEdict->v.skin == team) // was point captured?
pBot->waypoint_goal = -1;
if (pBot->pCaptureEdict->v.skin != team) // was point captured?
pBot->waypoint_goal = -1;
else if (mod_id == HOLYWARS_DLL)
if (pBot->waypoint_goal != -1)
// is the bot currently heading toward halo AND halo is gone?
if ((waypoints[pBot->waypoint_goal].flags & W_FL_FLAG) &&
(holywars_saint != NULL) && (holywars_gamemode == 1))
pBot->waypoint_goal = -1;
// check if we need to find a waypoint...
if (pBot->curr_waypoint_index == -1)
pBot->waypoint_top_of_ladder = FALSE;
// did we just come off of a ladder or are we underwater?
if (((pBot->f_end_use_ladder_time + 2.0) > gpGlobals->time) ||
(pBot->pEdict->v.waterlevel == 3))
// find the nearest visible waypoint
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
i = WaypointFindNearest(pEdict, REACHABLE_RANGE, pBot->defender);
i = WaypointFindNearest(pEdict, REACHABLE_RANGE, team);
// find the nearest reachable waypoint
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
i = WaypointFindReachable(pEdict, REACHABLE_RANGE, pBot->defender);
i = WaypointFindReachable(pEdict, REACHABLE_RANGE, team);
if (i == -1)
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = -1;
return FALSE;
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = i;
pBot->waypoint_origin = waypoints[i].origin;
pBot->f_waypoint_time = gpGlobals->time;
// skip this part if bot is trying to get out of water...
if (pBot->f_exit_water_time < gpGlobals->time)
// check if we can still see our target waypoint...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin + pEdict->v.view_ofs;
v_dest = waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin;
// trace a line from bot's eyes to destination...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr );
// check if line of sight to object is blocked (i.e. not visible)
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
// did we just come off of a ladder or are we under water?
if (((pBot->f_end_use_ladder_time + 2.0) > gpGlobals->time) ||
(pBot->pEdict->v.waterlevel == 3))
// find the nearest visible waypoint
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
i = WaypointFindNearest(pEdict, REACHABLE_RANGE, pBot->defender);
i = WaypointFindNearest(pEdict, REACHABLE_RANGE, team);
// find the nearest reachable waypoint
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
i = WaypointFindReachable(pEdict, REACHABLE_RANGE, pBot->defender);
i = WaypointFindReachable(pEdict, REACHABLE_RANGE, team);
if (i == -1)
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = -1;
return FALSE;
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = i;
pBot->waypoint_origin = waypoints[i].origin;
pBot->f_waypoint_time = gpGlobals->time;
// find the distance to the target waypoint
waypoint_distance = (pEdict->v.origin - pBot->waypoint_origin).Length();
// set the minimum distance from waypoint to be considered "touching" it
min_distance = 50.0;
// if this is a crouch waypoint, bot must be fairly close...
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_CROUCH)
min_distance = 20.0;
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_JUMP)
min_distance = 25.0;
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_SENTRYGUN)
min_distance = 20.0;
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_DISPENSER)
min_distance = 20.0;
// if this is a ladder waypoint, bot must be fairly close to get on ladder
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_LADDER)
min_distance = 20.0;
// if this is a defenders waypoint, bot must be fairly close...
if ((mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL) &&
(waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_FLF_DEFEND))
min_distance = 20.0;
// if trying to get out of water, need to get very close to waypoint...
if (pBot->f_exit_water_time >= gpGlobals->time)
min_distance = 20.0;
touching = FALSE;
// did the bot run past the waypoint? (prevent the loop-the-loop problem)
if ((pBot->prev_waypoint_distance > 1.0) &&
(waypoint_distance > pBot->prev_waypoint_distance))
touching = TRUE;
// are we close enough to a target waypoint...
if (waypoint_distance < min_distance)
touching = TRUE;
// save current distance as previous
pBot->prev_waypoint_distance = waypoint_distance;
if (touching)
bool waypoint_found = FALSE;
pBot->prev_waypoint_distance = 0.0;
// check if the waypoint is a door waypoint
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_DOOR)
pBot->f_dont_avoid_wall_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
// check if the next waypoint is a jump waypoint...
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_JUMP)
pEdict->v.button |= IN_JUMP; // jump here
// check if the waypoint is a sniper waypoint...
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_SNIPER)
if (((mod_id == TFC_DLL) && (pEdict->v.playerclass == TFC_CLASS_SNIPER)) ||
(mod_id != TFC_DLL))
int aim_index;
aim_index = WaypointFindNearestAiming(waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin);
if (aim_index != -1)
Vector v_aim = waypoints[aim_index].origin - waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin;
Vector aim_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_aim );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = aim_angles.y;
pBot->f_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(20.0, 30.0);
// fix f_waypoint_time so bot won't think it is stuck
pBot->f_waypoint_time = pBot->f_pause_time;
return TRUE;
// check if the bot has reached the goal waypoint...
if (pBot->curr_waypoint_index == pBot->waypoint_goal)
pBot->waypoint_goal = -1; // forget this goal waypoint
if (pBot->waypoint_near_flag)
pBot->waypoint_near_flag = FALSE;
// just head towards the flag/card/ball
Vector v_flag = pBot->waypoint_flag_origin - pEdict->v.origin;
Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_flag );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y;
return TRUE;
// see if this waypoint is a sentry gun waypoint...
if ((waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_SENTRYGUN) &&
(mod_id == TFC_DLL) && (pEdict->v.playerclass == TFC_CLASS_ENGINEER))
if (pBot->m_rgAmmo[weapon_defs[TF_WEAPON_SPANNER].iAmmo1] >= 130)
int aim_index;
aim_index = WaypointFindNearestAiming(waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin);
if (aim_index != -1)
Vector v_aim = waypoints[aim_index].origin - waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin;
Vector aim_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_aim );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = aim_angles.y;
pBot->b_build_sentrygun = TRUE;
pBot->sentrygun_waypoint = pBot->curr_waypoint_index;
pBot->f_look_for_waypoint_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
return TRUE;
// see if this waypoint is a dispenser waypoint...
if ((waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_DISPENSER) &&
(mod_id == TFC_DLL) && (pEdict->v.playerclass == TFC_CLASS_ENGINEER))
// does bot have enough metal to build a dispenser?
if (pBot->m_rgAmmo[weapon_defs[TF_WEAPON_SPANNER].iAmmo1] >= 100)
int aim_index;
aim_index = WaypointFindNearestAiming(waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin);
if (aim_index != -1)
Vector v_aim = waypoints[aim_index].origin - waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin;
Vector aim_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_aim );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = aim_angles.y;
pBot->b_build_dispenser = TRUE;
pBot->dispenser_waypoint = pBot->curr_waypoint_index;
pBot->f_look_for_waypoint_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
return TRUE;
if ((mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL) &&
(waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_FLF_CAP))
// it's a capture point
pent = NULL;
while ((pent = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pent, pEdict->v.origin, 100.0 )) != NULL)
if (strcmp(STRING(pent->v.classname), "capture_point") == 0)
if (pent->v.skin != (1 - team)) // already captured?
return TRUE; // can't do anything here, just return
// turn to face the capture entity
Vector v_aim = pent->v.origin - pEdict->v.origin;
Vector aim_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_aim );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = aim_angles.y;
return TRUE;
if ((mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL) &&
(waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_FLF_DEFEND))
// it's a defend point
int aim_index;
aim_index = WaypointFindNearestAiming(waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin);
if (aim_index != -1)
Vector v_aim = waypoints[aim_index].origin - waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin;
Vector aim_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_aim );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = aim_angles.y;
pBot->f_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(30.0, 45.0);
// fix f_waypoint_time so bot won't think it is stuck
pBot->f_waypoint_time = pBot->f_pause_time;
return TRUE;
// check if the bot is carrying the flag/card/ball...
if (bot_has_flag)
pBot->bot_has_flag = TRUE;
// find the nearest flag goal waypoint...
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_FLAG_GOAL);
pBot->waypoint_goal = index; // goal index or -1
pBot->waypoint_near_flag = FALSE;
pBot->bot_has_flag = FALSE;
// test special case of bot underwater and close to surface...
if (pBot->pEdict->v.waterlevel == 3)
Vector v_src, v_dest;
TraceResult tr;
int contents;
// trace a line straight up 100 units...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin;
v_dest = v_src;
v_dest.z = v_dest.z + 100.0;
// trace a line to destination...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr );
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
// find out what the contents is of the end of the trace...
contents = UTIL_PointContents( tr.vecEndPos );
// check if the trace endpoint is in open space...
if (contents == CONTENTS_EMPTY)
// find the nearest visible waypoint
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
i = WaypointFindNearest(tr.vecEndPos, pEdict, 100, pBot->defender);
i = WaypointFindNearest(tr.vecEndPos, pEdict, 100, team);
if (i != -1)
waypoint_found = TRUE;
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = i;
pBot->waypoint_origin = waypoints[i].origin;
pBot->f_waypoint_time = gpGlobals->time;
// keep trying to exit water for next 3 seconds
pBot->f_exit_water_time = gpGlobals->time + 3.0;
// if the bot doesn't have a goal waypoint then pick one...
if ((pBot->waypoint_goal == -1) &&
(pBot->f_waypoint_goal_time < gpGlobals->time))
// don't pick a goal more often than every 10 seconds...
pBot->f_waypoint_goal_time = gpGlobals->time + 10.0;
pBot->waypoint_near_flag = FALSE;
if ((mod_id == VALVE_DLL) || (mod_id == DMC_DLL))
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50)
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_WEAPON, pBot->weapon_points);
int count = 0;
index = -1;
while ((index == -1) && (count < 3))
index = WaypointFindRandomGoal(pEdict, team, W_FL_WEAPON, pBot->weapon_points);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
pBot->weapon_points[4] = pBot->weapon_points[3];
pBot->weapon_points[3] = pBot->weapon_points[2];
pBot->weapon_points[2] = pBot->weapon_points[1];
pBot->weapon_points[1] = pBot->weapon_points[0];
pBot->weapon_points[0] = pBot->waypoint_goal;
else if (mod_id == TFC_DLL)
if (pEdict->v.playerclass == TFC_CLASS_SNIPER)
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 10)
// find the nearest flag waypoint...
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_FLAG);
// find a random sniper waypoint...
index = WaypointFindRandomGoal(pEdict, team, W_FL_SNIPER);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
else if (pEdict->v.playerclass == TFC_CLASS_ENGINEER)
// is it time to build sentry gun or dispenser yet?
if (pBot->f_engineer_build_time <= gpGlobals->time)
int value = RANDOM_LONG(1, 100);
if (((value <= 70) && (pBot->sentrygun_level < 3)) ||
(value <= 40))
// build or upgrade a sentry gun...
index = -1;
// do we need more metal to build a sentry gun?
if (pBot->m_rgAmmo[weapon_defs[TF_WEAPON_SPANNER].iAmmo1] < 130)
// go find some metal...
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_ARMOR);
else // otherwise we have enough metal...
if (pBot->sentrygun_waypoint == -1)
// find a random sentry gun waypoint...
index = WaypointFindRandomGoal(pEdict, team, W_FL_SENTRYGUN);
index = pBot->sentrygun_waypoint;
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
// build a dispenser...
index = -1;
// do we need more metal to build a dispenser?
if (pBot->m_rgAmmo[weapon_defs[TF_WEAPON_SPANNER].iAmmo1] < 100)
// go find some metal...
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_ARMOR);
else // otherwise we have enough metal...
if (pBot->dispenser_waypoint == -1)
index = WaypointFindRandomGoal(pEdict, team, W_FL_DISPENSER);
index = pBot->dispenser_waypoint;
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 20)
// find the nearest flag waypoint...
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_FLAG);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 40)
// find the nearest flag waypoint...
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_FLAG);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
else if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
edict_t *caps[20];
int select, index = 0;
int capture_color;
// find a capture point that hasn't been captured yet...
if (pBot->defender)
capture_color = team; // defenders
capture_color = 1 - team; // attackers
pent = NULL;
while ((pent = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pent, "capture_point" )) != NULL)
if (pent->v.skin != capture_color) // skip it if already captured
caps[index++] = pent;
if (index > 0) // are any capture points left?...
if (!pBot->defender) // if attacker...
select = RANDOM_LONG(0, index-1);
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(caps[select]->v.origin, pEdict,
100, pBot->defender, W_FL_FLF_CAP);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
pBot->pCaptureEdict = caps[select];
else // defender...
select = RANDOM_LONG(0, index-1);
index = WaypointFindRandomGoal(caps[select]->v.origin, pEdict,
800, pBot->defender, W_FL_FLF_DEFEND);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
pBot->pCaptureEdict = caps[select];
else if (mod_id == HOLYWARS_DLL)
if (holywars_gamemode == 0) // deathmatch?
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50)
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_WEAPON, pBot->weapon_points);
index = WaypointFindRandomGoal(pEdict, team, W_FL_WEAPON, pBot->weapon_points);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
pBot->weapon_points[4] = pBot->weapon_points[3];
pBot->weapon_points[3] = pBot->weapon_points[2];
pBot->weapon_points[2] = pBot->weapon_points[1];
pBot->weapon_points[1] = pBot->weapon_points[0];
pBot->weapon_points[0] = pBot->waypoint_goal;
else if (holywars_gamemode == 1) // halo mode?
// if waiting for halo to spawn then head for halo spawn point...
if (halo_status == HW_WAIT_SPAWN)
// find the nearest flag waypoint...
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_FLAG);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
// can't get to the halo from here, search for a weapon
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_WEAPON);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
else // there's already a saint, search for a weapon...
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50)
index = WaypointFindNearestGoal(pEdict, pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
team, W_FL_WEAPON, pBot->weapon_points);
index = WaypointFindRandomGoal(pEdict, team, W_FL_WEAPON, pBot->weapon_points);
if (index != -1)
pBot->waypoint_goal = index;
pBot->weapon_points[4] = pBot->weapon_points[3];
pBot->weapon_points[3] = pBot->weapon_points[2];
pBot->weapon_points[2] = pBot->weapon_points[1];
pBot->weapon_points[1] = pBot->weapon_points[0];
pBot->weapon_points[0] = pBot->waypoint_goal;
else // assume instagib...
// don't do anything, just randomly wander around
// check if the bot has a goal waypoint...
if (pBot->waypoint_goal != -1)
// get the next waypoint to reach goal...
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
i = WaypointRouteFromTo(pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
pBot->waypoint_goal, pBot->defender);
i = WaypointRouteFromTo(pBot->curr_waypoint_index,
pBot->waypoint_goal, team);
if (i != WAYPOINT_UNREACHABLE) // can we get to the goal from here?
waypoint_found = TRUE;
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = i;
pBot->waypoint_origin = waypoints[i].origin;
pBot->f_waypoint_time = gpGlobals->time;
if (waypoint_found == FALSE)
index = 4;
// try to find the next waypoint
while (((status = BotFindWaypoint( pBot )) == FALSE) &&
(index > 0))
// if waypoint not found, clear oldest prevous index and try again
pBot->prev_waypoint_index[index] = -1;
if (status == FALSE)
pBot->curr_waypoint_index = -1; // indicate no waypoint found
// clear all previous waypoints...
for (index=0; index < 5; index++)
pBot->prev_waypoint_index[index] = -1;
return FALSE;
// check if the next waypoint is on a ladder AND
// the bot it not currently on a ladder...
if ((waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].flags & W_FL_LADDER) &&
(pEdict->v.movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY))
// if it's origin is lower than the bot...
if (waypoints[pBot->curr_waypoint_index].origin.z < pEdict->v.origin.z)
pBot->waypoint_top_of_ladder = TRUE;
pBot->waypoint_top_of_ladder = FALSE;
// keep turning towards the waypoint...
Vector v_direction = pBot->waypoint_origin - pEdict->v.origin;
Vector v_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles(v_direction);
// if the bot is NOT on a ladder, change the yaw...
if (pEdict->v.movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY)
pEdict->v.idealpitch = -v_angles.x;
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = v_angles.y;
return TRUE;
void BotOnLadder( bot_t *pBot, float moved_distance )
Vector v_src, v_dest, view_angles;
TraceResult tr;
float angle = 0.0;
bool done = FALSE;
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
// check if the bot has JUST touched this ladder...
if (pBot->ladder_dir == LADDER_UNKNOWN)
// try to square up the bot on the ladder...
while ((!done) && (angle < 180.0))
// try looking in one direction (forward + angle)
view_angles = pEdict->v.v_angle;
view_angles.y = pEdict->v.v_angle.y + angle;
if (view_angles.y < 0.0)
view_angles.y += 360.0;
if (view_angles.y > 360.0)
view_angles.y -= 360.0;
UTIL_MakeVectors( view_angles );
v_src = pEdict->v.origin + pEdict->v.view_ofs;
v_dest = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 30;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) // hit something?
if (strcmp("func_wall", STRING(tr.pHit->v.classname)) == 0)
// square up to the wall...
view_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles(tr.vecPlaneNormal);
// Normal comes OUT from wall, so flip it around...
view_angles.y += 180;
if (view_angles.y > 180)
view_angles.y -= 360;
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = view_angles.y;
done = TRUE;
// try looking in the other direction (forward - angle)
view_angles = pEdict->v.v_angle;
view_angles.y = pEdict->v.v_angle.y - angle;
if (view_angles.y < 0.0)
view_angles.y += 360.0;
if (view_angles.y > 360.0)
view_angles.y -= 360.0;
UTIL_MakeVectors( view_angles );
v_src = pEdict->v.origin + pEdict->v.view_ofs;
v_dest = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 30;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) // hit something?
if (strcmp("func_wall", STRING(tr.pHit->v.classname)) == 0)
// square up to the wall...
view_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles(tr.vecPlaneNormal);
// Normal comes OUT from wall, so flip it around...
view_angles.y += 180;
if (view_angles.y > 180)
view_angles.y -= 360;
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = view_angles.y;
done = TRUE;
angle += 10;
if (!done) // if didn't find a wall, just reset ideal_yaw...
// set ideal_yaw to current yaw (so bot won't keep turning)
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = pEdict->v.v_angle.y;
// moves the bot up or down a ladder. if the bot can't move
// (i.e. get's stuck with someone else on ladder), the bot will
// change directions and go the other way on the ladder.
if (pBot->ladder_dir == LADDER_UP) // is the bot currently going up?
pEdict->v.v_angle.x = -60; // look upwards
// check if the bot hasn't moved much since the last location...
if ((moved_distance <= 1) && (pBot->f_prev_speed >= 1.0))
// the bot must be stuck, change directions...
pEdict->v.v_angle.x = 60; // look downwards
pBot->ladder_dir = LADDER_DOWN;
else if (pBot->ladder_dir == LADDER_DOWN) // is the bot currently going down?
pEdict->v.v_angle.x = 60; // look downwards
// check if the bot hasn't moved much since the last location...
if ((moved_distance <= 1) && (pBot->f_prev_speed >= 1.0))
// the bot must be stuck, change directions...
pEdict->v.v_angle.x = -60; // look upwards
pBot->ladder_dir = LADDER_UP;
else // the bot hasn't picked a direction yet, try going up...
pEdict->v.v_angle.x = -60; // look upwards
pBot->ladder_dir = LADDER_UP;
// move forward (i.e. in the direction the bot is looking, up or down)
pEdict->v.button |= IN_FORWARD;
void BotUnderWater( bot_t *pBot )
bool found_waypoint = FALSE;
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
// are there waypoints in this level (and not trying to exit water)?
if ((num_waypoints > 0) &&
(pBot->f_exit_water_time < gpGlobals->time))
// head towards a waypoint
found_waypoint = BotHeadTowardWaypoint(pBot);
if (found_waypoint == FALSE)
// handle movements under water. right now, just try to keep from
// drowning by swimming up towards the surface and look to see if
// there is a surface the bot can jump up onto to get out of the
// water. bots DON'T like water!
Vector v_src, v_forward;
TraceResult tr;
int contents;
// swim up towards the surface
pEdict->v.v_angle.x = -60; // look upwards
// move forward (i.e. in the direction the bot is looking, up or down)
pEdict->v.button |= IN_FORWARD;
// set gpGlobals angles based on current view angle (for TraceLine)
UTIL_MakeVectors( pEdict->v.v_angle );
// look from eye position straight forward (remember: the bot is looking
// upwards at a 60 degree angle so TraceLine will go out and up...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin + pEdict->v.view_ofs; // EyePosition()
v_forward = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 90;
// trace from the bot's eyes straight forward...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// check if the trace didn't hit anything (i.e. nothing in the way)...
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
// find out what the contents is of the end of the trace...
contents = UTIL_PointContents( tr.vecEndPos );
// check if the trace endpoint is in open space...
if (contents == CONTENTS_EMPTY)
// ok so far, we are at the surface of the water, continue...
v_src = tr.vecEndPos;
v_forward = v_src;
v_forward.z -= 90;
// trace from the previous end point straight down...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// check if the trace hit something...
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
contents = UTIL_PointContents( tr.vecEndPos );
// if contents isn't water then assume it's land, jump!
if (contents != CONTENTS_WATER)
pEdict->v.button |= IN_JUMP;
void BotUseLift( bot_t *pBot, float moved_distance )
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
// just need to press the button once, when the flag gets set...
if (pBot->f_use_button_time == gpGlobals->time)
pEdict->v.button = IN_USE;
// face opposite from the button
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw += 180; // rotate 180 degrees
// check if the bot has waited too long for the lift to move...
if (((pBot->f_use_button_time + 2.0) < gpGlobals->time) &&
// clear use button flag
pBot->b_use_button = FALSE;
// bot doesn't have to set f_find_item since the bot
// should already be facing away from the button
pBot->f_move_speed = pBot->f_max_speed;
// check if lift has started moving...
if ((moved_distance > 1) && (!pBot->b_lift_moving))
pBot->b_lift_moving = TRUE;
// check if lift has stopped moving...
if ((moved_distance <= 1) && (pBot->b_lift_moving))
TraceResult tr1, tr2;
Vector v_src, v_forward, v_right, v_left;
Vector v_down, v_forward_down, v_right_down, v_left_down;
pBot->b_use_button = FALSE;
// TraceLines in 4 directions to find which way to go...
UTIL_MakeVectors( pEdict->v.v_angle );
v_src = pEdict->v.origin + pEdict->v.view_ofs;
v_forward = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 90;
v_right = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * 90;
v_left = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * -90;
v_down = pEdict->v.v_angle;
v_down.x = v_down.x + 45; // look down at 45 degree angle
UTIL_MakeVectors( v_down );
v_forward_down = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 100;
v_right_down = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * 100;
v_left_down = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * -100;
// try tracing forward first...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr1);
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward_down, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr2);
// check if we hit a wall or didn't find a floor...
if ((tr1.flFraction < 1.0) || (tr2.flFraction >= 1.0))
// try tracing to the RIGHT side next...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_right, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr1);
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_right_down, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr2);
// check if we hit a wall or didn't find a floor...
if ((tr1.flFraction < 1.0) || (tr2.flFraction >= 1.0))
// try tracing to the LEFT side next...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_left, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr1);
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_left_down, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr2);
// check if we hit a wall or didn't find a floor...
if ((tr1.flFraction < 1.0) || (tr2.flFraction >= 1.0))
// only thing to do is turn around...
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw += 180; // turn all the way around
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw += 90; // turn to the LEFT
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw -= 90; // turn to the RIGHT
BotChangeYaw( pBot, pEdict->v.yaw_speed );
pBot->f_move_speed = pBot->f_max_speed;
bool BotStuckInCorner( bot_t *pBot )
TraceResult tr;
Vector v_src, v_dest;
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
UTIL_MakeVectors( pEdict->v.v_angle );
// trace 45 degrees to the right...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin;
v_dest = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward*20 + gpGlobals->v_right*20;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
return FALSE; // no wall, so not in a corner
// trace 45 degrees to the left...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin;
v_dest = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward*20 - gpGlobals->v_right*20;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
return FALSE; // no wall, so not in a corner
return TRUE; // bot is in a corner
void BotTurnAtWall( bot_t *pBot, TraceResult *tr, bool negative )
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
Vector Normal;
float Y, Y1, Y2, D1, D2, Z;
// Find the normal vector from the trace result. The normal vector will
// be a vector that is perpendicular to the surface from the TraceResult.
Normal = UTIL_VecToAngles(tr->vecPlaneNormal);
// Since the bot keeps it's view angle in -180 < x < 180 degrees format,
// and since TraceResults are 0 < x < 360, we convert the bot's view
// angle (yaw) to the same format at TraceResult.
Y = pEdict->v.v_angle.y;
Y = Y + 180;
if (Y > 359) Y -= 360;
if (negative)
// Turn the normal vector around 180 degrees (i.e. make it point towards
// the wall not away from it. That makes finding the angles that the
// bot needs to turn a little easier.
Normal.y = Normal.y - 180;
if (Normal.y < 0)
Normal.y += 360;
// Here we compare the bots view angle (Y) to the Normal - 90 degrees (Y1)
// and the Normal + 90 degrees (Y2). These two angles (Y1 & Y2) represent
// angles that are parallel to the wall surface, but heading in opposite
// directions. We want the bot to choose the one that will require the
// least amount of turning (saves time) and have the bot head off in that
// direction.
Y1 = Normal.y - 90;
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50)
Y1 = Y1 - RANDOM_FLOAT(5.0, 20.0);
if (Y1 < 0) Y1 += 360;
Y2 = Normal.y + 90;
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50)
Y2 = Y2 + RANDOM_FLOAT(5.0, 20.0);
if (Y2 > 359) Y2 -= 360;
// D1 and D2 are the difference (in degrees) between the bot's current
// angle and Y1 or Y2 (respectively).
D1 = fabs(Y - Y1);
if (D1 > 179) D1 = fabs(D1 - 360);
D2 = fabs(Y - Y2);
if (D2 > 179) D2 = fabs(D2 - 360);
// If difference 1 (D1) is more than difference 2 (D2) then the bot will
// have to turn LESS if it heads in direction Y1 otherwise, head in
// direction Y2. I know this seems backwards, but try some sample angles
// out on some graph paper and go through these equations using a
// calculator, you'll see what I mean.
if (D1 > D2)
Z = Y1;
Z = Y2;
// convert from TraceResult 0 to 360 degree format back to bot's
// -180 to 180 degree format.
if (Z > 180)
Z -= 360;
// set the direction to head off into...
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = Z;
bool BotCantMoveForward( bot_t *pBot, TraceResult *tr )
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
// use some TraceLines to determine if anything is blocking the current
// path of the bot.
Vector v_src, v_forward;
UTIL_MakeVectors( pEdict->v.v_angle );
// first do a trace from the bot's eyes forward...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin + pEdict->v.view_ofs; // EyePosition()
v_forward = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 40;
// trace from the bot's eyes straight forward...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, tr);
// check if the trace hit something...
if (tr->flFraction < 1.0)
return TRUE; // bot's head will hit something
// bot's head is clear, check at waist level...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin;
v_forward = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 40;
// trace from the bot's waist straight forward...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, tr);
// check if the trace hit something...
if (tr->flFraction < 1.0)
return TRUE; // bot's body will hit something
return FALSE; // bot can move forward, return false
bool BotCanJumpUp( bot_t *pBot, bool *bDuckJump)
// What I do here is trace 3 lines straight out, one unit higher than
// the highest normal jumping distance. I trace once at the center of
// the body, once at the right side, and once at the left side. If all
// three of these TraceLines don't hit an obstruction then I know the
// area to jump to is clear. I then need to trace from head level,
// above where the bot will jump to, downward to see if there is anything
// blocking the jump. There could be a narrow opening that the body
// will not fit into. These horizontal and vertical TraceLines seem
// to catch most of the problems with falsely trying to jump on something
// that the bot can not get onto.
TraceResult tr;
bool check_duck = FALSE;
Vector v_jump, v_source, v_dest;
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
*bDuckJump = FALSE;
// convert current view angle to vectors for TraceLine math...
v_jump = pEdict->v.v_angle;
v_jump.x = 0; // reset pitch to 0 (level horizontally)
v_jump.z = 0; // reset roll to 0 (straight up and down)
UTIL_MakeVectors( v_jump );
// use center of the body first...
// maximum normal jump height is 45, so check one unit above that (46)
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 46);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at maximum jump height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, check duck jump...
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
check_duck = TRUE;
if (!check_duck)
// now check same height to one side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 46);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at maximum jump height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, check duck jump...
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
check_duck = TRUE;
if (!check_duck)
// now check same height on the other side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 46);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at maximum jump height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, check duck jump...
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
check_duck = TRUE;
if (check_duck)
// maximum crouch jump height is 63, so check one unit above that (64)
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 64);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at maximum jump height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now check same height on the other side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 64);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at maximum jump height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now check same height on the other side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 64);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at maximum jump height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now trace from head level downward to check for obstructions...
// start of trace is 24 units in front of bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
if (check_duck)
// offset 36 units if crouch-jump (36 + 36)
v_source.z = v_source.z + 72;
// offset 72 units from top of head (72 + 36)
v_source.z = v_source.z + 108;
if (check_duck)
// end point of trace is 27 units straight down from start...
// (27 is 72 minus the jump limit height which is 63 - 18 = 45)
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -27);
// end point of trace is 99 units straight down from start...
// (99 is 108 minus the jump limit height which is 45 - 36 = 9)
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -99);
// trace a line straight down toward the ground...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now check same height to one side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 16 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
if (check_duck)
v_source.z = v_source.z + 72;
v_source.z = v_source.z + 108;
if (check_duck)
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -27);
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -99);
// trace a line straight down toward the ground...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now check same height on the other side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
if (check_duck)
v_source.z = v_source.z + 72;
v_source.z = v_source.z + 108;
if (check_duck)
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -27);
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -99);
// trace a line straight down toward the ground...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
bool BotCanDuckUnder( bot_t *pBot )
// What I do here is trace 3 lines straight out, one unit higher than
// the ducking height. I trace once at the center of the body, once
// at the right side, and once at the left side. If all three of these
// TraceLines don't hit an obstruction then I know the area to duck to
// is clear. I then need to trace from the ground up, 72 units, to make
// sure that there is something blocking the TraceLine. Then we know
// we can duck under it.
TraceResult tr;
Vector v_duck, v_source, v_dest;
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
// convert current view angle to vectors for TraceLine math...
v_duck = pEdict->v.v_angle;
v_duck.x = 0; // reset pitch to 0 (level horizontally)
v_duck.z = 0; // reset roll to 0 (straight up and down)
UTIL_MakeVectors( v_duck );
// use center of the body first...
// duck height is 36, so check one unit above that (37)
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 37);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at duck height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now check same height to one side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 37);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at duck height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now check same height on the other side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 37);
v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
// trace a line forward at duck height...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now trace from the ground up to check for object to duck under...
// start of trace is 24 units in front of bot near ground...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
v_source.z = v_source.z - 35; // offset to feet + 1 unit up
// end point of trace is 72 units straight up from start...
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, 72);
// trace a line straight up in the air...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace didn't hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now check same height to one side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 16 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
v_source.z = v_source.z - 35; // offset to feet + 1 unit up
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, 72);
// trace a line straight up in the air...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace didn't hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
return FALSE;
// now check same height on the other side of the bot...
v_source = pEdict->v.origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24;
v_source.z = v_source.z - 35; // offset to feet + 1 unit up
v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, 72);
// trace a line straight up in the air...
UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// if trace didn't hit something, return FALSE
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void BotRandomTurn( bot_t *pBot )
pBot->f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while turning
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 10)
// 10 percent of the time turn completely around...
pBot->pEdict->v.ideal_yaw += 180;
// turn randomly between 30 and 60 degress
if (pBot->wander_dir == WANDER_LEFT)
pBot->pEdict->v.ideal_yaw += RANDOM_LONG(30, 60);
pBot->pEdict->v.ideal_yaw -= RANDOM_LONG(30, 60);
bool BotFollowUser( bot_t *pBot )
bool user_visible;
float f_distance;
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
Vector vecEnd = pBot->pBotUser->v.origin + pBot->pBotUser->v.view_ofs;
if (!IsAlive( pBot->pBotUser ))
// the bot's user is dead!
pBot->pBotUser = NULL;
return FALSE;
user_visible = FInViewCone( &vecEnd, pEdict ) &&
FVisible( vecEnd, pEdict );
// check if the "user" is still visible or if the user has been visible
// in the last 5 seconds (or the player just starting "using" the bot)
if (user_visible || (pBot->f_bot_use_time + 5 > gpGlobals->time))
if (user_visible)
pBot->f_bot_use_time = gpGlobals->time; // reset "last visible time"
// face the user
Vector v_user = pBot->pBotUser->v.origin - pEdict->v.origin;
Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_user );
pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y;
f_distance = v_user.Length( ); // how far away is the "user"?
if (f_distance > 200) // run if distance to enemy is far
pBot->f_move_speed = pBot->f_max_speed;
else if (f_distance > 50) // walk if distance is closer
pBot->f_move_speed = pBot->f_max_speed / 2;
else // don't move if close enough
pBot->f_move_speed = 0.0;
return TRUE;
// person to follow has gone out of sight...
pBot->pBotUser = NULL;
return FALSE;
bool BotCheckWallOnLeft( bot_t *pBot )
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
Vector v_src, v_left;
TraceResult tr;
UTIL_MakeVectors( pEdict->v.v_angle );
// do a trace to the left...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin;
v_left = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * -40; // 40 units to the left
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_left, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// check if the trace hit something...
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
if (pBot->f_wall_on_left < 1.0)
pBot->f_wall_on_left = gpGlobals->time;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool BotCheckWallOnRight( bot_t *pBot )
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
Vector v_src, v_right;
TraceResult tr;
UTIL_MakeVectors( pEdict->v.v_angle );
// do a trace to the right...
v_src = pEdict->v.origin;
v_right = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * 40; // 40 units to the right
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_right, dont_ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr);
// check if the trace hit something...
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
if (pBot->f_wall_on_right < 1.0)
pBot->f_wall_on_right = gpGlobals->time;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void BotLookForDrop( bot_t *pBot )
edict_t *pEdict = pBot->pEdict;
Vector v_src, v_dest, v_ahead;
float scale, direction;
TraceResult tr;
int contents;
bool need_to_turn, done;
int turn_count;
scale = 80 + (pBot->f_max_speed / 10);
v_ahead = pEdict->v.v_angle;
v_ahead.x = 0; // set pitch to level horizontally
v_src = pEdict->v.origin;
v_dest = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * scale;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr );
// check if area in front of bot was clear...
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
v_src = v_dest; // start downward trace from endpoint of open trace
v_dest.z = v_dest.z - max_drop_height;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr );
need_to_turn = FALSE;
// if trace did not hit anything then drop is TOO FAR...
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
need_to_turn = TRUE;
// we've hit something, see if it's water or lava
contents = UTIL_PointContents( tr.vecEndPos );
if (contents == CONTENTS_LAVA)
need_to_turn = TRUE;
if (contents == CONTENTS_WATER)
// if you don't like water, set need_to_turn = TRUE here
if (need_to_turn)
// if we have an enemy, stop heading towards enemy...
if (pBot->pBotEnemy)
pBot->pBotEnemy = NULL;
pBot->f_bot_find_enemy_time = gpGlobals->time + 1.0;
// don't look for items for a while...
pBot->f_find_item = gpGlobals->time + 1.0;
// change the bot's ideal yaw by finding surface normal
// slightly below where the bot is standing
v_dest = pEdict->v.origin;
if (pEdict->v.flags & FL_DUCKING)
v_src.z = v_src.z - 22; // (36/2) + 4 units
v_dest.z = v_dest.z - 22;
v_src.z = v_src.z - 40; // (72/2) + 4 units
v_dest.z = v_dest.z - 40;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr );
if (tr.flFraction < 1.0)
// hit something the bot is standing on...
BotTurnAtWall( pBot, &tr, FALSE );
// pick a random direction to turn...
if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50)
direction = 1.0f;
direction = -1.0f;
// turn 30 degrees at a time until bot is on solid ground
v_ahead = pEdict->v.v_angle;
v_ahead.x = 0; // set pitch to level horizontally
done = FALSE;
turn_count = 0;
while (!done)
v_ahead.y += 30.0 * direction;
if (v_ahead.y > 360.0f)
v_ahead.y -= 360.0f;
if (v_ahead.y < -360.0f)
v_ahead.y += 360.0f;
v_src = pEdict->v.origin;
v_dest = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * scale;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr );
// check if area in front of bot was clear...
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
v_src = v_dest; // start downward trace from endpoint of open trace
v_dest.z = v_dest.z - max_drop_height;
UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_dest, ignore_monsters,
pEdict->v.pContainingEntity, &tr );
// if trace hit something then drop is NOT TOO FAR...
if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0)
done = TRUE;
if (turn_count == 6) // 180 degrees? (30 * 6 = 180)
done = TRUE;
pBot->pEdict->v.ideal_yaw = v_ahead.y;