Portable Half-Life SDK. GoldSource and Xash3D. Crossplatform.
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//++ BulliT
#if !defined(AFX_AGGAMERULES_H__5F634943_35DD_4A80_922F_A0A82C815D99__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_AGGAMERULES_H__5F634943_35DD_4A80_922F_A0A82C815D99__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
8 years ago
#include "cbase.h"
#include "agscorecache.h"
#include "agadmincache.h"
#include "agglobal.h"
#include "agsettings.h"
#include "agtimer.h"
#include "agmatch.h"
#include "agscorelog.h"
#include "agvote.h"
#include "agclient.h"
#include "agarena.h"
#include "aglms.h"
#include "agctf.h"
#include "agdom.h"
#include "aginfointermission.h"
#include "agsuddendeath.h"
#include "agtimeout.h"
#include "aggamemode.h"
4 years ago
#include "aglocationcache.h"
class AgGameRules : public CGameRules
AgString m_sHostname;
typedef map<int, AgString, less<int> > AgIPAddress;
AgIPAddress m_mapIPAddress;
virtual ~AgGameRules();
virtual BOOL ClientCommand(CBasePlayer* pPlayer, const char *pcmd);
virtual int DeadPlayerWeapons( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual int DeadPlayerAmmo( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual BOOL FPlayerCanRespawn(CBasePlayer* pPlayer);
virtual void PlayerSpawn( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual BOOL FShouldSwitchWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon );// should the player switch to this weapon?
virtual BOOL GetNextBestWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pCurrentWeapon );
virtual BOOL ClientConnected( edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char szRejectReason[ 128 ] );
virtual void ClientDisconnected( edict_t *pClient );// a client just disconnected from the server
virtual int IPointsForKill( CBasePlayer *pAttacker, CBasePlayer *pKilled );
virtual BOOL CanHaveItem( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CItem *pItem );
virtual BOOL CanHavePlayerItem( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon );// The player is touching an CBasePlayerItem, do I give it to him?
virtual BOOL IsAllowedToSpawn( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
virtual void PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pVictim, entvars_t *pKiller, entvars_t *pInflictor );// Called each time a player dies
virtual void DeathNotice( CBasePlayer *pVictim, entvars_t *pKiller, entvars_t *pInflictor );
virtual void ClientUserInfoChanged(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, char *infobuffer);
virtual void InitHUD( CBasePlayer *pl );
virtual void GoToIntermission();
virtual BOOL FPlayerCanTakeDamage( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pAttacker );
virtual void RefreshSkillData( void );
virtual const char *GetGameDescription( void ) { return AgGamename().c_str(); } // this is the game name that gets seen in the server browser
bool AgThink();
void Start(const AgString& sSpawn);
void ChangeNextLevel();
void ResendScoreBoard();
void HLTV_ResendScoreBoard();
//AgString GetTeamWithFewestPlayers();
virtual BOOL IsAllowedToSpawn( const char* pszClass );
void SendMapListToClient(CBasePlayer* pPlayer, bool bStart);
const char* GetIPAddress(edict_t *pEntity);
bool m_bProxyConnected;
//Helper classes
AgScoreCache m_ScoreCache;
AgSettings m_Settings;
AgTimer m_Timer;
AgMatch m_Match;
AgScoreLog m_ScoreLog;
AgVote m_Vote;
AgClient m_Client;
AgArena m_Arena;
AgInfoIntermission m_InfoInterMission;
AgSuddenDeath m_SuddenDeath;
AgTimeout m_Timeout;
4 years ago
AgLocationCache m_LocationCache;
#endif // !defined(AFX_AGGAMERULES_H__5F634943_35DD_4A80_922F_A0A82C815D99__INCLUDED_)
//-- Martin Webrant