//++ BulliT
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "trains.h"
#include "nodes.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "monsters.h"
#include "../engine/shake.h"
#include "agglobal.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
extern DLL_GLOBAL BOOL g_fGameOver;
// Position command $position x y
// x & y are from 0 to 1 to be screen resolution independent
// -1 means center in each dimension
// Effect command $effect <effect number>
// effect 0 is fade in/fade out
// effect 1 is flickery credits
// effect 2 is write out (training room)
// Text color r g b command $color
// fadein time fadeout time / hold time
// $fadein (message fade in time - per character in effect 2)
// $fadeout (message fade out time)
// $holdtime (stay on the screen for this long)
void AgSay(CBasePlayer* pPlayer,const AgString& sText, float* pfFloodProtected, float fHoldTime, float x, float y, int iChannel)
if (g_fGameOver)
if (pfFloodProtected)
if (*pfFloodProtected > gpGlobals->time)
*pfFloodProtected = gpGlobals->time + fHoldTime;
hudtextparms_t hText;
memset(&hText, 0, sizeof(hText));
hText.channel = iChannel;
// These X and Y coordinates are just above
// the health meter.
hText.x = x;
hText.y = y;
hText.r1 = hText.g1 = hText.b1 = 180;
hText.a1 = 0;
hText.r2 = hText.g2 = hText.b2 = 0;
hText.a2 = 0;
hText.holdTime = fHoldTime - 0.30f;
hText.effect = 2; // Fade in/out
hText.fadeinTime = 0.01;
hText.fadeoutTime = fHoldTime/5;
hText.fxTime = 0.25;
if (pPlayer)
UTIL_HudMessage(pPlayer,hText, sText.c_str());
for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++)
CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i);
if (pPlayerLoop)
UTIL_HudMessage(pPlayerLoop,hText, sText.c_str());
void AgConsole(const AgString& sText, CBasePlayer* pPlayer)
if (pPlayer && pPlayer->pev)
ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, UTIL_VarArgs("%s\n", sText.c_str()));
ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev, HUD_PRINTCENTER , UTIL_VarArgs("%s\n", sText.c_str()));
g_engfuncs.pfnServerPrint(UTIL_VarArgs("%s\n", sText.c_str()));
CBasePlayer* AgPlayerByIndex(int iPlayerIndex )
CBasePlayer* pPlayer = NULL;
if ( iPlayerIndex > 0 && iPlayerIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients )
edict_t *pPlayerEdict = INDEXENT( iPlayerIndex );
if ( pPlayerEdict && !pPlayerEdict->free && pPlayerEdict->pvPrivateData)
CBaseEntity* pEnt = (CBaseEntity *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pPlayerEdict );
if (pEnt && pEnt->pev && CLASS_PLAYER == pEnt->Classify())
if (pEnt->pev->netname && 0 != ( STRING( pEnt->pev->netname ) )[0])
pPlayer = (CBasePlayer*)pEnt;
return pPlayer;
void AgResetMap()
CBaseEntity* pEntity = NULL;
edict_t* pEdict = g_engfuncs.pfnPEntityOfEntIndex( 1 );
for ( int i = 1; i < gpGlobals->maxEntities; i++, pEdict++ )
pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict );
if (pEntity && pEntity->pev)
const char* pszClass = STRING(pEntity->pev->classname);
if (pszClass && '\0' != pszClass[0])
if (0 == strncmp( pszClass, "weapon_", 7 ) ||
0 == strncmp( pszClass, "ammo_", 5 ) ||
0 == strncmp( pszClass, "item_", 5 ) )
pEntity->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time;
pEntity = NULL;
while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "weaponbox" )) != NULL)
pEntity = NULL;
while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "beam" )) != NULL)
pEntity = NULL;
while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "rpg_rocket" )) != NULL)
pEntity->pev->dmg = 0;
pEntity = NULL;
while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "grenade" )) != NULL)
pEntity->pev->dmg = 0;
#define ADD_SERVER_COMMAND ( *g_engfuncs.pfnAddServerCommand )
void AgStart(void)
//Loop through all active players, reset Score and respawn.
for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i);
if (pPlayerLoop)
if (pPlayerLoop->IsSpectator())
//Regular spectators aint spawned when match is restarted.
pPlayerLoop->ResetScore(); //Reset the score.
pPlayerLoop->ResetScore(); //Reset the score.
pPlayerLoop->RespawnMatch(); //Now spawn the sucker :-)
g_pGameRules->m_fGameStart = gpGlobals->time;
DLL_GLOBAL cvar_t ag_version = {"ag_version","0.1", FCVAR_SERVER };
DLL_GLOBAL cvar_t ag_url = {"ag_url","www.planethalflife.com/agmod", FCVAR_SERVER };
void AgInitGame()
//-- Martin Webrant