null, '~IPv6:open~' => '[', '~IPv6:close~' => ']', '~LINE:break~' => PHP_EOL ]; private array $_rule = [ // Headers '/^([\s]*)#([^#]+)/' => '$1#$2' . PHP_EOL, '/^([\s]*)##([^#]+)/' => '$1##$2' . PHP_EOL, '/^([\s]*)###([^#]+)/' => '$1###$2' . PHP_EOL, '/^([\s]*)####([^#]+)/' => '$1###$2' . PHP_EOL, '/^([\s]*)#####([^#]+)/' => '$1###$2' . PHP_EOL, '/^([\s]*)######([^#]+)/' => '$1###$2' . PHP_EOL, '/^[\s]*[=]{6}([^=]+)[=]{6}/' => '# $1' . PHP_EOL, '/^[\s]*[=]{5}([^=]+)[=]{5}/' => '## $1' . PHP_EOL, '/^[\s]*[=]{4}([^=]+)[=]{4}/' => '### $1' . PHP_EOL, '/^[\s]*[=]{3}([^=]+)[=]{3}/' => '### $1' . PHP_EOL, '/^[\s]*[=]{2}([^=]+)[=]{2}/' => '### $1' . PHP_EOL, '/^[\s]*[=]{1}([^=]+)[=]{1}/' => '### $1' . PHP_EOL, // Tags '/\*\*/' => '', '/\'\'/' => '', '/\%\%/' => '', '/(? '', // Remove extra spaces '/(\s)\s+/' => '$1', // Links /// Detect IPv6 (used as no idea how to resolve square quotes in rules below) '/\[\[([^\[]+)\[([A-f:0-9]*)\]([^\]]+)\]\]/' => '$1~IPv6:open~$2~IPv6:close~$3', /// Remove extra chars '/\[\[\s*\:?([^\|]+)\s*\|\s*([^\]]+)\s*\]\]/' => '[[$1|$2]]', '/\[\[\s*\:?([^\]]+)\s*\]\]/' => '[[$1]]', '/\{\{\s*\:?([^\|]+)\s*\|\s*([^\}]+)\s*\}\}/' => '{{$1|$2}}', '/\{\{\s*\:?([^\}]+)\s*\}\}/' => '{{$1}}', /// Wikipedia '/\[\[wp([A-z]{2,})>([^\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/ui' => '$3 ( https://$$2 )', '/\[\[wp>([^\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => '$2 ($1 )', '/\[\[wp([A-z]{2,})>([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => '$2 ( https://$$2 )', '/\[\[wp>([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => '$1 ($1 )', /// Dokuwiki '/\[\[doku>([^\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => '$2($1 )', '/\[\[doku>([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => '$1($1 )', /// Index /// Useful with src/Dokuwiki/Helper.php '/\{\{indexmenu>:([^\}]+)\}\}/i' => '', '/\{\{indexmenu_n>[\d]+\}\}/i' => '', // Related '/\[\[this>([^\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => '$2', /// Relative '/\[\[(?!https?:|this|doku|wp[A-z]{0,2})([^\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => ' $2$3 ( ~URL:base~$1 )', '/\[\[(?!https?:|this|doku|wp[A-z]{0,2})([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => ' $2 ( ~URL:base~$1 )', /// Absolute '/\[\[(https?:)([^\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => '$3 ( $1$2 )', '/\[\[(https?:)([^\]]+)\]\]/i' => '$1$2', // @TODO /// Media '/\{\{(?!https?:)([^\|]+)\|([^\}]+)\}\}/i' => PHP_EOL . '=> /$1$2' . PHP_EOL, '/\{\{(?!https?:)([^\}]+)\}\}/i' => PHP_EOL . '=> /$1$2' . PHP_EOL, // List '/^[\s]?-/' => '* ', '/^[\s]+\*/' => '*', // Separators '/[\\\]{2}/' => '~LINE:break~', // Plugins '/~~DISCUSSION~~/' => '', // @TODO '/~~INFO:syntaxplugins~~/' => '', // @TODO // Final corrections '/[\n\r]+[.,;:]+/' => PHP_EOL ]; public function __construct(?array $rules = null) { if ($rules) { $this->_rule = $rules; } } // Macros operations public function getMacroses(): array { $this->_macros; } public function setMacroses(array $macros) { $this->_macros = $macros; } public function getMacros(string $key, string $value): ?string { $this->_macros[$key] = isset($this->_macros[$key]) ? $value : null; } public function setMacros(string $key, ?string $value): void { if ($value) { $this->_macros[$key] = $value; } else { unset( $this->_macros[$key] ); } } // Rule operations public function getRules(): array { $this->_rule; } public function setRules(array $rules) { $this->_rule = $rules; } public function getRule(string $key, string $value): ?string { $this->_rule[$key] = isset($this->_rule[$key]) ? $value : null; } public function setRule(string $key, ?string $value): void { if ($value) { $this->_rule[$key] = $value; } else { unset( $this->_rule[$key] ); } } // Convert DokuWiki text to Gemini public function toGemini(?string $data, ?array &$lines = []): ?string { if (empty($data)) { return null; } $raw = false; $lines = []; foreach ((array) explode(PHP_EOL, $data) as $line) { // Skip any formatting in lines between code tag if (!$raw && preg_match('/<(code|file)([^>]*)>/i', $line, $matches)) { // Prepend tag meta or filename as plain description if (!empty($matches[0])) { $lines[] = preg_replace( '/<(code|file)[\s-]*([^>]*)>/i', '$2', $matches[0] ); } $lines[] = '```'; $lines[] = preg_replace( '/<\/?(code|file)[^>]*>/i', '', $line ); $raw = true; // Make sure inline tag closed if (preg_match('/<\/(code|file)>/i', $line)) { $lines[] = '```'; $raw = false; continue; } continue; } if ($raw && preg_match('/<\/(code|file)>/i', $line)) { $lines[] = preg_replace( '/<\/(code|file)>/i', '', $line ); $lines[] = '```'; $raw = false; continue; } if ($raw) { $lines[] = $line; continue; } // Apply config $lines[] = preg_replace( array_keys( $this->_rule ), array_values( $this->_rule ), strip_tags( $line ) ); } // ASCII table $table = false; $rows = []; $th = []; foreach ($lines as $index => $line) { // Strip line breaks $line = str_replace( '~LINE:break~', ' ', $line ); // Header if (!$table && preg_match_all('/\^([^\^]+)/', $line, $matches)) { if (!empty($matches[1])) { $table = true; $rows = []; $th = []; foreach ($matches[1] as $value) { $th[] = trim( $value ); } unset( $lines[$index] ); continue; } } // Body if ($table) { $table = false; if (preg_match(sprintf('/%s\|/', str_repeat('\|(.*)', count($th))), $line, $matches)) { if (count($matches) == count($th) + 1) { $table = true; $row = []; foreach ($th as $offset => $column) { $row[$column] = trim( $matches[$offset + 1] ); } $rows[] = $row; unset( $lines[$index] ); } } if (!$table && $rows) { $builder = new ArrayToTextTable( $rows ); $lines[$index] = '```' . PHP_EOL . $builder->render() . PHP_EOL . '```'; } } } // Merge lines return preg_replace( '/[\n\r]{2,}/', PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, str_replace( array_keys( $this->_macros ), array_values( $this->_macros ), implode( PHP_EOL, $lines ) ) ); } public function getH1(?string $gemini, ?string $regex = '/^[\s]?#([^#]+)/'): ?string { foreach ((array) explode(PHP_EOL, (string) $gemini) as $line) { preg_match( $regex, $line, $matches ); if (!empty($matches[1])) { return trim( $matches[1] ); break; } } return null; } public function getLinks(?string $gemini, ?string $regex = '/(https?|gemini):\/\/\S+/'): array { $links = []; if (empty($gemini)) { return $links; } preg_match_all( $regex, $gemini, $matches ); if (!empty($matches[0])) { foreach ((array) $matches[0] as $link) { $links[] = trim( $link ); } } return array_unique( $links ); } }