# Yoda - Browser for [Gemini protocol](https://geminiprotocol.net)
C++ / GTK 4 implementation, see also [PHP-GTK3 ](https://github.com/YGGverse/Yoda/tree/PHP-GTK3 ) experimental branch
> Project in development!
## Build
### Linux
``` bash
apt install git\
* `git clone https://github.com/YGGverse/Yoda.git`
* `cd Yoda`
* `git checkout CPP-GTK4`
* `make`
#### Update
* `git pull`
* `make clean`
* `make`
## Localization
### Official
* [Crowdin ](https://crowdin.com/project/yoda-browser )
### Personal
* `apt install intltool`
* `cd po`
* `intltool-update --pot`
## Development
### Introduction
Project structure and codebase in development, it promise to grow. This section would help with understand what is going on, before you start to work with code.
#### `src/app`
Currently, main application sources located at `src/app` folder, written by following principles:
* Every file implement (extend) one of GTK 4 Widgets, according to the functional subject (e.g. `class Browser : public Gtk::ApplicationWindow` )
* `src/app` does not contain other class types like models or libraries (another folders and namespaces at `src` root are reserved for these needs)
* Namespaces match filesystem path, where directory namespaces are lowercase
* Every file work with it own, 1th level child only, to prevent massive logic levels keeping in mind
* All classes (but window) never work with parents (including their dependencies) but may receive system data types as the arguments in constructors
* To access any children features, deeper or higher than 1th level of current class, use delegation methods (actions, getters and setters)
* One file - one class. If the file requires additional (GTK) component, this component should be placed at similar folder with same name as parent filename. So we have simple hierarchy navigation logic - from app to window, from window to it container, etc.
* At this moment, all constants named with uppercase, const everything that not mutable
* `#include` application `.hpp` files in `.cpp` . For system libraries, use headers only. Do not place system dependencies in `.cpp`
### Environment
``` bash
pkg-config --cflags --libs gio-2.0\
### Contribution
* `cd Yoda`
* `git checkout CPP-GTK4`
* `git pull`
* `git checkout -b 'contribution-name'`
### Documentation
#### Components
* [GTK ](https://gtk.org ) - free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit
* [gtkmm ](https://gtkmm.org ) - official C++ interface for GTK
* [SQLite ](https://sqlite.org ) - profile database