cli->document->crawl->debug->level->warning) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [warning] process execution locked by another thread!') . PHP_EOL, date('c') ); } exit; } // Set global options define( 'CONFIG_CLI_DOCUMENT_CRAWL_CURL_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_MAX', $config->cli->document->crawl->curl->download->size->max ); // Init client try { $client = new \Manticoresearch\Client( [ 'host' => $config->manticore->server->host, 'port' => $config->manticore->server->port, ] ); $index = $client->index( $config->manticore->index->document->name ); } catch (Exception $exception) { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->error) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [error] %s') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), print_r( $exception, true ) ); } exit; } // Debug totals if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->notice) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [notice] crawl queue begin...') . PHP_EOL, date('c') ); } // Begin crawl queue // thanks to @manticoresearch for help with random feature implementation: // foreach($index->search('') ->expression('random', 'rand()') ->sort('time', 'asc') ->sort('rank', 'asc') ->sort('random', 'asc') ->limit($config->cli->document->crawl->queue->limit) ->get() as $document) { // Define data $time = time(); $data = [ 'url' => $document->get('url'), 'title' => $document->get('title'), 'description' => $document->get('description'), 'keywords' => $document->get('keywords'), 'code' => $document->get('code'), 'size' => $document->get('size'), 'mime' => $document->get('mime'), 'rank' => $document->get('rank'), 'time' => $time ]; // Debug target if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->notice) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [notice] index "%s" in "%s"') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $document->get('url'), $config->manticore->index->document->name ); } // Update index time anyway and set reset code to 404 $index->updateDocument( [ 'time' => time(), 'code' => 404 ], $document->getId() ); // Request remote URL $request = curl_init( $document->get('url') ); // Drop URL with long response curl_setopt( $request, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $config->cli->document->crawl->curl->connection->timeout ); curl_setopt( $request, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $config->cli->document->crawl->curl->connection->timeout ); // Prevent huge content download e.g. media streams URL curl_setopt( $request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); curl_setopt( $request, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, false ); curl_setopt( $request, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, function( $download, $downloaded, $upload, $uploaded ) { return $downloaded > CONFIG_CLI_DOCUMENT_CRAWL_CURL_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_MAX ? 1 : 0; } ); // Begin request if ($response = curl_exec($request)) { // Update HTTP code or skip on empty if ($code = curl_getinfo($request, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)) { // Delete deprecated document from index as HTTP code still not 200 if ($code != 200 && !empty($data['code']) && $data['code'] != 200) { $index->deleteDocument( $document->getId() ); continue; } $data['code'] = $code; } else continue; // Update size or skip on empty if ($size = curl_getinfo($request, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD)) { $data['size'] = $size; } else continue; // Update MIME type or skip on empty if ($mime = curl_getinfo($request, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE)) { $data['mime'] = $mime; } else continue; // DOM crawler if (false !== stripos($mime, 'text/html')) { $crawler = new Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler(); $crawler->addHtmlContent( $response ); // Get title foreach ($crawler->filter('head > title')->each(function($node) { return $node->text(); }) as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $data['title'] = trim( strip_tags( html_entity_decode( $value ) ) ); } } // Get description foreach ($crawler->filter('head > meta[name="description"]')->each(function($node) { return $node->attr('content'); }) as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $data['description'] = trim( strip_tags( html_entity_decode( $value ) ) ); } } // Get keywords $keywords = []; // Extract from meta tag foreach ($crawler->filter('head > meta[name="keywords"]')->each(function($node) { return $node->attr('content'); }) as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { foreach ((array) explode( ',', mb_strtolower( strip_tags( html_entity_decode( $value ) ) ) ) as $keyword) { // Remove extra spaces $keyword = trim( $keyword ); // Skip short words if (mb_strlen($keyword) > 2) { $keywords[] = $keyword; } } } } // Get keywords from headers foreach ($crawler->filter('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6')->each(function($node) { return $node->text(); }) as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { foreach ((array) explode( ',', mb_strtolower( strip_tags( html_entity_decode( $value ) ) ) ) as $keyword) { // Remove extra spaces $keyword = trim( $keyword ); // Skip short words if (mb_strlen($keyword) > 2) { $keywords[] = $keyword; } } } } // Keep keywords unique $keywords = array_unique( $keywords ); // Update previous keywords when new value exists if ($keywords) { $data['keywords'] = implode(',', $keywords); } // Save document body text to index foreach ($crawler->filter('html > body')->each(function($node) { return $node->html(); }) as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $data['body'] = trim( preg_replace( '/[\s]{2,}/', // strip extra separators ' ', strip_tags( str_replace( // make text separators before strip any closing tag, new line, etc [ '<', '>', PHP_EOL, ], [ ' <', '> ', PHP_EOL . ' ', ], preg_replace( [ '/]*)>([^<]*)<\/script>/is', // strip js content '/]*)>([^<]*)<\/style>/is', // strip css content ], '', html_entity_decode( $value ) ) ) ) ) ); } } // Crawl documents $documents = []; $scheme = parse_url($document->get('url'), PHP_URL_SCHEME); $host = parse_url($document->get('url'), PHP_URL_HOST); $port = parse_url($document->get('url'), PHP_URL_PORT); foreach ($config->cli->document->crawl->selector as $selector => $settings) { foreach ($crawler->filter($selector)->each(function($node) { return $node; }) as $value) { if ($url = $value->attr($settings->attribute)) { //Make relative links absolute if (!parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST)) { $url = $scheme . '://' . $host . ($port ? ':' . $port : null) . '/' . trim( ltrim( str_replace( [ './', '../' ], '', $url ), '/' ), '.' ); } // Regex rules if (!preg_match($settings->regex, $url)) { continue; } // External host rules if (!$settings->external && parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) != $host) { continue; } $documents[] = $url; } } } if ($documents) { foreach (array_unique($documents) as $url) { // Apply stripos condition $skip = false; foreach ($config->cli->document->crawl->skip->stripos->url as $condition) { if (false !== stripos($url, $condition)) { $skip = true; break; } } if ($skip) { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->notice) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [notice] skip "%s" by stripos condition "%s"') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $url, print_r( $config->cli->document->crawl->skip->stripos->url, true ) ); } continue; } // Save index $url = trim($url); $crc32url = crc32($url); if (!$index->search('') ->filter('id', $crc32url) ->limit(1) ->get() ->getTotal()) { $index->addDocument( [ 'url' => $url, 'rank' => (int) mb_strlen( (string) urldecode( (string) parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH ) ) ) ], $crc32url ); if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->notice) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [notice] add "%s" to "%s"') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $url, $config->manticore->index->document->name ); } } } } } // Replace document data // $result = $index->replaceDocument( $data, $document->getId() ); // Debug result if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->notice) { echo sprintf( '[%s] [notice] index "%s" updated: %s %s' . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $config->manticore->index->document->name, print_r( $result, true ), print_r( $data, true ), ); } // Create snap if ($config->cli->document->crawl->snap->enabled && $code === 200) { try { // Generate path $time = time(); $md5url = md5( $document->get('url') ); /// absolute if ('/' === substr($config->snap->storage->tmp->directory, 0, 1)) { $filepath = $config->snap->storage->tmp->directory; } /// relative else { $filepath = __DIR__ . '/../../../' . $config->snap->storage->tmp->directory; } @mkdir($filepath, 0755, true); $tmp = sprintf( '%s/%s.%s.tar', $filepath, $md5url, $time ); // Compress response to archive $snap = new PharData($tmp); $snap->addFromString( 'DATA', $response ); $snap->addFromString( 'MIME', $mime ); $snap->addFromString( 'URL', $document->get('url') ); $snap->compress( Phar::GZ ); unlink( // remove tarball $tmp ); $tmp = sprintf( '%s.gz', $tmp ); // Copy to local storage on enabled if ($config->snap->storage->local->enabled) { // Check for mime allowed $allowed = false; foreach ($config->snap->storage->local->mime->stripos as $whitelist) { if (false !== stripos($mime, $whitelist)) { $allowed = true; break; } } // Check for url allowed if ($allowed) { $allowed = false; foreach ($config->snap->storage->local->url->stripos as $whitelist) { if (false !== stripos($document->get('url'), $whitelist)) { $allowed = true; break; } } // Check size limits if ($allowed) { $allowed = false; if ($size <= $config->snap->storage->local->size->max) { $allowed = true; } } } // Copy snap to the permanent storage if ($allowed) { /// absolute if ('/' === substr($config->snap->storage->local->directory, 0, 1)) { $filepath = $config->snap->storage->local->directory; } /// relative else { $filepath = __DIR__ . '/../../../' . $config->snap->storage->local->directory; } $filepath = sprintf( '%s/%s', $filepath, implode( '/', str_split( $md5url ) ) ); @mkdir($filepath, 0755, true); $filename = sprintf( '%s/%s', $filepath, sprintf( '%s.tar.gz', $time ) ); if (!copy($tmp, $filename)) { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->error) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [error] could not copy "%" to "%" on local storage') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $tmp, $filename ); } } } } // Copy to FTP storage on enabled foreach ($config->snap->storage->remote->ftp as $ftp) { // Resource enabled if (!$ftp->enabled) { continue; } // Check for mime allowed $allowed = false; foreach ($ftp->mime->stripos as $whitelist) { if (false !== stripos($mime, $whitelist)) { $allowed = true; break; } } if (!$allowed) { continue; } // Check for url allowed $allowed = false; foreach ($ftp->url->stripos as $whitelist) { if (false !== stripos($document->get('url'), $whitelist)) { $allowed = true; break; } } if (!$allowed) { continue; } // Check size limits $allowed = false; if ($size <= $ftp->size->max) { $allowed = true; } if (!$allowed) { continue; } // Prepare location $filepath = implode( '/', str_split( $md5url ) ); $filename = sprintf( '%s/%s', $filepath, sprintf( '%s.tar.gz', $time ) ); // Init connection $attempt = 1; do { $remote = new \Yggverse\Ftp\Client(); $connection = $remote->connect( $ftp->connection->host, $ftp->connection->port, $ftp->connection->username, $ftp->connection->password, $ftp->connection->directory, $ftp->connection->timeout, $ftp->connection->passive ); // Remote host connected if ($connection) { $remote->mkdir( $filepath, true ); if (!$remote->copy($tmp, $filename)) { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->error) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [error] could not copy "%" to "%" on destination "%s"') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $tmp, $filename, $ftp->connection->host, ); } } $remote->close(); // On remote connection lost, repeat attempt } else { // Stop connection attempts on limit provided if ($ftp->connection->attempts->limit > 0 && $attempt > $ftp->connection->attempts->limit) { break; } // Log event if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->warning) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [warning] attempt: %s, wait for remote storage "%s" reconnection...') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $attempt++, $ftp->connection->host, ); } // Delay next attempt if ($ftp->connection->attempts->delay) { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->warning) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [warning] pending %s seconds to reconnect...') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $ftp->connection->attempts->delay ); } sleep( $ftp->connection->attempts->delay ); } } } while ($connection === false); } // Remove tmp data if (unlink($tmp)) { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->notice) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [notice] remove tmp snap file %s') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $tmp ); } } else { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->error) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [error] could not remove tmp snap file %s') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $tmp ); } } } catch (Exception $exception) { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->error) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [error] %s') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), print_r( $exception, true ) ); } } } } // Crawl queue delay if ($config->cli->document->crawl->queue->delay) { if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->notice) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [notice] pending %s seconds...') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), $config->cli->document->crawl->queue->delay ); } sleep( $config->cli->document->crawl->queue->delay ); } // Debug totals if ($config->cli->document->crawl->debug->level->notice) { echo sprintf( _('[%s] [notice] crawl queue completed in %s') . PHP_EOL, date('c'), microtime(true) - $microtime ); } }