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synced 2025-03-13 05:51:10 +00:00
add rel="nofollow" to action links
This commit is contained in:
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<!-- TODO
<a class="text-color-pink margin-l-12" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=report&magnetId=<?php echo $magnet->magnetId ?>&callback=<?php echo base64_encode(sprintf('%s/index.php?query=%s#magnet-%s', WEBSITE_URL, urlencode($request->query), $magnet->magnetId)) ?>" title="<?php echo _('Report') ?>">
<a class="text-color-pink margin-l-12" rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=report&magnetId=<?php echo $magnet->magnetId ?>&callback=<?php echo base64_encode(sprintf('%s/index.php?query=%s#magnet-%s', WEBSITE_URL, urlencode($request->query), $magnet->magnetId)) ?>" title="<?php echo _('Report') ?>">
<svg class="text-color-pink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-flag" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M14.778.085A.5.5 0 0 1 15 .5V8a.5.5 0 0 1-.314.464L14.5 8l.186.464-.003.001-.006.003-.023.009a12.435 12.435 0 0 1-.397.15c-.264.095-.631.223-1.047.35-.816.252-1.879.523-2.71.523-.847 0-1.548-.28-2.158-.525l-.028-.01C7.68 8.71 7.14 8.5 6.5 8.5c-.7 0-1.638.23-2.437.477A19.626 19.626 0 0 0 3 9.342V15.5a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V.5a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v.282c.226-.079.496-.17.79-.26C4.606.272 5.67 0 6.5 0c.84 0 1.524.277 2.121.519l.043.018C9.286.788 9.828 1 10.5 1c.7 0 1.638-.23 2.437-.477a19.587 19.587 0 0 0 1.349-.476l.019-.007.004-.002h.001M14 1.221c-.22.078-.48.167-.766.255-.81.252-1.872.523-2.734.523-.886 0-1.592-.286-2.203-.534l-.008-.003C7.662 1.21 7.139 1 6.5 1c-.669 0-1.606.229-2.415.478A21.294 21.294 0 0 0 3 1.845v6.433c.22-.078.48-.167.766-.255C4.576 7.77 5.638 7.5 6.5 7.5c.847 0 1.548.28 2.158.525l.028.01C9.32 8.29 9.86 8.5 10.5 8.5c.668 0 1.606-.229 2.415-.478A21.317 21.317 0 0 0 14 7.655V1.222z"/>
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<sup><?php echo $magnet->leechers ?></sup>
<span class="float-right margin-l-12">
<a href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=star&magnetId=<?php echo $magnet->magnetId ?>&callback=<?php echo base64_encode(sprintf('%s/index.php?query=%s#magnet-%s', WEBSITE_URL, urlencode($request->query), $magnet->magnetId)) ?>" title="<?php echo _('Star') ?>">
<a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=star&magnetId=<?php echo $magnet->magnetId ?>&callback=<?php echo base64_encode(sprintf('%s/index.php?query=%s#magnet-%s', WEBSITE_URL, urlencode($request->query), $magnet->magnetId)) ?>" title="<?php echo _('Star') ?>">
<?php if ($magnet->star->status) { ?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-star-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M3.612 15.443c-.386.198-.824-.149-.746-.592l.83-4.73L.173 6.765c-.329-.314-.158-.888.283-.95l4.898-.696L7.538.792c.197-.39.73-.39.927 0l2.184 4.327 4.898.696c.441.062.612.636.282.95l-3.522 3.356.83 4.73c.078.443-.36.79-.746.592L8 13.187l-4.389 2.256z"/>
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<sup><?php echo $magnet->star->total ?></sup>
<span class="float-right margin-l-12">
<a href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/magnet.php?magnetId=<?php echo $magnet->magnetId ?>#comment" title="<?php echo _('Comment') ?>">
<a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/magnet.php?magnetId=<?php echo $magnet->magnetId ?>#comment" title="<?php echo _('Comment') ?>">
<?php if ($magnet->comment->status) { ?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-chat-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M8 15c4.418 0 8-3.134 8-7s-3.582-7-8-7-8 3.134-8 7c0 1.76.743 3.37 1.97 4.6-.097 1.016-.417 2.13-.771 2.966-. 2.256-.37 3.597-.938 4.18-1.234A9.06 9.06 0 0 0 8 15z"/>
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<sup><?php echo $magnet->comment->total ?></sup>
<span class="float-right margin-l-12">
<a href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=download&magnetId=<?php echo $magnet->magnetId ?>" title="<?php echo _('Download') ?>">
<a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=download&magnetId=<?php echo $magnet->magnetId ?>" title="<?php echo _('Download') ?>">
<?php if ($magnet->download->status) { ?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-arrow-down-circle-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM8.5 4.5a.5.5 0 0 0-1 0v5.793L5.354 8.146a.5.5 0 1 0-.708.708l3 3a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l3-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.708-.708L8.5 10.293V4.5z"/>
@ -372,7 +372,8 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<?php echo sprintf(_('page %s / %s'), $request->page, ceil($response->total / WEBSITE_PAGINATION_LIMIT)) ?>
<?php if ($request->page > 1) { ?>
<a class="button margin-l-8"
href="<?php echo sprintf('%s/index.php?page=%s', WEBSITE_URL,
href="<?php echo sprintf('%s/index.php?page=%s', WEBSITE_URL,
$request->page - 1,
$request->query ? sprintf('&query=%s', urlencode($request->query)) : false) ?>">
<?php echo _('back') ?>
@ -380,7 +381,8 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($request->page < ceil($response->total / WEBSITE_PAGINATION_LIMIT)) { ?>
<a class="button margin-l-4"
href="<?php echo sprintf('%s/index.php?page=%s', WEBSITE_URL,
href="<?php echo sprintf('%s/index.php?page=%s', WEBSITE_URL,
$request->page + 1,
$request->query ? sprintf('&query=%s', urlencode($request->query)) : false) ?>">
<?php echo _('next') ?>
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<!-- TODO
<a class="text-color-pink margin-l-12" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=report&magnetId=<?php echo $response->magnet->magnetId ?>&callback=<?php echo base64_encode(sprintf('%s/index.php?query=%s#magnet-%s', WEBSITE_URL, urlencode($request->query), $magnet->magnetId)) ?>" title="<?php echo _('Report') ?>">
<a class="text-color-pink margin-l-12" rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=report&magnetId=<?php echo $response->magnet->magnetId ?>&callback=<?php echo base64_encode(sprintf('%s/index.php?query=%s#magnet-%s', WEBSITE_URL, urlencode($request->query), $magnet->magnetId)) ?>" title="<?php echo _('Report') ?>">
<svg class="text-color-pink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-flag" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M14.778.085A.5.5 0 0 1 15 .5V8a.5.5 0 0 1-.314.464L14.5 8l.186.464-.003.001-.006.003-.023.009a12.435 12.435 0 0 1-.397.15c-.264.095-.631.223-1.047.35-.816.252-1.879.523-2.71.523-.847 0-1.548-.28-2.158-.525l-.028-.01C7.68 8.71 7.14 8.5 6.5 8.5c-.7 0-1.638.23-2.437.477A19.626 19.626 0 0 0 3 9.342V15.5a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0V.5a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v.282c.226-.079.496-.17.79-.26C4.606.272 5.67 0 6.5 0c.84 0 1.524.277 2.121.519l.043.018C9.286.788 9.828 1 10.5 1c.7 0 1.638-.23 2.437-.477a19.587 19.587 0 0 0 1.349-.476l.019-.007.004-.002h.001M14 1.221c-.22.078-.48.167-.766.255-.81.252-1.872.523-2.734.523-.886 0-1.592-.286-2.203-.534l-.008-.003C7.662 1.21 7.139 1 6.5 1c-.669 0-1.606.229-2.415.478A21.294 21.294 0 0 0 3 1.845v6.433c.22-.078.48-.167.766-.255C4.576 7.77 5.638 7.5 6.5 7.5c.847 0 1.548.28 2.158.525l.028.01C9.32 8.29 9.86 8.5 10.5 8.5c.668 0 1.606-.229 2.415-.478A21.317 21.317 0 0 0 14 7.655V1.222z"/>
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<sup><?php echo $response->magnet->leechers ?></sup>
<span class="float-right margin-l-12">
<a href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=star&magnetId=<?php echo $response->magnet->magnetId ?>&callback=<?php echo base64_encode(sprintf('%s/magnet.php?magnetId=%s', WEBSITE_URL, $response->magnet->magnetId)) ?>" title="<?php echo _('Star') ?>">
<a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=star&magnetId=<?php echo $response->magnet->magnetId ?>&callback=<?php echo base64_encode(sprintf('%s/magnet.php?magnetId=%s', WEBSITE_URL, $response->magnet->magnetId)) ?>" title="<?php echo _('Star') ?>">
<?php if ($response->magnet->star->status) { ?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-star-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M3.612 15.443c-.386.198-.824-.149-.746-.592l.83-4.73L.173 6.765c-.329-.314-.158-.888.283-.95l4.898-.696L7.538.792c.197-.39.73-.39.927 0l2.184 4.327 4.898.696c.441.062.612.636.282.95l-3.522 3.356.83 4.73c.078.443-.36.79-.746.592L8 13.187l-4.389 2.256z"/>
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<sup><?php echo $response->magnet->star->total ?></sup>
<span class="float-right margin-l-12">
<a href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/magnet.php?magnetId=<?php echo $response->magnet->magnetId ?>#comment" title="<?php echo _('Comment') ?>">
<a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/magnet.php?magnetId=<?php echo $response->magnet->magnetId ?>#comment" title="<?php echo _('Comment') ?>">
<?php if ($response->magnet->comment->status) { ?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-chat-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M8 15c4.418 0 8-3.134 8-7s-3.582-7-8-7-8 3.134-8 7c0 1.76.743 3.37 1.97 4.6-.097 1.016-.417 2.13-.771 2.966-. 2.256-.37 3.597-.938 4.18-1.234A9.06 9.06 0 0 0 8 15z"/>
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL ?>
<sup><?php echo $response->magnet->comment->total ?></sup>
<span class="float-right margin-l-12">
<a href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=download&magnetId=<?php echo $response->magnet->magnetId ?>" title="<?php echo _('Download') ?>">
<a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo WEBSITE_URL ?>/action.php?target=magnet&toggle=download&magnetId=<?php echo $response->magnet->magnetId ?>" title="<?php echo _('Download') ?>">
<?php if ($response->magnet->download->status) { ?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-arrow-down-circle-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M16 8A8 8 0 1 1 0 8a8 8 0 0 1 16 0zM8.5 4.5a.5.5 0 0 0-1 0v5.793L5.354 8.146a.5.5 0 1 0-.708.708l3 3a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l3-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.708-.708L8.5 10.293V4.5z"/>
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