mirror of https://github.com/YGGverse/YGGo.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
470 lines
15 KiB
470 lines
15 KiB
<?php |
// Load system dependencies |
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../config/app.php'); |
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../library/cli.php'); |
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../library/mysql.php'); |
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../library/filter.php'); |
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../library/ftp.php'); |
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../library/vendor/simple_html_dom.php'); |
// CLI only to prevent https server connection timeout |
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { |
CLI::danger(_('supported command line interface only')); |
CLI::break(); |
exit; |
} |
// Stop CLI execution on cleaner process running |
$semaphore = sem_get(crc32('crontab.cleaner'), 1); |
if (false === sem_acquire($semaphore, true)) { |
CLI::danger(_('stop crontab.cleaner is running in another thread.')); |
CLI::break(); |
exit; |
} |
// Stop CLI execution on crawler process running |
$semaphore = sem_get(crc32('crontab.crawler'), 1); |
if (false === sem_acquire($semaphore, true)) { |
CLI::danger(_('stop crontab.crawler is running in another thread.')); |
CLI::break(); |
exit; |
} |
// Lock multi-thread execution |
$semaphore = sem_get(crc32('cli.yggo'), 1); |
if (false === sem_acquire($semaphore, true)) { |
CLI::danger(_('process locked by another thread.')); |
CLI::break(); |
exit; |
} |
// Connect database |
// CLI begin |
if (!empty($argv[1])) { |
switch ($argv[1]) { |
case 'db': |
if (empty($argv[2])) { |
switch ($argv[2]) { |
case 'optimize': |
CLI::notice(_('optimize database tables...')); |
$db->optimize(); |
CLI::success(_('tables successfully optimized!')); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case 'crontab': |
if (empty($argv[2])) { |
switch ($argv[2]) { |
case 'crawl': |
CLI::notice(_('crawler queue step begin...')); |
include_once(__DIR__ . '/../crontab/crawler.php'); |
CLI::notice(_('crawler queue step begin...')); |
break; |
case 'clean': |
CLI::notice(_('cleaner queue step begin...')); |
include_once(__DIR__ . '/../crontab/cleaner.php'); |
CLI::notice(_('cleaner queue step completed.')); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case 'hostPageSnap': |
if (empty($argv[2])) { |
switch ($argv[2]) { |
case 'repair': |
// @TODO |
CLI::danger(_('this function upgraded but not tested after snaps refactor.')); |
CLI::danger(_('make sure you have backups then remove this alert.')); |
CLI::break(); |
exit; |
switch ($argv[3]) { |
case 'db': |
// Normalize & cleanup DB |
CLI::notice(_('scan database registry for missed snap files...')); |
foreach ($db->getHosts() as $host) { |
foreach ($db->getHostPages($host->hostId) as $hostPage) { |
foreach ($db->getHostPageSnaps($hostPage->hostPageId) as $hostPageSnap) { |
// Prepare filenames |
$hostPageSnapPath = 'hps/' . substr(trim(chunk_split($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, 1, '/'), '/'), 0, -1); |
$hostPageSnapFile = $hostPageSnapPath . substr($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, -1) . '.zip'; |
// Define variables |
$hostPageSnapStorageFilesExists = false; |
// Check file exists |
foreach (json_decode(SNAP_STORAGE) as $node => $storages) { |
foreach ($storages as $location => $storage) { |
// Generate storage id |
$crc32name = crc32(sprintf('%s.%s', $node, $location)); |
switch ($node) { |
case 'localhost': |
// @TODO implemented, not tested |
$hostPageSnapFile = $storage->directory . $hostPageSnapFile; |
if (file_exists($hostPageSnapFile)) { |
$hostPageSnapStorageFilesExists = true; |
if (!$db->findHostPageSnapStorageByCRC32Name($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $crc32name)) { |
if ($db->addHostPageSnapStorage($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $crc32name, $hostPageSnap->timeAdded)) { |
CLI::warning(sprintf(_('add index hostPageSnapId #%s file: %s node: %s location: %s;'), $hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $hostPageSnapFile, $node, $location)); |
} |
} else { |
CLI::success(sprintf(_('skip related index hostPageSnapId #%s file: %s node: %s location: %s;'), $hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $hostPageSnapFile, $node, $location)); |
} |
} |
break; |
case 'ftp': |
$ftp = new Ftp(); |
if ($ftp->connect($storage->host, $storage->port, $storage->username, $storage->password, $storage->directory, $storage->timeout, $storage->passive)) { |
if ($ftp->size($hostPageSnapFile)) { |
$hostPageSnapStorageFilesExists = true; |
if (!$db->findHostPageSnapStorageByCRC32Name($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $crc32name)) { |
if ($db->addHostPageSnapStorage($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $crc32name, $hostPageSnap->timeAdded)) { |
CLI::warning(sprintf(_('add index hostPageSnapId #%s file: %s node: %s location: %s;'), $hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $hostPageSnapFile, $node, $location)); |
} |
} else { |
CLI::success(sprintf(_('skip related index hostPageSnapId #%s file: %s node: %s location: %s;'), $hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $hostPageSnapFile, $node, $location)); |
} |
} |
// Prevent snap deletion from registry on FTP connection lost |
} else { |
CLI::danger(sprintf(_('could not connect to storage %s location %s. operation stopped to prevent the data lose.'), $hostPageSnapStorageName, $location)); |
CLI::break(); |
exit; |
} |
$ftp->close(); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Files not exists |
if (!$hostPageSnapStorageFilesExists) { |
// Delete snap from registry |
try { |
$db->beginTransaction(); |
foreach ($db->getHostPageSnapStorages($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId) as $hostPageSnapStorage) { |
$db->deleteHostPageSnapDownloads($hostPageSnapStorage->hostPageSnapStorageId); |
} |
$db->deleteHostPageSnapStorages($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId); |
$db->deleteHostPageSnap($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId); |
CLI::warning(sprintf(_('delete hostPageSnapId: #%s timeAdded: %s as not found in file storages;'), $hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId, $hostPageSnap->timeAdded)); |
$db->commit(); |
} catch(Exception $e) { |
$db->rollBack(); |
var_dump($e); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
break; |
case 'fs': |
// Cleanup FS |
CLI::notice(_('scan storage for snap files missed in the DB...')); |
// Copy files to each storage |
foreach (json_decode(SNAP_STORAGE) as $node => $storages) { |
foreach ($storages as $location => $storage) { |
// Generate storage id |
$crc32name = crc32(sprintf('%s.%s', $node, $location)); |
switch ($node) { |
case 'localhost': |
// @TODO |
break; |
case 'ftp': |
$ftp = new Ftp(); |
if ($ftp->connect($storage->host, $storage->port, $storage->username, $storage->password, $storage->directory, $storage->timeout, $storage->passive)) { |
foreach ($ftp->nlistr($storage->directory) as $filename) { |
if (false !== preg_match(sprintf('!/hps/([\d]+)\.zip$!ui', $storage->directory), $filename, $matches)) { |
if (!empty($matches[1])) { // hostPageSnapId |
if (!$db->getHostPageSnap($matches[1])) { |
if ($ftp->delete($filename)) { |
CLI::warning(sprintf(_('delete snap file: #%s from node %s location %s not found in registry;'), $filename, $node, $location)); |
} else { |
CLI::danger(sprintf(_('delete snap file: #%s from node %s location %s not found in registry;'), $filename, $node, $location)); |
} |
} else { |
CLI::success(sprintf(_('skip snap file: #%s available in node %s location %s;'), $filename, $node, $location)); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$ftp->close(); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
CLI::success(_('missed snap files successfully deleted!')); |
break; |
} |
break; |
case 'reindex': |
//@TODO |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case 'hostPage': |
switch ($argv[2]) { |
case 'rank': |
if (empty($argv[3])) { |
switch ($argv[3]) { |
case 'reindex': |
foreach ($db->getHosts() as $host) { |
foreach ($db->getHostPages($host->hostId) as $hostPage) { |
$db->updateHostPageRank($hostPage->hostPageId, $db->getTotalExternalHostPageIdSourcesByHostPageIdTarget($hostPage->hostPageId)); // @TODO add library cover |
} |
} |
CLI::success(_('hostPage rank successfully updated')); |
exit; |
break; |
default: |
CLI::danger(_('undefined action argument')); |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
break; |
case 'hostPageDom': |
if (empty($argv[2])) { |
switch ($argv[2]) { |
case 'generate': |
$selectors = []; |
foreach ((array) explode(';', !empty($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : (string) CRAWL_HOST_PAGE_DOM_SELECTORS) as $selector) { |
if (!empty($selector)) { |
$selectors[] = trim($selector); |
} |
} |
if ($selectors) { |
// Init variables |
$hostPagesProcessedTotal = 0; |
$hostPageDOMAddedTotal = 0; |
// Begin selectors extraction |
foreach ($db->getHostPagesByIndexed() as $hostPage) { |
if (false !== stripos(Filter::mime($hostPage->mime), 'text/html')) { |
if ($hostPageDescription = $db->getLastPageDescription($hostPage->hostPageId)) { |
$hostPagesProcessedTotal++; |
if (!empty($hostPageDescription->data)) { |
$html = str_get_html(base64_decode($hostPageDescription->data)); |
foreach ($selectors as $selector) { |
foreach($html->find($selector) as $element) { |
if (!empty($element->innertext)) { |
$hostPageDOMAddedTotal++; |
$db->addHostPageDom($hostPage->hostPageId, |
time(), |
$selector, |
trim(CRAWL_HOST_PAGE_DOM_STRIP_TAGS ? strip_tags( |
preg_replace('/[\s]+/', |
' ', |
str_replace(['<br />', '<br/>', '<br>', '</'], |
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' </'], |
$element->innertext))) : $element->innertext)); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
CLI::success(sprintf(_('Host pages processed: %s'), $hostPagesProcessedTotal)); |
CLI::success(sprintf(_('Host page DOM elements added: %s'), $hostPageDOMAddedTotal)); |
exit; |
} |
CLI::danger(_('CRAWL_HOST_PAGE_DOM_SELECTORS not provided in the configuration file')); |
exit; |
break; |
case 'truncate': |
$db->truncateHostPageDom(); |
CLI::success(_('hostPageDom table successfully truncated')); |
exit; |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
// Default message |
CLI::default('__ ______________ __'); |
CLI::default('\ \/ / ____/ ____/___ / /'); |
CLI::default(' \ / / __/ / __/ __ \/ /' ); |
CLI::default(' / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/' ); |
CLI::default('/_/\____/\____/\____(_)' ); |
CLI::break(); |
CLI::default('available options:'); |
CLI::break(); |
CLI::default(' help - this message'); |
CLI::break(); |
CLI::default(' db '); |
CLI::default(' optimize - optimize all tables'); |
CLI::break(); |
CLI::default(' crontab '); |
CLI::default(' crawl - execute step in crawler queue'); |
CLI::default(' clean - execute step in cleaner queue'); |
CLI::break(); |
CLI::default(' hostPage '); |
CLI::default(' rank - generate hostPage.rank fields'); |
CLI::break(); |
CLI::default(' hostPageSnap '); |
CLI::default(' repair '); |
CLI::default(' db - scan database registry for new or deprecated snap files'); |
CLI::default(' fs - check all storages for snap files not registered in hostPageSnapStorage, cleanup filesystem'); |
CLI::default(' reindex - search for host pages without snap records, add found pages to the crawl queue'); |
CLI::break(); |
CLI::default(' hostPageDom '); |
CLI::default(' generate [selectors] - make hostPageDom index based on related hostPage.data field'); |
CLI::default(' truncate - flush hostPageDom table'); |
CLI::break(); |
CLI::default('get support: https://github.com/YGGverse/YGGo/issues'); |
CLI::break(); |