getHosts() as $host) { foreach ($db->getHostPages($host->hostId) as $hostPage) { $db->updateHostPageRank($hostPage->hostPageId, $db->getTotalExternalHostPageIdSourcesByHostPageIdTarget($hostPage->hostPageId)); // @TODO add library cover } } echo _('hostPage rank successfully updated') . PHP_EOL; exit; break; default: echo PHP_EOL . _('undefined action argument') . PHP_EOL; } break; case 'truncate': $db->truncateHostPageDom(); echo _('hostPageDom table successfully truncated') . PHP_EOL; exit; break; default: echo PHP_EOL . _('undefined action argument') . PHP_EOL; } break; case 'hostPageDom': if (empty($argv[2])) { echo PHP_EOL . _('hostPageDom method requires action argument') . PHP_EOL; } switch ($argv[2]) { case 'generate': $selectors = []; foreach ((array) explode(';', !empty($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : (string) CRAWL_HOST_PAGE_DOM_SELECTORS) as $selector) { if (!empty($selector)) { $selectors[] = trim($selector); } } if ($selectors) { // Init variables $hostPagesProcessedTotal = 0; $hostPageDOMAddedTotal = 0; // Begin selectors extraction foreach ($db->getHostPagesByIndexed() as $hostPage) { if (false !== stripos(Filter::mime($hostPage->mime), 'text/html')) { if ($hostPageDescription = $db->getLastPageDescription($hostPage->hostPageId)) { $hostPagesProcessedTotal++; if (!empty($hostPageDescription->data)) { $html = str_get_html(base64_decode($hostPageDescription->data)); foreach ($selectors as $selector) { foreach($html->find($selector) as $element) { if (!empty($element->innertext)) { $hostPageDOMAddedTotal++; $db->addHostPageDom($hostPage->hostPageId, time(), $selector, trim(CRAWL_HOST_PAGE_DOM_STRIP_TAGS ? strip_tags( preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', str_replace(['
', '
', '
', 'innertext))) : $element->innertext)); } } } } } } } echo sprintf(_('Host pages processed: %s'), $hostPagesProcessedTotal) . PHP_EOL; echo sprintf(_('Host page DOM elements added: %s'), $hostPageDOMAddedTotal) . PHP_EOL; exit; } echo PHP_EOL . _('CRAWL_HOST_PAGE_DOM_SELECTORS not provided in the configuration file') . PHP_EOL; exit; break; case 'truncate': $db->truncateHostPageDom(); echo _('hostPageDom table successfully truncated') . PHP_EOL; exit; break; default: echo PHP_EOL . _('undefined action argument') . PHP_EOL; } break; case 'hostPageSnap': if (empty($argv[2])) { echo PHP_EOL . _('hostPageSnap method requires action argument') . PHP_EOL; } switch ($argv[2]) { case 'truncate': foreach ($db->getHosts() as $host) { foreach ($db->getHostPages($host->hostId) as $hostPage) { $snapFilePath = chunk_split($hostPage->hostPageId, 1, '/'); foreach ($db->getHostPageSnaps($hostPage->hostPageId) as $hostPageSnap) { if ($hostPageSnap->storageLocal) { unlink(__DIR__ . '/../storage/snap/hp/' . $snapFilePath . $hostPageSnap->timeAdded . '.zip'); } if ($hostPageSnap->storageMega) { $ftp = new Ftp(); if ($ftp->connect(MEGA_FTP_HOST, MEGA_FTP_PORT, null, null, MEGA_FTP_DIRECTORY)) { $ftp->delete('hp/' . $snapFilePath . $hostPageSnap->timeAdded . '.zip'); } } $db->deleteHostPageSnapDownloads($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId); $db->deleteHostPageSnap($hostPageSnap->hostPageSnapId); // @TODO reset primary key indexes } } } echo _('hostPageSnap, hostPageSnapDownload tables successfully truncated') . PHP_EOL; exit; break; default: echo PHP_EOL . _('undefined action argument') . PHP_EOL; } break; } // Default message echo '__ ______________ __' . PHP_EOL; echo '\ \/ / ____/ ____/___ / /' . PHP_EOL; echo ' \ / / __/ / __/ __ \/ /' . PHP_EOL; echo ' / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/' . PHP_EOL; echo '/_/\____/\____/\____(_)' . PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL . _('available options:') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo _(' help - this message') . PHP_EOL; echo _(' crawl - execute crawler step in the crontab queue') . PHP_EOL; echo _(' clean - execute cleaner step in the crontab queue') . PHP_EOL; echo _(' hostPage rank reindex - generate rank indexes in hostPage table') . PHP_EOL; echo _(' hostPageDom generate [selectors] - make hostPageDom index based on related field') . PHP_EOL; echo _(' hostPageDom truncate - flush hostPageDom table') . PHP_EOL; echo _(' hostPageSnap truncate - flush hostPageSnap, hostPageSnapDownload tables') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo _('get support:') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;