<?php // Lock multi-thread execution $semaphore = sem_get(crc32('crontab.crawler'), 1); if (false === sem_acquire($semaphore, true)) { echo 'Process locked by another thread.' . PHP_EOL; exit; } // Load system dependencies require_once('../config/app.php'); require_once('../library/curl.php'); require_once('../library/robots.php'); require_once('../library/filter.php'); require_once('../library/parser.php'); require_once('../library/mysql.php'); // Check disk quota if (CRAWL_STOP_DISK_QUOTA_MB_LEFT > disk_free_space('/') / 1000000) { echo 'Disk quota reached.' . PHP_EOL; exit; } // Debug $timeStart = microtime(true); $hostPagesProcessed = 0; $hostPagesIndexed = 0; $hostPagesAdded = 0; $hostImagesAdded = 0; $hostsAdded = 0; // Connect database $db = new MySQL(DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_NAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD); // Process crawl queue foreach ($db->getCrawlQueue(CRAWL_PAGE_LIMIT, time() - CRAWL_PAGE_SECONDS_OFFSET) as $queueHostPage) { // Build URL from the DB $queueHostPageURL = $queueHostPage->scheme . '://' . $queueHostPage->name . ($queueHostPage->port ? ':' . $queueHostPage->port : false) . $queueHostPage->uri; $curl = new Curl($queueHostPageURL); // Update page index anyway, with the current time and http code $hostPagesProcessed += $db->updateCrawlQueue($queueHostPage->hostPageId, time(), $curl->getCode()); // Skip next page processing non 200 code if (200 != $curl->getCode()) { continue; } // Skip next page processing pages without returned data if (!$content = $curl->getContent()) { continue; } // Grab page content $dom = new DomDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($content); // Skip index page links without titles $title = @$dom->getElementsByTagName('title'); if ($title->length == 0) { continue; } // Get optional page meta data $metaDescription = ''; $metaKeywords = ''; $metaRobots = ''; $metaYggoManifest = ''; foreach (@$dom->getElementsByTagName('meta') as $meta) { if (@$meta->getAttribute('name') == 'description') { $metaDescription = @$meta->getAttribute('content'); } if (@$meta->getAttribute('name') == 'keywords') { $metaKeywords = @$meta->getAttribute('content'); } if (@$meta->getAttribute('name') == 'robots') { $metaRobots = @$meta->getAttribute('content'); } if (@$meta->getAttribute('name') == 'yggo:manifest') { $metaYggoManifest = Filter::url(@$meta->getAttribute('content')); } } // Update queued page data $hostPagesIndexed += $db->updateHostPage($queueHostPage->hostPageId, Filter::pageTitle($title->item(0)->nodeValue), Filter::pageDescription($metaDescription), Filter::pageKeywords($metaKeywords), CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_META_ONLY ? null : Filter::pageData($content)); // Update manifest registry if (CRAWL_MANIFEST && !empty($metaYggoManifest) && filter_var($metaYggoManifest, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) && preg_match(CRAWL_URL_REGEXP, $metaYggoManifest)) { $metaYggoManifestCRC32 = crc32($metaYggoManifest); if (!$db->getManifest($metaYggoManifestCRC32)) { $db->addManifest($metaYggoManifestCRC32, $metaYggoManifest, (string) CRAWL_MANIFEST_DEFAULT_STATUS, time()); } } // Append page with meta robots:noindex value to the robotsPostfix disallow list if (false !== stripos($metaRobots, 'noindex')) { continue; } // Skip page links following by robots:nofollow attribute detected if (false !== stripos($metaRobots, 'nofollow')) { continue; } // Collect page images if (CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_IMAGES_LIMIT > 0) { foreach (@$dom->getElementsByTagName('img') as $img) { // Skip images without src attribute if (!$imageSrc = @$img->getAttribute('src')) { continue; } // Skip images without alt attribute if (!$imageAlt = @$img->getAttribute('alt')) { continue; } if (!$imageTitle = @$img->getAttribute('title')) { $imageTitle = null; } // Add domain to the relative src links if (!parse_url($imageSrc, PHP_URL_HOST)) { $imageSrc = $queueHostPage->scheme . '://' . $queueHostPage->name . ($queueHostPage->port ? ':' . $queueHostPage->port : '') . '/' . trim(ltrim(str_replace(['./', '../'], '', $imageSrc), '/'), '.'); } // Validate formatted src link if (filter_var($imageSrc, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) && preg_match(CRAWL_URL_REGEXP, $imageSrc)) { $db->beginTransaction(); try { // Parse formatted src link $hostImageURL = Parser::hostURL($imageSrc); $hostImageURI = Parser::uri($imageSrc); // Host exists if ($host = $db->getHost(crc32($hostImageURL->string))) { $hostStatus = $host->status; $hostPageLimit = $host->crawlPageLimit; $hostImageLimit = $host->crawlImageLimit; $hostId = $host->hostId; $hostRobots = $host->robots; $hostRobotsPostfix = $host->robotsPostfix; // Register new host } else { // Get robots.txt if exists $curl = new Curl($hostImageURL->string . '/robots.txt'); if (200 == $curl->getCode() && false !== stripos($curl->getContent(), 'user-agent:')) { $hostRobots = $curl->getContent(); } else { $hostRobots = CRAWL_ROBOTS_DEFAULT_RULES; } $hostRobotsPostfix = CRAWL_ROBOTS_POSTFIX_RULES; $hostStatus = CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_STATUS; $hostPageLimit = CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_PAGES_LIMIT; $hostImageLimit= CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_IMAGES_LIMIT; $hostId = $db->addHost($hostImageURL->scheme, $hostImageURL->name, $hostImageURL->port, crc32($hostURL->string), time(), null, $hostPageLimit, $hostImageLimit, (string) CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_META_ONLY, (string) $hostStatus, $hostRobots, $hostRobotsPostfix); if ($hostId) { $hostsAdded++; } else { continue; } } // Init robots parser $robots = new Robots(($hostRobots ? (string) $hostRobots : (string) CRAWL_ROBOTS_DEFAULT_RULES) . PHP_EOL . ($hostRobotsPostfix ? (string) $hostRobotsPostfix : (string) CRAWL_ROBOTS_POSTFIX_RULES)); // Save image info $hostImageId = $db->getHostImage($hostId, crc32($hostImageURI->string)); if ($hostStatus && // host enabled $robots->uriAllowed($hostImageURI->string) && // src allowed by robots.txt rules $hostImageLimit > $db->getTotalHostImages($hostId) && // images quantity not reached host limit !$hostImageId) { // image not exists // Add host image if ($hostImageId = $db->addHostImage($hostId, crc32($hostImageURI->string), $hostImageURI->string, time())) { $hostImagesAdded++; } else { continue; } } // Add host image description $hostImageDescriptionCRC32id = crc32(md5((string) $imageAlt . (string) $imageTitle)); if (!$db->getHostImageDescription($hostImageId, $hostImageDescriptionCRC32id)) { $db->addHostImageDescription($hostImageId, $hostImageDescriptionCRC32id, (string) $imageAlt, (string) $imageTitle, time()); } // Relate host image with host page was found if (!$db->getHostImageToHostPage($hostImageId, $queueHostPage->hostPageId)) { $db->addHostImageToHostPage($hostImageId, $queueHostPage->hostPageId, time(), null, 1); } else { $db->updateHostImageToHostPage($hostImageId, $queueHostPage->hostPageId, time(), 1); } // Increase page rank when link does not match the current host if ($hostImageURL->scheme . '://' . $hostImageURL->name . ($hostImageURL->port ? ':' . $hostImageURL->port : '') != $queueHostPage->scheme . '://' . $queueHostPage->name . ($queueHostPage->port ? ':' . $queueHostPage->port : '')) { $db->updateHostImageRank($hostId, crc32($hostImageURI->string), 1); } $db->commit(); } catch(Exception $e) { var_dump($e); $db->rollBack(); } } } } // Collect internal links from page content foreach(@$dom->getElementsByTagName('a') as $a) { // Skip links without required attribute if (!$href = @$a->getAttribute('href')) { continue; } // Skip anchor links if (false !== strpos($href, '#')) { continue; } // Skip javascript links if (false !== strpos($href, 'javascript:')) { continue; } // Skip mailto links if (false !== strpos($href, 'mailto:')) { continue; } // Skip x-raw-image links if (false !== strpos($href, 'x-raw-image:')) { continue; } // @TODO skip other apps // Add absolute URL prefixes to the relative links found if (!parse_url($href, PHP_URL_HOST)) { $href = $queueHostPage->scheme . '://' . $queueHostPage->name . ($queueHostPage->port ? ':' . $queueHostPage->port : '') . '/' . trim(ltrim(str_replace(['./', '../'], '', $href), '/'), '.'); } // Validate formatted link if (filter_var($href, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) && preg_match(CRAWL_URL_REGEXP, $href)) { $db->beginTransaction(); try { // Parse formatted link $hostURL = Parser::hostURL($href); $hostPageURI = Parser::uri($href); // Host exists if ($host = $db->getHost(crc32($hostURL->string))) { $hostStatus = $host->status; $hostPageLimit = $host->crawlPageLimit; $hostImageLimit = $host->crawlImageLimit; $hostId = $host->hostId; $hostRobots = $host->robots; $hostRobotsPostfix = $host->robotsPostfix; // Register new host } else { // Get robots.txt if exists $curl = new Curl($hostURL->string . '/robots.txt'); if (200 == $curl->getCode() && false !== stripos($curl->getContent(), 'user-agent:')) { $hostRobots = $curl->getContent(); } else { $hostRobots = CRAWL_ROBOTS_DEFAULT_RULES; } $hostRobotsPostfix = CRAWL_ROBOTS_POSTFIX_RULES; $hostStatus = CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_STATUS; $hostPageLimit = CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_PAGES_LIMIT; $hostImageLimit= CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_IMAGES_LIMIT; $hostId = $db->addHost($hostURL->scheme, $hostURL->name, $hostURL->port, crc32($hostURL->string), time(), null, $hostPageLimit, $hostImageLimit, (string) CRAWL_HOST_DEFAULT_META_ONLY, (string) $hostStatus, $hostRobots, $hostRobotsPostfix); if ($hostId) { $hostsAdded++; } else { continue; } } // Init robots parser $robots = new Robots(($hostRobots ? (string) $hostRobots : (string) CRAWL_ROBOTS_DEFAULT_RULES) . PHP_EOL . ($hostRobotsPostfix ? (string) $hostRobotsPostfix : (string) CRAWL_ROBOTS_POSTFIX_RULES)); // Save page info if ($hostStatus && // host enabled $robots->uriAllowed($hostPageURI->string) && // page allowed by robots.txt rules $hostPageLimit > $db->getTotalHostPages($hostId) && // pages quantity not reached host limit !$db->getHostPage($hostId, crc32($hostPageURI->string))) { // page not exists if ($db->addHostPage($hostId, crc32($hostPageURI->string), $hostPageURI->string, time())) { $hostPagesAdded++; } } // Increase page rank when link does not match the current host if ($hostURL->scheme . '://' . $hostURL->name . ($hostURL->port ? ':' . $hostURL->port : '') != $queueHostPage->scheme . '://' . $queueHostPage->name . ($queueHostPage->port ? ':' . $queueHostPage->port : '')) { $db->updateHostPageRank($hostId, crc32($hostPageURI->string), 1); } $db->commit(); } catch(Exception $e){ var_dump($e); $db->rollBack(); } } } } // Debug echo 'Pages processed: ' . $hostPagesProcessed . PHP_EOL; echo 'Pages indexed: ' . $hostPagesIndexed . PHP_EOL; echo 'Pages added: ' . $hostPagesAdded . PHP_EOL; echo 'Images added: ' . $hostImagesAdded . PHP_EOL; echo 'Hosts added: ' . $hostsAdded . PHP_EOL; echo 'Total time: ' . microtime(true) - $timeStart . PHP_EOL;