source common { type = mysql sql_host = localhost sql_user = sql_pass = sql_db = sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306 } source hostPage : common { sql_query = \ SELECT hostPage.hostPageId, \ hostPage.rank, \ hostPage.uri, \, \ (SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', hostPageDescription.metaTitle, \ hostPageDescription.metaDescription, \ hostPageDescription.metaKeywords) \ FROM hostPageDescription \ WHERE hostPageDescription.hostPageId = hostPage.hostPageId \ ORDER BY hostPageDescription.timeAdded DESC \ LIMIT 1) AS pageDescription \ FROM hostPage \ JOIN host ON (host.hostId = hostPage.hostId) \ WHERE host.status = '1' AND hostPage.httpCode = 200 AND hostPage.timeBanned IS NULL sql_attr_uint = rank } source hostImage : common { sql_query = \ SELECT hostImage.hostImageId, hostImage.rank, hostImage.uri,, \ (SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', hostImageDescription.alt, hostImageDescription.title) \ FROM hostImageDescription \ WHERE hostImageDescription.hostImageId = hostImage.hostImageId ORDER BY hostImageDescription.timeAdded DESC LIMIT 1) AS imageDescription \ FROM hostImage \ JOIN host ON (host.hostId = hostImage.hostId) \ WHERE host.status = '1' AND hostImage.httpCode = 200 AND hostImage.timeBanned IS NULL \ sql_attr_uint = rank } index hostPage { source = hostPage morphology = stem_enru, stem_cz, stem_ar path = /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/hostPage } index hostImage { source = hostImage morphology = stem_enru, stem_cz, stem_ar path = /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/hostImage }