* Single configuration file placed here `/config/app.php` where important option is DB settings
* Single configuration file placed here `/config/app.php` where important option is maybe DB settings just
* By default, script automaticaly generate the database file in `/storage` folder but I need to play a bit with environment variables in code for that
* By default, script automaticaly generate the database file in `/storage` folder (where have supposed to collect other variative and tmp data - like logs, or unique gravatars for sites without favicons)
* Set up the `/crontab/crawler.php` script for execution every the minute, but it mostly related of the configs and target network volume
* Set up the `/crontab/crawler.php` script for execution every the minute, but it mostly related of the configs and target network volume
* Script has no MVC model, because of super simple. I have a doubts to make it AJAX, but...
* Script has no MVC model, because of super simple. It's is just 2 files, and everything else stored incapsulated in `library` classes.