freeze crawl on remote storage connection lost, infinitely repeat new attempt after 60 seconds until storage connected again

This commit is contained in:
ghost 2023-08-06 17:57:42 +03:00
parent 872ea25d00
commit 3c3443b3fd

View File

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ if (false === sem_acquire($semaphore, true)) {
// Begin debug output
echo '-- ' . date('c') . ' --' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// Load system dependencies
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../config/app.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../library/ftp.php');
@ -553,24 +556,38 @@ foreach ($db->getHostPageCrawlQueue(CRAWL_HOST_PAGE_QUEUE_LIMIT, time() - CRAWL_
if (!$snapMimeValid) continue 2;
// Copy tmp snap file to the permanent storage
$ftp = new Ftp();
$attempt = 1;
if ($ftp->connect($storage->host, $storage->port, $storage->username, $storage->password, $storage->directory, $storage->timeout, $storage->passive)) {
do {
$ftp->mkdir($hostPageSnapPath, true);
// Copy tmp snap file to the permanent storage
$ftp = new Ftp();
if ($ftp->copy($hostPageSnapFilenameTmp, $hostPageSnapFile)) {
// Remote host connected well...
if ($connection = $ftp->connect($storage->host, $storage->port, $storage->username, $storage->password, $storage->directory, $storage->timeout, $storage->passive)) {
// Register storage name
if ($db->addHostPageSnapStorage($hostPageSnapId, $crc32name, time())) {
$ftp->mkdir($hostPageSnapPath, true);
$snapFilesExists = true;
if ($ftp->copy($hostPageSnapFilenameTmp, $hostPageSnapFile)) {
// Register storage name
if ($db->addHostPageSnapStorage($hostPageSnapId, $crc32name, time())) {
$snapFilesExists = true;
// On remote connection lost, repeat attempt after 60 seconds...
} else {
echo sprintf(_('[attempt: %s] wait for remote storage %s id %s connection...'), $attempt++, $node, $location) . PHP_EOL;
} while ($connection === false);
@ -1035,9 +1052,7 @@ $executionTimeTotal = microtime(true) - $timeStart;
$httpRequestsTimeTotal = $httpRequestsTimeTotal / 1000000;
// Debug output
echo PHP_EOL;
echo '-- ' . date('c') . ' --' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Crawl queue completed:' . PHP_EOL;
echo '[hosts]' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' processed: ' . $hostsProcessed . PHP_EOL;