RSS Aggregator for Gemini Protocol
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3.2 KiB


RSS Aggregator for Gemini Protocol

Simple RSS feed converter to static Gemtext format, useful for news portals or localhost reading


  1. git clone
  2. cp example/crawler.json crawler.json - setup your feed locations
  3. php src/crawler.php - grab feeds manually or using crontab


Configuration file supports multiple feed channels with custom settings:

  • source - string, filepath or URL to the valid RSS feed
  • target - string, relative or absolute path to Gemtext dumps
  • item
    • limit - integer, how many items to display on page generated
    • template - string, custom pattern for feed item, that supports following macros
      • {nl} - new line separator
      • {link} - item link
      • {guid} - item guid
      • {pubDate} - item pubDate, soon with custom time format e.g. {pubDate:Y-m-d H:s}
      • {title} - item title
      • {description} - item description

Resulting files could be placed to any local folder (for personal reading) or shared with others (using gmid, twins or any other server)


Pulsar comes with build-in Titan-II server implementation.

It's especially useful for Yggdrasil users, who wish to host their feeds using plain IPv6 0200::/7 addresses as the CN record. Build-in server contain this feature implemented from the box.


  • cd Pulsar - navigate to the project folder
  • composer update - download server dependencies with Composer
  • mkdir server/ - init server location (you can define any other destination, server just git ignored)
  • cp example/host.json server/ - copy configuration example to the destination folder
  • cd server/ - navigate to server folder created and generate new self-signed certificate

On example above, certificate could be generated with following command:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.rsa -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj "/CN="
  • tip: for IPv6 address, just skip square brackets from CN value


  • php src/server.php server/ - supported relative or absolute paths (for systemd service)

Open gemini:// in Gemini browser!


Launch Pulsar server as systemd service

Following example means you have Pulsar installed in home directory of pulsar user (useradd -m pulsar)



ExecStart=/usr/bin/php /home/pulsar/Pulsar/src/server.php /home/pulsar/Pulsar/server/

  • sudo systemctl daemon-reload - reload systemd configuration
  • sudo systemctl enable pulsar - enable Pulsar service on system startup
  • sudo systemctl start pulsar - start Pulsar server