# Pulsar RSS aggregator for different protocols ## Features * [x] `src/crawler.php` - scan configured RSS feeds and dump results to SQLite ([alternative branch](https://github.com/YGGverse/Pulsar/tree/fs)) * [ ] `src/cleaner.php` - auto clean deprecated records * [x] `src/server.php` - server launcher for different protocols: * [x] [NEX](https://nightfall.city/nex/info/specification.txt) - based on [Ratchet](https://github.com/ratchetphp/Ratchet) `IoServer` asynchronous socket library * [ ] [Gemini](https://geminiprotocol.net) ## Example * `nex://[301:23b4:991a:634d::feed]` - [Yggdrasil](https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go) instance by YGGverse ## Install 1. `apt install git composer php-fpm php-sqlite3 php-pdo php-mbstring` - install system dependencies 2. `git clone https://github.com/YGGverse/Pulsar.git` - get latest Pulsar version 3. `cd Pulsar` - navigate project folder 4. `composer update` - install application dependencies 5. `cp config/example.json name.json` - setup your feed ## Crawler * `php src/crawler.php config=name.json` - crawl feeds configured by `name.json` - manually or using crontab * `config` - relative (to `config` folder) or absolute path to configuration file ## Server Launch as many servers as wanted by arguments * `php src/server.php protocol=nex config=name.json` - launch `nex` protocol server with `name.json` config * `config` - relative (to `config` folder) or absolute path to configuration file * `protocol` - server protocol, supported options: * `nex` - [NEX Protocol](https://nightfall.city/nex/info/specification.txt)