2.`cp example/config.json config.json` - setup your feeds there!
3.`php src/crawler.php` - crontab schedule
## Config
Configuration file supports multiple feed channels with custom configurations:
*`source` - string, filepath or URL to the valid RSS feed
*`target` - string, relative or absolute path to Gemtext dumps
*`limit` - integer, how many items to display
*`template` - string, custom pattern for feed item, that supports following macros
*`{nl}` - new line separator
*`{link}` - item link
*`{guid}` - item guid
*`{pubDate}` - item pubDate, soon with custom time format e.g. `{pubDate:Y-m-d H:s}`
*`{title}` - item title
*`{description}` - item description
Resulting files could be generated to the any folder for personal reading on localhost, or shared with others using [gmid](https://github.com/omar-polo/gmid), [twins](https://code.rocket9labs.com/tslocum/twins) or any other [Gemini server](https://github.com/kr1sp1n/awesome-gemini#servers).