Reseed data managment tools for I2P
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"""Action functions for argparser"""
import pyseeder.transport
import pyseeder.actions
from pyseeder.utils import PyseederException, check_readable, check_writable
def keygen(args):
"""Sub-command to generate keys"""
if not args.cert:
args.cert = "data/{}.crt".format(args.signer_id.replace("@", "_at_"))
for f in [args.cert, args.private_key]: check_writable(f)
from pyseeder.crypto import keygen
if args.no_encryption:
priv_key_password = None
from getpass import getpass
priv_key_password = getpass("Set private key password: ").encode("utf-8")
keygen(args.cert, args.private_key, args.signer_id, priv_key_password)
def reseed(args):
"""Sub-command to generate reseed file"""
for f in [args.netdb, args.private_key]: check_readable(f)
from pyseeder.su3file import SU3File
if args.no_encryption:
priv_key_password = None
priv_key_password = input().encode("utf-8")
su3file = SU3File(args.signer_id)
su3file.write(args.outfile, args.private_key, priv_key_password)
def transport_pull(args):
"""Sub-command for downloading su3 file"""
import random
for u in args.urls:
if, args.outfile):
return True
raise PyseederException("Failed to download su3 file")
def transport_push(args):
"""Sub-command for uploading su3 file with transports"""
import configparser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
pyseeder.transport.upload(args.file, config)
def serve(args):
"""Sub-command to start HTTPS reseed server"""
for f in [args.private_key, args.cert, args.file]: check_readable(f)
import pyseeder.server
pyseeder.server.run_server(, args.port, args.private_key,
args.cert, args.file)