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synced 2025-03-12 21:31:26 +00:00
53 lines
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53 lines
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REM Copyright (c) 2013-2019, The PurpleI2P Project
REM This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
REM See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
title Starting I2Pd Browser
set $pause=ping.exe -n
set $cd=%CD%
ver| find "6." >nul && set $pause=timeout.exe /t
set fire=firefox.exe
set port=FirefoxPortable.exe
set i2pd=i2pd.exe
if not exist Firefox ( echo Firefox not found... Start building... && cd build && call build.cmd )
taskList|find /i "%port%">nul&&(taskkill /im "%port%" /t>nul)&&(%$pause% 2 >nul)
REM taskList|find /i "%fire%">nul&&(taskkill /im "%fire%" >nul)
taskList|find /i "%i2pd%">nul&&(goto runfox)||(goto starti2p)
cd i2pd
start "" "%i2pd%"
echo i2pd Browser starting
echo Please wait
echo -------------------------------------
for /L %%B in (0,1,35) do (call :EchoWithoutCrLf "." && %$pause% 2 >nul)
echo .
echo -------------------------------------
echo Welcome to I2P Network
cd %$cd%
cd Firefox
start "" "%port%"
cd %$cd%
exit /b 0
rem ==========================================================================
rem ==========================================================================
rem Ïðîöåäóðà EchoWithoutCrLf
rem %1 : òåêñò äëÿ âûâîäà.
rem ==========================================================================
<nul set /p strTemp=%~1
exit /b 0
rem ==========================================================================