/* This file is a workaround for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1139509 */ /* It bolds the Firefox version in the about dialog and unbolds the distribution information */ /* It can be removed once Firefox 38 ESR is out of support */ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = []; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); var observer = { observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "chrome-document-global-created": var win = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow); win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad(event) { win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false); var doc = event.target; var url = doc.location.href.split("?")[0].split("#")[0]; switch (url) { case "chrome://browser/content/aboutDialog.xul": doc.querySelector("#version").style.fontWeight = "bold"; doc.querySelector("#distribution").style.fontWeight = "normal"; doc.querySelector("#distributionId").style.fontWeight = "normal"; break; } }, false); break; } } } Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "chrome-document-global-created", false);