@ECHO OFF REM Copyright (c) 2013-2019, The PurpleI2P Project REM This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3 REM See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree FOR /F "tokens=*" %%t IN ('git describe --tags') do (SET version=%%t) title Starting I2Pd Browser %version% set $pause=ping.exe -n set $cd=%CD% ver| find "6." >nul && set $pause=timeout.exe /t set fire=firefox.exe set port=FirefoxPortable.exe set i2pd=i2pd.exe if not exist Firefox ( echo Firefox not found... Start building... && cd build && call build.cmd ) taskList|find /i "%port%">nul&&(taskkill /im "%port%" /t>nul)&&(%$pause% 2 >nul) REM taskList|find /i "%fire%">nul&&(taskkill /im "%fire%" >nul) taskList|find /i "%i2pd%">nul&&(goto runfox)||(goto starti2p) :starti2p cd i2pd start "" "%i2pd%" echo i2pd Browser starting echo Please wait echo ------------------------------------- for /L %%B in (0,1,35) do (call :EchoWithoutCrLf "." && %$pause% 2 >nul) echo . echo ------------------------------------- echo Welcome to I2P Network cd %$cd% :runfox cd Firefox start "" "%port%" cd %$cd% exit /b 0 rem ========================================================================== rem ========================================================================== rem Процедура EchoWithoutCrLf rem rem %1 : текст для вывода. rem ========================================================================== :EchoWithoutCrLf