#!/usr/bin/env bash # # GNU/Linux does not really require something like RelativeLink.c # However, we do want to have the same look and feel with similar features. # # Copyright 2017 The Tor Project. See LICENSE for licensing information. complain_dialog_title="I2Pd Browser" # Make sure this script wasn't started as 'sh start-i2pd-browser' or similar. if [ "x$BASH" = "x" ]; then echo "$complain_dialog_title should be started as './start-i2pd-browser'" echo "Exiting." >&2 exit 1; fi # Do not (try to) connect to the session manager unset SESSION_MANAGER # Complain about an error, by any means necessary. # Usage: complain message # message must not begin with a dash. complain () { # Trim leading newlines, to avoid breaking formatting in some dialogs. complain_message="`echo "$1" | sed '/./,$!d'`" # If we're being run in debug/verbose mode, complain to stderr. if [ "$show_output" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$complain_message" >&2 return fi # Otherwise, we're being run by a GUI program of some sort; # try to pop up a message in the GUI in the nicest way # possible. # # In mksh, non-existent commands return 127; I'll assume all # other shells set the same exit code if they can't run a # command. (xmessage returns 1 if the user clicks the WM # close button, so we do need to look at the exact exit code, # not just assume the command failed to display a message if # it returns non-zero.) # First, try zenity. zenity --error \ --title="$complain_dialog_title" \ --text="$complain_message" if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then return fi # Try kdialog. kdialog --title "$complain_dialog_title" \ --error "$complain_message" if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then return fi # Try xmessage. xmessage -title "$complain_dialog_title" \ -center \ -buttons OK \ -default OK \ -xrm '*message.scrollVertical: Never' \ "$complain_message" if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then return fi # Try gxmessage. This one isn't installed by default on # Debian with the default GNOME installation, so it seems to # be the least likely program to have available, but it might # be used by one of the 'lightweight' Gtk-based desktop # environments. gxmessage -title "$complain_dialog_title" \ -center \ -buttons GTK_STOCK_OK \ -default OK \ "$complain_message" if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then return fi } if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then complain "The I2Pd Browser Bundle should not be run as root. Exiting." exit 1 fi if test -r /proc/cpuinfo && ! grep -q '^flags\s*:.* sse2' /proc/cpuinfo; then complain "I2Pd Browser requires a CPU with SSE2 support. Exiting." exit 1 fi tbb_usage () { printf "\nI2Pd Browser Script Options\n" printf " --verbose Display Firefox output in the terminal\n" printf " --log [file] Record Firefox output in file (default: i2pd-browser.log)\n" printf " --detach Detach from terminal and run I2Pd Browser in the background.\n" printf " --register-app Register I2Pd Browser as a desktop app for this user\n" printf " --unregister-app Unregister I2Pd Browser as a desktop app for this user\n" } log_output=0 show_output=0 detach=0 show_usage=0 register_desktop_app=0 logfile=/dev/null while : do case "$1" in --detach) detach=1 shift ;; -v | --verbose | -d | --debug) show_output=1 verbose_arg="$2" shift ;; -h | "-?" | --help | -help) show_usage=1 show_output=1 shift ;; -l | --log) if [ -z "$2" -o "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]; then printf "Logging I2Pd Browser debug information to i2pd-browser.log\n" logfile="../i2pd-browser.log" elif [ "${2:0:1}" == "/" -o "${2:0:1}" == "~" ]; then printf "Logging I2Pd Browser debug information to %s\n" "$2" logfile="$2" shift else printf "Logging I2Pd Browser debug information to %s\n" "$2" logfile="../$2" shift fi log_output=1 shift ;; --register-app) register_desktop_app=1 show_output=1 shift ;; --unregister-app) register_desktop_app=-1 show_output=1 shift ;; *) # No more options break ;; esac done # We can't detach and show output at the same time.. if [ "$show_output" -eq 1 -a "$detach" -eq 1 ]; then detach=0 fi if [ "$show_output" -eq 0 ]; then # If the user hasn't requested 'debug mode' or --help, close stdout and stderr, # to keep Firefox and the stuff loaded by/for it (including the # system's shared-library loader) from printing messages to # $HOME/.xsession-errors or other files. (Users wouldn't have seen # messages there anyway.) exec > "$logfile" exec 2> "$logfile" fi # If XAUTHORITY is unset, set it to its default value of $HOME/.Xauthority # before we change HOME below. (See xauth(1) and #1945.) XDM and KDM rely # on applications using this default value. if [ -z "$XAUTHORITY" ]; then XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority export XAUTHORITY fi # If this script is being run through a symlink, we need to know where # in the filesystem the script itself is, not where the symlink is. myname="$0" if [ -L "$myname" ]; then # XXX readlink is not POSIX, but is present in GNU coreutils # and on FreeBSD. Unfortunately, the -f option (which follows # a whole chain of symlinks until it reaches a non-symlink # path name) is a GNUism, so we have to have a fallback for # FreeBSD. Fortunately, FreeBSD has realpath instead; # unfortunately, that's also non-POSIX and is not present in # GNU coreutils. # # If this launcher were a C program, we could just use the # realpath function, which *is* POSIX. Too bad POSIX didn't # make that function accessible to shell scripts. # If realpath is available, use it; it Does The Right Thing. possibly_my_real_name="`realpath "$myname" 2>/dev/null`" if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then myname="$possibly_my_real_name" else # realpath is not available; hopefully readlink -f works. myname="`readlink -f "$myname" 2>/dev/null`" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then # Ugh. complain "start-i2pd-browser cannot be run using a symlink on this operating system." fi fi fi # Try to be agnostic to where we're being started from, chdir to where # the script is. mydir="`dirname "$myname"`" test -d "$mydir" && cd "$mydir" # If ${PWD} results in a zero length string, we can try something else... if [ ! "${PWD}" ]; then # "hacking around some braindamage" PWD="`pwd`" surveysays="This system has a messed up shell.\n" fi # This is a fix for an ibus issue on some Linux systems. See #9353 for more # details. The symlink needs to be created before we change HOME. if [ ! -d ".config/ibus" ]; then mkdir -p .config/ibus ln -nsf ~/.config/ibus/bus .config/ibus fi # Fix up .desktop Icon and Exec Paths, and update the .desktop file from the # canonical version if it was changed by the updater. cp start-i2pd-browser.desktop ../ sed -i -e "s,^Name=.*,Name=I2Pd Browser,g" ../start-i2pd-browser.desktop sed -i -e "s,^Icon=.*,Icon=$PWD/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png,g" ../start-i2pd-browser.desktop sed -i -e "s,^Exec=.*,Exec=sh -c '\"$PWD/start-i2pd-browser\" --detach || ([ ! -x \"$PWD/start-i2pd-browser\" ] \&\& \"\$(dirname \"\$*\")\"/Browser/start-i2pd-browser --detach)' dummy %k,g" ../start-i2pd-browser.desktop if [ "$register_desktop_app" -eq 1 ]; then mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share/applications/" cp ../start-i2pd-browser.desktop "$HOME/.local/share/applications/" update-desktop-database "$HOME/.local/share/applications/" printf "I2Pd Browser has been registered as a desktop app for this user in ~/.local/share/applications/\n" exit 0 fi if [ "$register_desktop_app" -eq -1 ]; then if [ -e "$HOME/.local/share/applications/start-i2pd-browser.desktop" ]; then rm -f "$HOME/.local/share/applications/start-i2pd-browser.desktop" update-desktop-database "$HOME/.local/share/applications/" printf "I2Pd Browser has been removed as a user desktop app (from ~/.local/share/applications/)\n" else printf "I2Pd Browser does not appear to be a desktop app (not present in ~/.local/share/applications/)\n" fi exit 0 fi HOME="${PWD}" export HOME # Avoid overwriting user's dconf values. Fixes #27903. export GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory cd "${HOME}" # We pass all additional command-line arguments we get to Firefox. # # The --class parameter was added to fix bug 11102. if [ "$show_usage" -eq 1 ]; then # Display Firefox help, then our help ./firefox --class "I2Pd Browser" \ -profile data --help 2>/dev/null tbb_usage elif [ "$detach" -eq 1 ] ; then ./firefox --class "I2Pd Browser" \ -ProfileManager "${@}" > "$logfile" 2>&1 &1 "$logfile" 2>&1