Running i2pd ============ Starting, stopping and reloading configuration ---------------------------------------------- This chapter explains how to start and manage the i2pd daemon under \*nix operation systems. After you have built i2pd from source, just run the binary: ./i2pd To display all available options: ./i2pd --help i2pd can be controlled with signals. The process ID by is written to the file `~/.i2pd/` or `/var/run/i2pd/` by default. You can use `kill` utility to send signals like this: kill -INT $( cat /var/run/i2pd/ ) i2pd supports the following signals: * INT - Graceful shutdown. i2pd will wait for up to 10 minutes and stop. Send a second INT signal to shutdown i2pd immediately. * HUP - Reload configuration files. ### systemd unit Some i2pd packages come with a systemd control unit, and for those that use systemd, it is possible to manage i2pd with it. To start/stop i2pd: sudo systemctl start i2pd.service sudo systemctl stop i2pd.service --no-block The stop command initiates a graceful shutdown process, i2pd stops after finishing to route transit tunnels (maximum 10 minutes). To enable/disable autostart of i2pd upon bootup: sudo systemctl enable i2pd.service sudo systemctl disable i2pd.service Recommended way to run i2pd built from source --------------------------------------------- The following commands display the recommended way to build i2pd from source, without a package manager. Installing i2pd this way will ensure all i2pd-related files are stored at `$HOME/dist`. mkdir $HOME/dist cp i2pd $HOME/dist cp -R contrib/certificates $HOME/dist cp contrib/i2pd.conf $HOME/dist cd $HOME/dist ulimit -n 4096 # only on Linux, increasing open file limit Then, to run i2pd, simply travel to the installation directory and type: ./i2pd --datadir .