Building on Unix systems ============================= This doc is trying to cover: * [Debian/Ubuntu](#debian-ubuntu) (contains packaging instructions) * [Fedora/Centos](#fedora-centos) * [Mac OS X](#mac-os-x) * [FreeBSD](#freebsd) * [Solaris](#solaris) Make sure you have all required dependencies for your system successfully installed. See [this]( page for common requirements. If so then we are ready to go! Let's clone the repository and start building the i2pd: git clone Generic build process looks like this (with cmake): cd i2pd/build cmake . # see "CMake Options" section below make # you may add VERBOSE=1 to cmdline for debugging ..or with quick-and-dirty way with just make: cd i2pd/ make Then run the tests: cd i2pd/tests/ make After successful build i2pd could be installed with: make install CMake Options ------------- Available CMake options(each option has a form of `-D=`, for more information see `man 1 cmake`): * `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` build profile (Debug/Release, default: no optimization or debug symbols) * `WITH_BINARY` build i2pd itself (default: ON) * `WITH_LIBRARY` build libi2pd (default: ON) * `WITH_STATIC` build static versions of library and i2pd binary (default: OFF) * `WITH_UPNP` build with UPnP support (requires libminiupnp, default: OFF) * `WITH_AESNI` build with AES-NI support (default: ON) * `WITH_HARDENING` enable hardening features (gcc only, default: OFF) * `WITH_MESHNET` build for cjdns test network (makes impossible to use the application with the main network, default: OFF) * `WITH_ADDRSANITIZER` build with Address Sanitizer (default: OFF) * `WITH_THREADSANITIZER` build with Thread Sanitizer (default: OFF) Also there is `-L` flag for CMake that could be used to list current cached options: cmake -L Debian/Ubuntu ------------- You will need a compiler and other tools that could be installed with `build-essential`, `debhelper` and `cmake` packages: sudo apt-get install build-essential debhelper cmake Also you will need a bunch of development libraries: sudo apt-get install \ libboost-date-time-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev \ libboost-program-options-dev \ libboost-system-dev \ libssl-dev \ zlib1g-dev If you need UPnP support miniupnpc development library should be installed (don't forget to rerun CMake with needed option): sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev You may also build deb-package with the following: sudo apt-get install fakeroot devscripts dh-apparmor cd i2pd debuild --no-tgz-check -us -uc -b Arch/Manjaro ------------- You will need a compiler and other tools that could be installed with `base-devel` package: sudo pacman -S base-devel Also you will need a bunch of libraries sudo pacman -S boost zlib openssl Fedora/Centos ------------- You will need a compiler and other tools to perform a build: sudo yum install make cmake gcc gcc-c++ Also you will need a bunch of development libraries sudo yum install boost-devel openssl-devel If you need UPnP support miniupnpc development library should be installed (don't forget to rerun CMake with needed option): sudo yum install miniupnpc-devel For static builds boost-static is needed: sudo yum install boost-static Latest Fedora systems using [DNF]( instead of YUM by default, you may prefer to use DNF, but YUM should be ok Centos 7 has CMake 2.8.11 in the official repositories that too old to build i2pd, CMake >=3.7 is required. But you can use cmake3 from the epel repository: yum install epel-release -y yum install make cmake3 gcc gcc-c++ miniupnpc-devel boost-devel openssl-devel -y ...and then use 'cmake3' instead 'cmake'. Mac OS X -------- Requires [homebrew]( brew install boost openssl@1.1 To build: make HOMEBREW=1 -j8 # uses 8 threads To install into the system root (`/`): sudo make install HOMEBREW=1 To install into the Homebrew root (`/usr/local/`): sudo make install HOMEBREW=1 PREFIX=/usr/local FreeBSD ------- For 10.X use clang. You would also need devel/boost-libs, security/openssl and devel/gmake ports. Type gmake, it invokes Makefile.bsd, make necessary changes there is required. Branch 9.X has gcc v4.2, that is too old (not supports -std=c++11) Required ports: * `devel/cmake` * `devel/boost-libs` * `lang/gcc47`(or later version) To use newer compiler you should set these variables(replace "47" with your actual gcc version): export CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc47 export CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++47 Solaris ------- For OpenIndiana install following packets: pkg install developer/gcc-14 pkg install system/library/boost pkg install library/security/openssl-3 then use 'gmake'