Using RetroShare with i2pd ========================== RetroShare is a rich set of P2P applications, which can work on top of anonymous I2P network. Quoting [Wikipedia]( > RetroShare is open source software for encrypted filesharing, serverless email, instant messaging, online chat, and BBS, based on a friend-to-friend network built on GNU Privacy Guard (GPG). In order to make RetroShare work with i2pd, you need to create a new server tunnel in [tunnels.conf](../user-guide/ like this: [retroshare] type=server host= port=10123 # pick random port of your choice keys=retroshare.dat Make sure that Socks proxy is enabled, it listens at ```` by default. If not, look at [i2pd.conf documentation](../user-guide/ Restart i2pd with new configuration. Find .b32.i2p address of your RetroShare node. Go to webconsole -> [I2P tunnels page]( Look for Sever tunnels and you will see address like \.b32.i2p next to "retroshare". Now when everything is prepared, you can run RetroShare itself and create a new profile. Mark it as **hidden** and enter your **.b32.i2p address** and **port** you have specified at tunnels.conf. More information about RetroShare at their [website](