i2pd configuration ================== i2pd can be configured via either command-line arguments or config files. Modifying `i2pd.conf` is just a way of passing command line arguments to i2pd at boot; for example, running i2pd with argument `--port=10123` and setting option `port = 10123` in config file will have the same effect. There are two separate config files: `i2pd.conf` and `tunnels.conf`. `i2pd.conf` is the main configuration file, where you configure all options. `tunnels.conf` is the tunnel configuration file, where you configure I2P hidden services and client tunnels. the `tunnels.conf` options are documented [here](tunnels.md). `i2pd.conf` accepts INI-like syntax, such as the following : = . Comments are "#", not ";" as you might expect. See [boost ticket](https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/808) All command-line parameters are allowed as keys, but for those which contains dot (.), there is a special syntax. For example: i2pd.conf: # comment log = true # use stdout (default) ipv6 = true # settings for specific module [httpproxy] port = 4444 # ^^ this will be --httproxy.port= in cmdline # another comment [sam] enabled = true You are also encouraged to see the commented config with examples of all options in ``contrib/i2pd.conf``. Options specified on the command line take precedence over those in the config file. If you are upgrading your very old router (< 2.3.0) see also [this](config_opts_after_2.3.0.md) page. Available options ----------------- Run `./i2pd --help` to show builtin help message (default value of option will be shown in braces) ### General options Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- conf | Config file (default: ~/.i2pd/i2pd.conf or /var/lib/i2pd/i2pd.conf). This parameter will be silently ignored if the specified config file does not exist. tunconf | Tunnels config file (default: ~/.i2pd/tunnels.conf or /var/lib/i2pd/tunnels.conf) pidfile | Where to write pidfile (default: i2pd.pid, not used in Windows) log | Logs destination: stdout, file, syslog (stdout if not set or invalid) (if daemon, stdout/unspecified are replaced by file in some cases) logfile | Path to logfile (default - autodetect) loglevel | Log messages above this level (debug, info, warn, error, none; default - info) logclftime | Write full CLF-formatted date and time to log (default: write only time) datadir | Path to storage of i2pd data (RI, keys, peer profiles, ...) host | Router external IP for incoming connections port | Port to listen for incoming connections (default: auto) daemon | Router will go to background after start service | Router will use system folders like '/var/lib/i2pd' ifname | Network interface to bind to ifname4 | Network interface to bind to for IPv4 ifname6 | Network interface to bind to for IPv6 address4 | Local address to bind to for IPv4 address6 | Local address to bind to for clearnet IPv6 nat | If true, assume we are behind NAT. true by default ipv4 | Enable communication through IPv4. true by default ipv6 | Enable communication through clearnet IPv6. false by default notransit | Router will not accept transit tunnels, disabling transit traffic completely. false by default floodfill | Router will be floodfill. false by default bandwidth | Bandwidth limit: integer in KBps or letters: L (32), O (256), P (2048), X (>9000) share | Max % of bandwidth limit for transit. 0-100. 100 by default family | Name of a family, router belongs to netid | Network ID, router belongs to. Main I2P is 2. ssu | Enable SSU transport protocol (use UDP). true by default #### Notes `datadir` and `service` options are only used as arguments for i2pd, these options have no effect when set in `i2pd.conf`. ### Windows-specific options Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- svcctl | Windows service management (--svcctl="install" or --svcctl="remove") insomnia | Prevent system from sleeping close | Action on close: minimize, exit, ask All options below still possible in cmdline, but better write it in config file: ### HTTP webconsole Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- http.enabled | If webconsole is enabled. true by default http.address | The address to listen on (HTTP server) http.port | The port to listen on (HTTP server) 7070 by default http.auth | Enable basic HTTP auth for webconsole http.user | Username for basic auth (default: i2pd) http.pass | Password for basic auth (default: random, see logs) http.strictheaders | Enable strict host checking on WebUI. true by default http.hostname | Expected hostname for WebUI (default: localhost) ### HTTP proxy Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- httpproxy.enabled | If HTTP proxy is enabled. true by default httpproxy.address | The address to listen on (HTTP Proxy) httpproxy.port | The port to listen on (HTTP Proxy) 4444 by default httpproxy.addresshelper | Enable address helper (jump). true by default httpproxy.keys | Optional keys file for HTTP proxy local destination httpproxy.signaturetype | Signature type for new keys if keys file is set. 7 by default httpproxy.inbound.length | Inbound tunnels length if keys is set. 3 by default httpproxy.inbound.quantity | Inbound tunnels quantity if keys is set. 5 by default httpproxy.inbound.lengthVariance | Inbound tunnels length variance if keys is set. 0 by default httpproxy.outbound.length | Outbound tunnels length if keys is set. 3 by default httpproxy.outbound.quantity | Outbound tunnels quantity if keys is set. 5 by default httpproxy.outbound.lengthVariance | Outbound tunnels length variance if keys is set. 0 by default httpproxy.outproxy | HTTP proxy upstream out proxy url (like http://false.i2p) httpproxy.i2cp.leaseSetType | Type of LeaseSet to be sent. 1, 3 or 5. 1 by default httpproxy.i2cp.leaseSetEncType | Comma separated encryption types to be used in LeaseSet type 3 or 5 ### Socks proxy Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- socksproxy.enabled | If SOCKS proxy is enabled. true by default socksproxy.address | The address to listen on (SOCKS Proxy) socksproxy.port | The port to listen on (SOCKS Proxy). 4447 by default socksproxy.keys | Optional keys file for SOCKS proxy local destination socksproxy.signaturetype | Signature type for new keys if keys file is set. 7 by default socksproxy.inbound.length | Inbound tunnels length if keys is set. 3 by default socksproxy.inbound.quantity | Inbound tunnels quantity if keys is set. 5 by default socksproxy.inbound.lengthVariance | Inbound tunnels length variance if keys is set. 0 by default socksproxy.outbound.length | Outbound tunnels length if keys is set. 3 by default socksproxy.outbound.quantity | Outbound tunnels quantity if keys is set. 5 by default socksproxy.outbound.lengthVariance | Outbound tunnels length variance if keys is set. 0 by default socksproxy.outproxy.enabled | Enable or disable SOCKS outproxy. Disabled by default socksproxy.outproxy | Address of outproxy. requests outside I2P will go there socksproxy.outproxyport | Outproxy remote port socksproxy.i2cp.leaseSetType | Type of LeaseSet to be sent. 1, 3 or 5. 1 by default socksproxy.i2cp.leaseSetEncType | Comma separated encryption types to be used in LeaseSet type 3 or 5 ### SAM interface Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- sam.address | The address to listen on (SAM bridge) sam.port | Port of SAM bridge. Usually 7656. SAM is off if not specified sam.enabled | If SAM is enabled. true by default sam.singlethread | If false every SAM session runs in own thread. true by default ### BOB interface Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- bob.address | The address to listen on (BOB command channel) bob.port | Port of BOB command channel. Usually 2827. BOB is off if not specified bob.enabled | If BOB is enabled. false by default ### I2CP interface Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- i2cp.address | The address to listen on or an abstract address for Android LocalSocket i2cp.port | Port of I2CP server. Usually 7654. Ignored for Andorid i2cp.enabled | If I2CP is enabled. false by default. Other services don't require I2CP i2cp.singlethread | If false every I2CP session runs in own thread. true by default ### I2PControl interface Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- i2pcontrol.address | The address to listen on (I2P control service) i2pcontrol.port | Port of I2P control service. Usually 7650. I2PControl is off if not specified i2pcontrol.enabled | If I2P control is enabled. false by default i2pcontrol.password | I2P control authentication password. itoopie by default i2pcontrol.cert | I2P control HTTPS certificate file name. i2pcontrol.crt.pem by default i2pcontrol.key | I2P control HTTPS certificate key file name. i2pcontrol.key.pem by default ### UPNP Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- upnp.enabled | Enable or disable UPnP, false by default for CLI and true for GUI (Windows, Android) upnp.name | Name i2pd appears in UPnP forwardings list. I2Pd by default ### Cryptography Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- precomputation.elgamal | Use ElGamal precomputated tables. false for x64 and true for other platforms by default ### Reseeding Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- reseed.verify | Verify .su3 signature. false by default reseed.urls | Reseed URLs, separated by comma reseed.yggurls | Reseed Yggdrasil's URLs, separated by comma reseed.file | Path to local .su3 file or HTTPS URL to reseed from reseed.zipfile | Path to local .zip file to reseed from reseed.threshold | Minimum number of known routers before requesting reseed. 25 by default reseed.proxy | Url for https/socks reseed proxy ### Addressbook options Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- addressbook.defaulturl | AddressBook subscription URL. Only used to initialize the AddressBook. addressbook.subscriptions | AddressBook subscriptions URLs, separated by comma. Note that defaulturl is not added to subscriptions URLs addressbook.hostsfile | File to dump AddressesBook in hosts.txt format ### Limits Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- limits.transittunnels | Override maximum number of transit tunnels. 2500 by default limits.openfiles | Limit number of open file descriptors (0 - use system limit) limits.coresize | Maximum size of corefile in Kb (0 - use system limit) limits.ntcpsoft | Threshold to start probabalistic backoff with ntcp sessions (0 - use system limit) limits.ntcphard | Maximum number of ntcp sessions (0 - use system limit) ### Trust options Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- trust.enabled | Enable explicit trust options. false by default trust.family | Make direct I2P connections only to routers in specified Family. trust.routers | Make direct I2P connections only to routers specified here. Comma separated list of base64 identities. trust.hidden | Should we hide our router from other routers? false by default ### Exploratory tunnels Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- exploratory.inbound.length | Exploratory inbound tunnels length. 2 by default exploratory.inbound.quantity | Exploratory inbound tunnels quantity. 3 by default exploratory.outbound.length | Exploratory outbound tunnels length. 2 by default exploratory.outbound.quantity | Exploratory outbound tunnels length. 3 by default ### NTCP2 Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- ntcp2.enabled | Enable NTCP2. Enabled by default ntcp2.published | Enable incoming NTCP2 connections. Enabled by default ntcp2.port | Port to listen for incoming NTCP2 connections (default: auto) ntcp2.addressv6 | External IPv6 for incoming connections ntcp2.proxy | Specify proxy server for NTCP2. Should be http://address:port or socks://address:port ### Time sync Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- nettime.enabled | Enable NTP sync. Disabled by default nettime.ntpservers | Comma-separated list of NTP server. pool.ntp.org by default nettime.ntpsyncinterval | NTP time sync interval in hours. 72 by default ### Network information persist Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- persist.profiles | Enable peer profile persisting to disk. Enabled by default ### Meshnets transports Option | Description -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- meshnets.yggdrasil | Support transports through the Yggdrasil meshnets.yggaddress | Local Yggdrasil's address to publish Local addressbook ----------------- There is also a special addressbook config file in the working directory at `addressbook/local.csv`. It lets your routers to work as a resolver for 3ld domains if you run that 2ld address on your router and it' presented in addressbook. Only i2pd can resolve such addresses, but sending special datagram requests.