i2pd documentation
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8 years ago
Family configuration
4 years ago
You might want to specify a family your router belongs to.
There are two ways to do this: create a new family or join to an existing one.
8 years ago
New family
To create a new family, you must first create a family self-signed certificate and key.
The only key type supported is prime256v1.
Use the following list of commands to do this through openssl:
8 years ago
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out <your family name>.key
openssl req -new -key <your family name>.key -out <your family name>.csr
touch v3.ext
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in <your family name>.csr -signkey <your family name>.key -out <your family name>.crt -extfile v3.ext
Specify &lt;your family name>.family.i2p.net for the CN (Common Name) when requested.
8 years ago
Once you are done generating it place &lt;your-family-name>.key and &lt;your-family-name>.crt in the <ip2d data>/family folder (for example ~/.i2pd/family).
8 years ago
You should provide these two files to other members joining your family.
If you want to register your family and let the I2P network recognize it, create a pull request for your .crt file into contrib/certificate/family.
Certificates added into the public repository this way will appear in i2pd and I2P next releases packages. Don't place .key file, it must be shared between you family members only.
8 years ago
How to join existing family
Once you and that family agree to do it, they must give you .key and .crt file and you must place in <i2pd datadir>/certificates/family/ folder.
Publish your family
Run i2pd with the parameters 'family=&lt;your-family-name>', and make sure you have &lt;your-family-name>.key and &lt;your-family-name>.crt in your 'family' folder.
8 years ago
If everything is set properly, you router.info will contain two new fields: 'family' and 'family.sig'.
If not, your router will complain on startup with log messages starting with "Family:" prefix and severity 'warn' or 'error'.
Export to Java-I2P from i2pd
1. **Convert private key file to PKCS#8**
The private key is in an openssl "EC Parameter File" format:
It must be converted to PKCS#8 format first.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in your-family-name.key -out your-family-name.pkcs8
Now you have a pkcs8 private key in the your-family-name.pkcs8 file:
2. **Combine PKCS#8 and certificate files**
Now combine the pkcs8 and certificate files into a single file:
cat your-family-name.pkcs8 your-family-name.crt > your-family-name.secret
3. **Import combined file**
Now go to Java i2p console page and Join Existing Router Family selecting the file your-family-name.secret to join that family.
Export to i2pd from Java-I2P
Go to Java i2p console page and export family key. You'll have a file `family-your-family-name-secret.crt`. It contains both the private key and the public key certificate.
Copy it to `your-family-name.key` and `your-family-name.crt`.
Edit `your-family-name.key` in a text editor to remove the certificate part so it contains only the private key part.
Edit `your-family-name.crt` in a text editor to remove the private key part so it contains only the certificate part.
Move the `your-family-name.key` and `your-family-name.crt` files to the i2pd /certificates/family/ folder, as instructed [here](https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/family/).
This assumes that i2pd/openssl can handle the PKCS#8 format for the private key.
TODO: List common errors