i2pd configuration
i2pd can be configured via command-line arguments and config files.
Options are the same, for example, running i2pd with argument `--port=10123` and setting
option `port = 10123` in config file will have same effect.
There are two separate config files `i2pd.conf` and `tunnels.conf` . `i2pd.conf` is main configuration file, where
you configure all options. `tunnels.conf` is I2P tunnel configuration file, where you configure I2P hidden services
and client tunnels for you needs. `tunnels.conf` options are documented [here ](tunnels.md ).
INI-like, syntax is the following : < key > = < value > .
Comments are "#", not ";" as you may expect. See [boost ticket ](https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/808 )
All command-line parameters are allowed as keys, but note for those which contains dot (.).
For example:
# comment
log = true
ipv6 = true
# settings for specific module
port = 4444
# ^^ this will be --httproxy.port= in cmdline
# another comment
enabled = true
See also commented config with examples of all options in ``docs/i2pd.conf``.
Options specified on the command line take precedence over those in the config file.
If you are upgrading your very old router (< 2.3.0 ) see also [this ](config_opts_after_2.3.0.md ) page .
Available options
Run `./i2pd --help` to show builtin help message (default value of option will be shown in braces)
### General options
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
conf | Config file (default: ~/.i2pd/i2pd.conf or /var/lib/i2pd/i2pd.conf). This parameter will be silently ignored if the specified config file does not exist.
tunconf | Tunnels config file (default: ~/.i2pd/tunnels.conf or /var/lib/i2pd/tunnels.conf)
pidfile | Where to write pidfile (dont write by default)
log | Logs destination: stdout, file (stdout if not set, file - otherwise, for compatibility)
logfile | Path to logfile (default - autodetect)
loglevel | Log messages above this level (debug, info, warn, error)
datadir | Path to storage of i2pd data (RI, keys, peer profiles, ...)
host | Router external IP for incoming connections
port | Port to listen for incoming connections (default: auto)
daemon | Router will go to background after start
service | Router will use system folders like '/var/lib/i2pd'
ipv6 | Enable communication through ipv6. false by default
notransit | Router will not accept transit tunnels at startup. false by default
floodfill | Router will be floodfill. false by default
bandwidth | Bandwidth limit: integer in KBps or letters: L (32), O (256), P (2048), X (>9000)
family | Name of a family, router belongs to
netid | Network ID, router belongs to. Main I2P is 2.
### Windows-specific options
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
svcctl | Windows service management (--svcctl="install" or --svcctl="remove")
insomnia | Prevent system from sleeping
close | Action on close: minimize, exit, ask
All options below still possible in cmdline, but better write it in config file:
### HTTP webconsole
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
http.enabled | If webconsole is enabled. true by default
http.address | The address to listen on (HTTP server)
http.port | The port to listen on (HTTP server) 7070 by default
http.auth | Enable basic HTTP auth for webconsole
http.user | Username for basic auth (default: i2pd)
http.pass | Password for basic auth (default: random, see logs)
### HTTP proxy
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
httpproxy.enabled | If HTTP proxy is enabled. true by default
httpproxy.address | The address to listen on (HTTP Proxy)
httpproxy.port | The port to listen on (HTTP Proxy) 4444 by default
httpproxy.keys | optional keys file for HTTP proxy local destination
httpproxy.inbound.length | Inbound tunnels length if keys is set. 3 by default
httpproxy.inbound.quantity | Inbound tunnels quantity if keys is set. 5 by default
httpproxy.outbound.length | Outbound tunnels length if keys is set. 3 by default
httpproxy.outbound.quantity | Outbound tunnels quantity if keys is set. 5 by default
### Socks proxy
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
socksproxy.enabled | If SOCKS proxy is enabled. true by default
socksproxy.address | The address to listen on (SOCKS Proxy)
socksproxy.port | The port to listen on (SOCKS Proxy). 4447 by default
socksproxy.keys | optional keys file for SOCKS proxy local destination
socksproxy.inbound.length | Inbound tunnels length if keys is set. 3 by default
socksproxy.inbound.quantity | Inbound tunnels quantity if keys is set. 5 by default
socksproxy.outbound.length | Outbound tunnels length if keys is set. 3 by default
socksproxy.outbound.quantity | Outbound tunnels quantity if keys is set. 5 by default
socksproxy.outproxy | Address of outproxy. requests outside i2p will go there
socksproxy.outproxyport | Outproxy remote port
### SAM interface
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
sam.address | The address to listen on (SAM bridge)
sam.port | Port of SAM bridge. Usually 7656. SAM is off if not specified
sam.enabled | If SAM is enabled. false by default
### BOB interface
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
bob.address | The address to listen on (BOB command channel)
bob.port | Port of BOB command channel. Usually 2827. BOB is off if not specified
bob.enabled | If BOB is enabled. false by default
### I2CP interface
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
i2cp.address | The address to listen on or an abstract address for Android LocalSocket
i2cp.port | Port of I2CP server. Usually 7654. Ignored for Andorid
i2cp.enabled | If I2CP is enabled. false by default. Other services don't require I2CP
### I2PControl interface
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
i2pcontrol.address | The address to listen on (I2P control service)
i2pcontrol.port | Port of I2P control service. Usually 7650. I2PControl is off if not specified
i2pcontrol.enabled | If I2P control is enabled. false by default
i2pcontrol.password | I2P control authentication password. itoopie by default
i2pcontrol.cert | I2P control HTTPS certificate file name. i2pcontrol.crt.pem by default
i2pcontrol.key | I2P control HTTPS certificate key file name. i2pcontrol.key.pem by default
### UPNP
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
upnp.enabled | Enable or disable UPnP, false by default for CLI and true for GUI (Windows, Android)
upnp.name | Name i2pd appears in UPnP forwardings list. I2Pd by default
### Cryptography
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
precomputation.elgamal | Use ElGamal precomputated tables. false for x64 and true for other platforms by default
### Reseeding
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
reseed.verify | Request SU3 signature verification
reseed.file | Full path to SU3 file to reseed from
reseed.urls | Reseed URLs, separated by comma
### Addressbook options
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
addressbook.defaulturl | AddressBook subscription URL for initial setup
addressbook.subscriptions | AddressBook subscriptions URLs, separated by comma
### Limits
Option | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------
limits.transittunnels | Override maximum number of transit tunnels. 2500 by default
limits.openfiles | Maximum size of corefile in Kb (0 - use system limit)
limits.coresize | Maximum size of corefile in Kb (0 - use system limit)
Local addressbook
There is also a special addressbook config file in working directory `addressbook/local.csv` .
It is used to map long I2P destinations to short, human readable domain names. The syntax is csv.