i2pd documentation
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8 years ago
Frequently asked questions
## What is I2P?
## How exactly I2P works? Is I2P better than Tor?
Learn more at https://geti2p.net
## How i2pd differs from original I2P implementation?
## What can I use i2pd for?
## Why is network so slow and unstable sometimes?
## What is good tunnel creation success rate value?
Average values are 15% - 40%. Larger is better.
## Can use i2pd as a proxy for regular Internet?
Not out of the box. You better use [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/) for that.
## Are there any alive I2P websites?
Sure, there is a list of alive websites [here](http://identiguy.i2p.xyz/)
## How can I better integrate my router to the network?
Edit your settings: set correct bandwidth and share rate.
Run i2pd for a long time, download and seed some popular torrents.
## What browser should I use to browse I2P websites?
Use any opensource browser - for example, Firefox or Chromium based. Create separate profile for I2P ([firefox instructions](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-firefox-profiles)), try not to mix clearnet browsing with I2P. Learn how to configure your browser for better privacy and security.
Good idea is to configure [privoxy](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Privoxy) for I2P/onion/clearnet browsing at the same time.
i2pd socks proxy has an option to pass all non-i2p traffic to Tor socks proxy. Make sure you know what are you doing!
## What is floodfill mode?