I2P: End-to-End encrypted and anonymous Internet https://i2pd.website/
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#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include "Log.h"
#include "hmac.h"
#include "SSU.h"
namespace i2p
namespace ssu
SSUSession::SSUSession (): m_State (eSessionStateUnknown)
void SSUSession::ProcessNextMessage (uint8_t * buf, std::size_t len)
switch (m_State)
LogPrint ("SSU state not implemented yet");
void SSUSession::Authenticate (uint8_t * buf, size_t len, uint8_t * aesKey, uint8_t * iv, uint8_t * macKey)
m_Encryption.SetKeyWithIV (aesKey, 32, iv);
SSUServer::SSUServer (boost::asio::io_service& service, int port):
m_Socket (service, boost::asio::ip::udp::v4 (), port)
SSUServer::~SSUServer ()
for (auto it: m_Sessions)
delete it.second;
void SSUServer::Start ()
Receive ();
void SSUServer::Stop ()
m_Socket.close ();
void SSUServer::Receive ()
m_Socket.async_receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_ReceiveBuffer, SSU_MTU), m_SenderEndpoint,
boost::bind (&SSUServer::HandleReceivedFrom, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred));
void SSUServer::HandleReceivedFrom (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
if (!ecode)
LogPrint ("SSU received ", bytes_transferred, " bytes");
SSUSession * session = nullptr;
auto it = m_Sessions.find (m_SenderEndpoint);
if (it != m_Sessions.end ())
session = it->second;
if (session)
session = new SSUSession ();
m_Sessions[m_SenderEndpoint] = session;
LogPrint ("New SSU session from ", m_SenderEndpoint.address ().to_string (), ":", m_SenderEndpoint.port (), " created");
session->ProcessNextMessage (m_ReceiveBuffer, bytes_transferred);
Receive ();
LogPrint ("SSU receive error: ", ecode.message ());