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R4SAS 8943d212ee
[i18n] add Uzbek translation (partial)
Signed-off-by: R4SAS <r4sas@i2pmail.org>
2021-08-18 22:55:14 +03:00

207 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2021, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include "I18N.h"
// Ukrainian localization file
namespace i2p
namespace i18n
namespace uzbek // language namespace
// language name in lowercase
static std::string language = "uzbek";
// See for language plural forms here:
// https://localization-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/l10n/pluralforms.html
static int plural (int n) {
return n > 1 ? 1 : 0;
static std::map<std::string, std::string> strings
{"KiB", "KiB"},
{"MiB", "MiB"},
{"GiB", "GiB"},
{"building", "qurilish"},
{"failed", "muvaffaqiyatsiz"},
{"expiring", "muddati tugaydi"},
{"established", "aloqa o'rnatildi"},
{"unknown", "noma'lum"},
{"exploratory", "tadqiqiy"},
{"<b>i2pd</b> webconsole", "<b>i2pd</b> veb -konsoli"},
{"Main page", "Asosiy sahifa"},
{"Router commands", "Router buyruqlari"},
{"LeaseSets", "LeaseSets"},
{"Tunnels", "Tunnellar"},
{"Transit Tunnels", "Tranzit Tunellar"},
{"Transports", "Transportlar"},
{"I2P tunnels", "I2P tunnellar"},
{"SAM sessions", "SAM sessiyalari"},
{"ERROR", "XATO"},
{"OK", "OK"},
{"Testing", "Testlash"},
{"Firewalled", "Xavfsizlik devori bilan himoyalangan"},
{"Unknown", "Notanish"},
{"Proxy", "Proksi"},
{"Mesh", "Mesh To'r"},
{"Error", "Xato"},
{"Clock skew", "Aniq vaqt emas"},
{"Offline", "Oflayn"},
{"Symmetric NAT", "Simmetrik NAT"},
{"Uptime", "Ish vaqti"},
{"Network status", "Tarmoq holati"},
{"Network status v6", "Tarmoq holati v6"},
{"Stopping in", "Ichida to'xtatish"},
{"Family", "Oila"},
{"Tunnel creation success rate", "Tunnel yaratish muvaffaqiyat darajasi"},
{"Received", "Qabul qilindi"},
{"KiB/s", "KiB/s"},
{"Sent", "Yuborilgan"},
{"Transit", "Tranzit"},
{"Data path", "Ma'lumotlar yo'li"},
{"Hidden content. Press on text to see.", "Yashirin tarkib. Ko'rish uchun matn ustida bosing."},
{"Router Ident", "Router identifikatori"},
{"Router Family", "Router Oila"},
{"Router Caps", "Router bayroqlari"},
{"Version", "Versiya"},
{"Our external address", "Bizning tashqi manzilimiz"},
{"supported", "qo'llab -quvvatlanadi"},
{"Routers", "Routerlar"},
{"Floodfills", "Floodfills"},
{"Client Tunnels", "Mijoz tunellari"},
{"Services", "Xizmatlar"},
{"Enabled", "Yoqilgan"},
{"Disabled", "O'chirilgan"},
{"Encrypted B33 address", "Shifrlangan B33 manzil"},
{"Address registration line", "Manzilni ro'yxatga olish liniyasi"},
{"Domain", "Domen"},
{"Generate", "Varatish"},
{"<b>Note:</b> result string can be used only for registering 2LD domains (example.i2p). For registering subdomains please use i2pd-tools.", "<b>Eslatma:</b> natija satridan faqat 2LD domenlarini ro'yxatdan o'tkazish uchun foydalanish mumkin (example.i2p). Subdomenlarni ro'yxatdan o'tkazish uchun i2pd-tools dan foydalaning."},
{"Address", "Manzil"},
{"Type", "Turi"},
{"EncType", "ShifrlashTuri"},
{"Inbound tunnels", "Kirish tunnellari"},
{"ms", "ms"},
{"Outbound tunnels", "Chiquvchi tunnellar"},
{"Tags", "Teglar"},
{"Incoming", "Kiruvchi"},
{"Outgoing", "Chiquvchi"},
{"Destination", "Manzilgoh"},
{"Amount", "Yig'indi"},
{"Incoming Tags", "Kiruvchi teglar"},
{"Tags sessions", "Teglar sessiyalari"},
{"Status", "Holat"},
{"Streams", "Strim"},
{"Close stream", "Strimni o'chirish"},
{"I2CP session not found", "I2CP sessiyasi topilmadi"},
{"I2CP is not enabled", "I2CP yoqilmagan"},
{"Invalid", "Noto'g'ri"},
{"Store type", "Saqlash turi"},
{"Expires", "Muddati tugaydi"},
{"Non Expired Leases", "Muddati O'tmagan Leases"},
{"Gateway", "Kirish yo'li"},
{"TunnelID", "TunnelID"},
{"EndDate", "Tugash Sanasi"},
{"not floodfill", "floodfill emas"},
{"Queue size", "Navbat hajmi"},
{"Run peer test", "Sinovni boshlang"},
{"Decline transit tunnels", "Tranzit tunnellarni rad etish"},
{"Accept transit tunnels", "Tranzit tunnellarni qabul qilish"},
{"Cancel graceful shutdown", "Yumshoq to'xtashni bekor qiling"},
{"Start graceful shutdown", "Yumshoq to'xtashni boshlang"},
{"Force shutdown", "Bizning tashqi manzilimiz"},
{"Reload external CSS styles", "Tashqi CSS uslublarini qayta yuklang"},
{"<b>Note:</b> any action done here are not persistent and not changes your config files.", "<b>Eslatma:</b> bu erda qilingan har qanday harakat doimiy emas va konfiguratsiya fayllarini o'zgartirmaydi."},
{"Transit tunnels limit", "Tranzit tunellar chegarasi"},
{"Change", "O'zgartirish"},
{"Change language", "Tilni o'zgartirish"},
{"no transit tunnels currently built", "qurilgan tranzit tunnellari yo'q"},
{"SAM disabled", "SAM o'chirilgan"},
{"no sessions currently running", "hech qanday ishlaydigan sessiyalar yo'q"},
{"SAM session not found", "SAM sessiyasi topilmadi"},
{"SAM Session", "SAM sessiyasi"},
{"Server Tunnels", "Server Tunellari"},
{"Client Forwards", "Mijozlarni Yo'naltirish"},
{"Server Forwards", "Serverni Yo'naltirish"},
{"Unknown page", "Noma'lum sahifa"},
{"Invalid token", "Notogri belgi"},
{"SUCCESS", "Muvaffaqiyat"},
{"Stream closed", "Strim yopiq"},
{"Stream not found or already was closed", "Strim topilmadi yoki allaqachon yopilgan"},
{"Destination not found", "Yo'nalish topilmadi"},
{"StreamID can't be null", "StreamID bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas"},
{"Return to destination page", "Belgilangan sahifaga qaytish"},
{"You will be redirected in 5 seconds", "Siz 5 soniyada qayta yo'naltirilasiz"},
{"Transit tunnels count must not exceed 65535", "Tranzit tunnellar soni 65535 dan oshmasligi kerak"},
{"Back to commands list", "Buyruqlar ro'yxatiga qaytish"},
{"Register at reg.i2p", "Reg.i2p-da ro'yxatdan o'ting"},
{"Description", "Tavsif"},
{"A bit information about service on domain", "Domen xizmatlari haqida bir oz ma'lumot"},
{"Submit", "Yuborish"},
{"Domain can't end with .b32.i2p", "Domen .b32.i2p bilan tugashi mumkin emas"},
{"Domain must end with .i2p", "Domen .i2p bilan tugashi kerak"},
{"Such destination is not found", "Bunday yo'nalish topilmadi"},
{"Unknown command", "Noma'lum buyruq"},
{"Command accepted", "Buyruq qabul qilindi"},
{"Proxy error", "Proksi xatosi"},
{"Proxy info", "Proksi ma'lumotlari"},
{"Proxy error: Host not found", "Proksi xatosi: Xost topilmadi"},
{"Remote host not found in router's addressbook", "Masofaviy xost yo'riqnoma manzillar kitobida topilmadi"},
{"Invalid request", "Notogri sorov"},
{"Proxy unable to parse your request", "Proksi sizning so'rovingizni tahlil qila olmaydi"},
{"addresshelper is not supported", "addresshelper qo'llab -quvvatlanmaydi"},
{"Host", "Xost"},
{"Addresshelper found", "Addresshelper topildi"},
{"invalid request uri", "noto'g'ri URI so'rovi"},
{"Can't detect destination host from request", "Sorov orqali manzil xostini aniqlab bo'lmayapti"},
{"Outproxy failure", "Tashqi proksi muvaffaqiyatsizligi"},
{"bad outproxy settings", "noto'g'ri tashqi proksi -server sozlamalari"},
{"not inside I2P network, but outproxy is not enabled", "I2P tarmog'ida emas, lekin tashqi proksi yoqilmagan"},
{"unknown outproxy url", "noma'lum outproxy url"},
{"cannot resolve upstream proxy", "yuqoridagi proksi -serverni aniqlab olib bolmaydi"},
{"hostname too long", "xost nomi juda uzun"},
{"cannot connect to upstream socks proxy", "yuqori soks proksi -serveriga ulanib bo'lmaydi"},
{"Cannot negotiate with socks proxy", "Soks proksi bilan muzokara olib bo'lmaydi"},
{"CONNECT error", "CONNECT xatosi"},
{"Failed to Connect", "Ulanmadi"},
{"socks proxy error", "soks proksi xatosi"},
{"failed to send request to upstream", "yuqori http proksi-serveriga ulanib bo'lmadi"},
{"No Reply From socks proxy", "Soks-proksidan javob yo'q"},
{"cannot connect", "ulab bo'lmaydi"},
{"http out proxy not implemented", "tashqi HTTP proksi -serverni qo'llab -quvvatlash amalga oshirilmagan"},
{"cannot connect to upstream http proxy", "yuqori http proksi-serveriga ulanib bo'lmadi"},
{"Host is down", "Xost ishlamayapti"},
{"Can't create connection to requested host, it may be down. Please try again later.", "Talab qilingan xost bilan aloqa o'rnatilmadi, u ishlamay qolishi mumkin. Iltimos keyinroq qayta urinib ko'ring."},
{"", ""},
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> plurals
{"days", {"kun", "kunlar"}},
{"hours", {"soat", "soat"}},
{"minutes", {"daqiqa", "daqiqalar"}},
{"seconds", {"soniya", "soniyalar"}},
{"", {"", ""}},
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::i18n::Locale> GetLocale()
return std::make_shared<i2p::i18n::Locale>(language, strings, plurals, [] (int n)->int { return plural(n); });
} // language
} // i18n
} // i2p