I2P: End-to-End encrypted and anonymous Internet https://i2pd.website/
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#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "Log.h"
#include "I2NPProtocol.h"
#include "Tunnel.h"
#include "RouterContext.h"
#include "NetDb.h"
namespace i2p
namespace data
NetDb netdb;
NetDb::NetDb (): m_IsRunning (false), m_Thread (0)
Load ("netDb");
NetDb::~NetDb ()
Stop ();
for (auto l:m_LeaseSets)
delete l.second;
for (auto r:m_RouterInfos)
delete r.second;
void NetDb::Start ()
m_Thread = new std::thread (std::bind (&NetDb::Run, this));
void NetDb::Stop ()
if (m_Thread)
m_IsRunning = false;
m_Thread->join ();
delete m_Thread;
m_Thread = 0;
void NetDb::Run ()
m_IsRunning = true;
while (m_IsRunning)
sleep (10);
Explore ();
void NetDb::AddRouterInfo (uint8_t * buf, int len)
RouterInfo * r = new RouterInfo (buf, len);
m_RouterInfos[std::string ((const char *)r->GetIdentHash (), 32)] = r;
void NetDb::AddLeaseSet (uint8_t * buf, int len)
LeaseSet * l = new LeaseSet (buf, len);
m_LeaseSets[std::string ((const char *)l->GetIdentHash (), 32)] = l;
RouterInfo * NetDb::FindRouter (const uint8_t * ident)
auto it = m_RouterInfos.find (std::string ((const char *)ident, 32));
if (it != m_RouterInfos.end ())
return it->second;
return nullptr;
void NetDb::Load (const char * directory)
boost::filesystem::path p (directory);
if (boost::filesystem::exists (p))
int numRouters = 0;
boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end;
for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it (p); it != end; ++it)
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory (it->status()))
for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it1 (it->path ()); it1 != end; ++it1)
RouterInfo * r = new RouterInfo (it1->path ().c_str ());
m_RouterInfos[std::string ((const char *)r->GetIdentHash (), 32)] = r;
LogPrint (numRouters, " routers loaded");
LogPrint (directory, " doesn't exist");
void NetDb::RequestDestination (const uint8_t * destination, const uint8_t * router)
i2p::tunnel::OutboundTunnel * outbound = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetNextOutboundTunnel ();
if (outbound)
i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel * inbound = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetNextInboundTunnel ();
if (inbound)
I2NPMessage * msg = i2p::CreateDatabaseLookupMsg (destination, inbound->GetNextIdentHash (),
inbound->GetNextTunnelID ());
outbound->SendTunnelDataMsg (router, 0, msg);
LogPrint ("No inbound tunnels found");
LogPrint ("No outbound tunnels found");
void NetDb::HandleDatabaseSearchReply (const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * router)
if (!memcmp (m_Exploratory, key, 32))
if (m_RouterInfos.find (std::string ((const char *)router, 32)) == m_RouterInfos.end ())
LogPrint ("Found new router");
LogPrint ("Bayan");
RequestDestination (key, router);
void NetDb::Explore ()
i2p::tunnel::OutboundTunnel * outbound = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetNextOutboundTunnel ();
i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel * inbound = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetNextInboundTunnel ();
if (outbound && inbound)
const RouterInfo * floodFill = GetRandomNTCPRouter (true);
if (floodFill)
LogPrint ("Exploring new routers ...");
CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ();
rnd.GenerateBlock (m_Exploratory, 32);
I2NPMessage * msg = i2p::CreateDatabaseLookupMsg (m_Exploratory, inbound->GetNextIdentHash (),
inbound->GetNextTunnelID (), true);
outbound->SendTunnelDataMsg (floodFill->GetIdentHash (), 0, msg);
const RouterInfo * NetDb::GetRandomNTCPRouter (bool floodfillOnly) const
CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ();
uint32_t ind = rnd.GenerateWord32 (0, m_RouterInfos.size () - 1), i = 0;
RouterInfo * last = nullptr;
for (auto it: m_RouterInfos)
if (it.second->IsNTCP () && (!floodfillOnly || it.second->IsFloodfill ()))
last = it.second;
if (i >= ind) break;
else i++;
return last;
const RouterInfo * NetDb::GetRandomRouter () const
CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ();
uint32_t ind = rnd.GenerateWord32 (0, m_RouterInfos.size () - 1), i = 0;
for (auto it: m_RouterInfos)
if (i >= ind) return it.second;
else i++;
return nullptr;