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Family configuration

Your might want to specify a family, your router belongs to. There are two possibilities: create new family or joing to existing.

New family

You must create family self-signed certificate and key.
The only key type supposted is prime256v1. Use the following list of commands:
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out .key
openssl req -new -key .key -out .csr
touch v3.ext
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in .csr -signkey .key -out .crt -extfile v3.ext

specify .family.i2p.net for CN.

Once you are done with it place .key and .crt to /family folder (for exmple ~/.i2pd/family). You should provide these two files to other members joining your family. If you want to register you family and let I2P network recorgnize it, create pull request for you .crt file into contrib/certificate/family. It will appear in i2pd and I2P next releases packages. Don't place .key file, it must be shared betwwen you family members only.

Join existing family

Once you and that family agree to do it, they must give you .key and .crt file and you must place to /family folder.

Publish your family

Run i2pd with parameter 'family=', make sure you have .key and .crt in your 'family' folder. If everything is set properly, you router.info will contain two new fields: 'family' and 'family.sig'.