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#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cryptopp/sha.h>
#include <cryptopp/osrng.h>
#include <cryptopp/dsa.h>
#include "base64.h"
#include "CryptoConst.h"
#include "RouterContext.h"
#include "Identity.h"
#include "I2PEndian.h"
namespace i2p
namespace data
Identity& Identity::operator=(const Keys& keys)
// copy public and signing keys together
memcpy (publicKey, keys.publicKey, sizeof (publicKey) + sizeof (signingKey));
memset (&certificate, 0, sizeof (certificate));
return *this;
size_t Identity::FromBuffer (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
memcpy (publicKey, buf, DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE);
IdentHash Identity::Hash () const
IdentHash hash;
CryptoPP::SHA256().CalculateDigest(hash, publicKey, DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE);
return hash;
IdentityEx::IdentityEx ():
m_Verifier (nullptr), m_ExtendedLen (0), m_ExtendedBuffer (nullptr)
IdentityEx::IdentityEx(const uint8_t * publicKey, const uint8_t * signingKey, SigningKeyType type)
memcpy (m_StandardIdentity.publicKey, publicKey, sizeof (m_StandardIdentity.publicKey));
if (type == SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256)
memcpy (m_StandardIdentity.signingKey + 64, signingKey, 64);
m_StandardIdentity.certificate.type = CERTIFICATE_TYPE_KEY;
m_ExtendedLen = 4; // 4 bytes extra
m_StandardIdentity.certificate.length = htobe16 (4);
m_ExtendedBuffer = new uint8_t[m_ExtendedLen];
*(uint16_t *)m_ExtendedBuffer = htobe16 (SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256);
*(uint16_t *)(m_ExtendedBuffer + 2) = htobe16 (CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE_ELGAMAL);
uint8_t buf[DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE + 4];
ToBuffer (buf, DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE + 4);
CryptoPP::SHA256().CalculateDigest(m_IdentHash, buf, GetFullLen ());
else // DSA-SHA1
memcpy (m_StandardIdentity.signingKey, signingKey, sizeof (m_StandardIdentity.signingKey));
memset (&m_StandardIdentity.certificate, 0, sizeof (m_StandardIdentity.certificate));
m_IdentHash = m_StandardIdentity.Hash ();
m_ExtendedLen = 0;
m_ExtendedBuffer = nullptr;
CreateVerifier ();
IdentityEx::IdentityEx (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len):
m_Verifier (nullptr), m_ExtendedLen (0), m_ExtendedBuffer (nullptr)
FromBuffer (buf, len);
IdentityEx::IdentityEx (const IdentityEx& other):
m_Verifier (nullptr), m_ExtendedBuffer (nullptr)
*this = other;
IdentityEx::~IdentityEx ()
delete m_Verifier;
delete[] m_ExtendedBuffer;
IdentityEx& IdentityEx::operator=(const IdentityEx& other)
memcpy (&m_StandardIdentity, &other.m_StandardIdentity, DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE);
m_IdentHash = other.m_IdentHash;
delete[] m_ExtendedBuffer;
m_ExtendedLen = other.m_ExtendedLen;
if (m_ExtendedLen > 0)
m_ExtendedBuffer = new uint8_t[m_ExtendedLen];
memcpy (m_ExtendedBuffer, other.m_ExtendedBuffer, m_ExtendedLen);
m_ExtendedBuffer = nullptr;
delete m_Verifier;
CreateVerifier ();
return *this;
IdentityEx& IdentityEx::operator=(const Identity& standard)
m_StandardIdentity = standard;
m_IdentHash = m_StandardIdentity.Hash ();
delete[] m_ExtendedBuffer;
m_ExtendedBuffer = nullptr;
m_ExtendedLen = 0;
delete m_Verifier;
CreateVerifier ();
return *this;
size_t IdentityEx::FromBuffer (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
memcpy (&m_StandardIdentity, buf, DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE);
delete[] m_ExtendedBuffer;
if (m_StandardIdentity.certificate.length)
m_ExtendedLen = be16toh (m_StandardIdentity.certificate.length);
m_ExtendedBuffer = new uint8_t[m_ExtendedLen];
memcpy (m_ExtendedBuffer, buf + DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE, m_ExtendedLen);
m_ExtendedLen = 0;
m_ExtendedBuffer = nullptr;
CryptoPP::SHA256().CalculateDigest(m_IdentHash, buf, GetFullLen ());
delete m_Verifier;
CreateVerifier ();
return GetFullLen ();
size_t IdentityEx::ToBuffer (uint8_t * buf, size_t len) const
memcpy (buf, &m_StandardIdentity, DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE);
if (m_ExtendedLen > 0 && m_ExtendedBuffer)
memcpy (buf + DEFAULT_IDENTITY_SIZE, m_ExtendedBuffer, m_ExtendedLen);
return GetFullLen ();
size_t IdentityEx::FromBase64(const std::string& s)
uint8_t buf[512];
auto len = Base64ToByteStream (s.c_str(), s.length(), buf, 512);
return FromBuffer (buf, len);
size_t IdentityEx::GetSigningPublicKeyLen () const
if (m_Verifier)
return m_Verifier->GetPublicKeyLen ();
return 128;
size_t IdentityEx::GetSignatureLen () const
if (m_Verifier)
return m_Verifier->GetSignatureLen ();
return 40;
bool IdentityEx::Verify (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, const uint8_t * signature) const
if (m_Verifier)
return m_Verifier->Verify (buf, len, signature);
return false;
SigningKeyType IdentityEx::GetSigningKeyType () const
if (m_StandardIdentity.certificate.type == CERTIFICATE_TYPE_KEY && m_ExtendedBuffer)
return be16toh (*(const uint16_t *)m_ExtendedBuffer); // signing key
void IdentityEx::CreateVerifier ()
auto keyType = GetSigningKeyType ();
switch (keyType)
m_Verifier = new i2p::crypto::DSAVerifier (m_StandardIdentity.signingKey);
m_Verifier = new i2p::crypto::ECDSAP256Verifier (m_StandardIdentity.signingKey + 64);
LogPrint ("Signing key type ", (int)keyType, " is not supported");
PrivateKeys& PrivateKeys::operator=(const Keys& keys)
m_Public = Identity (keys);
memcpy (m_PrivateKey, keys.privateKey, 256); // 256
memcpy (m_SigningPrivateKey, keys.signingPrivateKey, 20); // 20 - DSA
delete m_Signer;
CreateSigner ();
return *this;
PrivateKeys& PrivateKeys::operator=(const PrivateKeys& other)
m_Public = other.m_Public;
memcpy (m_PrivateKey, other.m_PrivateKey, 256); // 256
memcpy (m_SigningPrivateKey, other.m_SigningPrivateKey, 128); // 128
delete m_Signer;
CreateSigner ();
return *this;
size_t PrivateKeys::FromBuffer (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
size_t ret = m_Public.FromBuffer (buf, len);
memcpy (m_PrivateKey, buf + ret, 256); // private key always 256
ret += 256;
size_t signingPrivateKeySize = m_Public.GetSignatureLen ()/2; // 20 for DSA
memcpy (m_SigningPrivateKey, buf + ret, signingPrivateKeySize);
ret += signingPrivateKeySize;
delete m_Signer;
CreateSigner ();
return ret;
size_t PrivateKeys::ToBuffer (uint8_t * buf, size_t len) const
size_t ret = m_Public.ToBuffer (buf, len);
memcpy (buf + ret, m_PrivateKey, 256); // private key always 256
ret += 256;
size_t signingPrivateKeySize = m_Public.GetSignatureLen ()/2; // 20 for DSA
memcpy (buf + ret, m_SigningPrivateKey, signingPrivateKeySize);
ret += signingPrivateKeySize;
return ret;
void PrivateKeys::Sign (const uint8_t * buf, int len, uint8_t * signature) const
if (m_Signer)
m_Signer->Sign (i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (), buf, len, signature);
void PrivateKeys::CreateSigner ()
if (m_Public.GetSigningKeyType () == SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256)
m_Signer = new i2p::crypto::ECDSAP256Signer (m_SigningPrivateKey);
m_Signer = new i2p::crypto::DSASigner (m_SigningPrivateKey);
PrivateKeys PrivateKeys::CreateRandomKeys (SigningKeyType type)
if (type == SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256)
PrivateKeys keys;
auto& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ();
// encryption
uint8_t publicKey[256];
CryptoPP::DH dh (i2p::crypto::elgp, i2p::crypto::elgg);
dh.GenerateKeyPair(rnd, keys.m_PrivateKey, publicKey);
// signature
uint8_t signingPublicKey[64];
i2p::crypto::CreateECDSAP256RandomKeys (rnd, keys.m_SigningPrivateKey, signingPublicKey);
keys.m_Public = IdentityEx (publicKey, signingPublicKey, SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256);
keys.CreateSigner ();
return keys;
return PrivateKeys (i2p::data::CreateRandomKeys ()); // DSA-SHA1
Keys CreateRandomKeys ()
Keys keys;
auto& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ();
// encryption
CryptoPP::DH dh (i2p::crypto::elgp, i2p::crypto::elgg);
dh.GenerateKeyPair(rnd, keys.privateKey, keys.publicKey);
// signing
i2p::crypto::CreateDSARandomKeys (rnd, keys.signingPrivateKey, keys.signingKey);
return keys;
IdentHash CreateRoutingKey (const IdentHash& ident)
uint8_t buf[41]; // ident + yyyymmdd
memcpy (buf, (const uint8_t *)ident, 32);
time_t t = time (nullptr);
struct tm tm;
#ifdef _WIN32
gmtime_s(&tm, &t);
sprintf_s((char *)(buf + 32), 9, "%04i%02i%02i", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday);
gmtime_r(&t, &tm);
sprintf((char *)(buf + 32), "%04i%02i%02i", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday);
IdentHash key;
CryptoPP::SHA256().CalculateDigest((uint8_t *)key, buf, 40);
return key;
XORMetric operator^(const IdentHash& key1, const IdentHash& key2)
XORMetric m;
const uint64_t * hash1 = key1.GetLL (), * hash2 = key2.GetLL ();
m.metric_ll[0] = hash1[0] ^ hash2[0];
m.metric_ll[1] = hash1[1] ^ hash2[1];
m.metric_ll[2] = hash1[2] ^ hash2[2];
m.metric_ll[3] = hash1[3] ^ hash2[3];
return m;