I2P: End-to-End encrypted and anonymous Internet https://i2pd.website/
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#ifndef ROUTER_INFO_H__
#define ROUTER_INFO_H__
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include "Identity.h"
namespace i2p
namespace data
const char CAPS_FLAG_FLOODFILL = 'f';
const char CAPS_FLAG_HIDDEN = 'H';
const char CAPS_FLAG_REACHABLE = 'R';
const char CAPS_FLAG_LOW_BANDWIDTH1 = 'K';
const char CAPS_FLAG_LOW_BANDWIDTH2 = 'L';
const char CAPS_FLAG_SSU_TESTING = 'B';
const int MAX_RI_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
class RouterInfo: public RoutingDestination
enum SupportedTranports
eNTCPV4 = 0x01,
eNTCPV6 = 0x02,
eSSUV4 = 0x04,
eSSUV6 = 0x08
enum Caps
eFloodfill = 0x01,
eHighBandwidth = 0x02,
eReachable = 0x04,
eSSUTesting = 0x08,
eSSUIntroducer = 0x10,
eHidden = 0x20,
eUnreachable = 0x40
enum TransportStyle
eTransportUnknown = 0,
struct Introducer
boost::asio::ip::address iHost;
int iPort;
uint8_t iKey[32];
uint32_t iTag;
struct Address
TransportStyle transportStyle;
boost::asio::ip::address host;
int port, mtu;
uint64_t date;
uint8_t cost;
// SSU only
uint8_t key[32]; // intro key for SSU
std::vector<Introducer> introducers;
RouterInfo (const std::string& fullPath);
RouterInfo (): m_Buffer (nullptr) { m_IdentHashBase64[0] = 0; m_IdentHashAbbreviation[0] = 0; };
RouterInfo (const RouterInfo& ) = default;
RouterInfo& operator=(const RouterInfo& ) = default;
RouterInfo (const uint8_t * buf, int len);
~RouterInfo ();
const Identity& GetRouterIdentity () const { return m_RouterIdentity; };
void SetRouterIdentity (const Identity& identity);
const char * GetIdentHashBase64 () const { return m_IdentHashBase64; };
const char * GetIdentHashAbbreviation () const { return m_IdentHashAbbreviation; };
uint64_t GetTimestamp () const { return m_Timestamp; };
std::vector<Address>& GetAddresses () { return m_Addresses; };
const Address * GetNTCPAddress (bool v4only = true) const;
const Address * GetSSUAddress (bool v4only = true) const;
const RoutingKey& GetRoutingKey () const { return m_RoutingKey; };
void AddNTCPAddress (const char * host, int port);
void AddSSUAddress (const char * host, int port, const uint8_t * key);
bool AddIntroducer (const Address * address, uint32_t tag);
bool RemoveIntroducer (const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint& e);
void SetProperty (const char * key, const char * value);
const char * GetProperty (const char * key) const;
bool IsFloodfill () const;
bool IsNTCP (bool v4only = true) const;
bool IsSSU (bool v4only = true) const;
bool IsCompatible (const RouterInfo& other) const { return m_SupportedTransports & other.m_SupportedTransports; };
bool UsesIntroducer () const;
bool IsIntroducer () const { return m_Caps & eSSUIntroducer; };
bool IsPeerTesting () const { return m_Caps & eSSUTesting; };
bool IsHidden () const { return m_Caps & eHidden; };
uint8_t GetCaps () const { return m_Caps; };
void SetCaps (uint8_t caps);
void SetCaps (const char * caps);
void SetUnreachable (bool unreachable) { m_IsUnreachable = unreachable; };
bool IsUnreachable () const { return m_IsUnreachable; };
const uint8_t * GetBuffer () const { return m_Buffer; };
const uint8_t * LoadBuffer (); // load if necessary
int GetBufferLen () const { return m_BufferLen; };
void CreateBuffer (const PrivateKeys& privateKeys);
void UpdateRoutingKey ();
bool IsUpdated () const { return m_IsUpdated; };
void SetUpdated (bool updated) { m_IsUpdated = updated; };
void SaveToFile (const std::string& fullPath);
void Update (const uint8_t * buf, int len);
void DeleteBuffer () { delete m_Buffer; m_Buffer = nullptr; };
// implements RoutingDestination
const IdentHash& GetIdentHash () const { return m_IdentHash; };
const uint8_t * GetEncryptionPublicKey () const { return m_RouterIdentity.publicKey; };
bool IsDestination () const { return false; };
bool LoadFile ();
void ReadFromFile ();
void ReadFromStream (std::istream& s);
void ReadFromBuffer ();
void WriteToStream (std::ostream& s);
size_t ReadString (char * str, std::istream& s);
void WriteString (const std::string& str, std::ostream& s);
void ExtractCaps (const char * value);
void UpdateIdentHashBase64 ();
const Address * GetAddress (TransportStyle s, bool v4only) const;
void UpdateCapsProperty ();
std::string m_FullPath;
Identity m_RouterIdentity;
IdentHash m_IdentHash;
RoutingKey m_RoutingKey;
char m_IdentHashBase64[48], m_IdentHashAbbreviation[5];
uint8_t * m_Buffer;
int m_BufferLen;
uint64_t m_Timestamp;
std::vector<Address> m_Addresses;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_Properties;
bool m_IsUpdated, m_IsUnreachable;
uint8_t m_SupportedTransports, m_Caps;