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I2P: End-to-End encrypted and anonymous Internet
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/* |
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024, The PurpleI2P Project |
* |
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3 |
* |
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree |
*/ |
#ifndef I2CP_H__ |
#define I2CP_H__ |
#include <inttypes.h> |
#include <string> |
#include <memory> |
#include <mutex> |
#include <thread> |
#include <map> |
#include <unordered_map> |
#include <boost/asio.hpp> |
#include "util.h" |
#include "Destination.h" |
#include "Streaming.h" |
namespace i2p |
{ |
namespace client |
{ |
const uint8_t I2CP_PROTOCOL_BYTE = 0x2A; |
const size_t I2CP_SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; |
const size_t I2CP_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 65535; |
const size_t I2CP_MAX_SEND_QUEUE_SIZE = 1024*1024; // in bytes, 1M |
const int I2CP_LEASESET_CREATION_TIMEOUT = 10; // in seconds |
const size_t I2CP_HEADER_LENGTH_OFFSET = 0; |
const uint8_t I2CP_GET_DATE_MESSAGE = 32; |
const uint8_t I2CP_SET_DATE_MESSAGE = 33; |
const uint8_t I2CP_CREATE_SESSION_MESSAGE = 1; |
const uint8_t I2CP_SESSION_STATUS_MESSAGE = 20; |
const uint8_t I2CP_DESTROY_SESSION_MESSAGE = 3; |
const uint8_t I2CP_CREATE_LEASESET_MESSAGE = 4; |
const uint8_t I2CP_CREATE_LEASESET2_MESSAGE = 41; |
const uint8_t I2CP_SEND_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = 5; |
const uint8_t I2CP_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_MESSAGE = 31; |
const uint8_t I2CP_MESSAGE_STATUS_MESSAGE = 22; |
const uint8_t I2CP_HOST_LOOKUP_MESSAGE = 38; |
const uint8_t I2CP_HOST_REPLY_MESSAGE = 39; |
const uint8_t I2CP_DEST_LOOKUP_MESSAGE = 34; |
const uint8_t I2CP_DEST_REPLY_MESSAGE = 35; |
const uint8_t I2CP_BANDWIDTH_LIMITS_MESSAGE = 23; |
enum I2CPMessageStatus |
{ |
eI2CPMessageStatusAccepted = 1, |
eI2CPMessageStatusGuaranteedSuccess = 4, |
eI2CPMessageStatusGuaranteedFailure = 5, |
eI2CPMessageStatusNoLocalTunnels = 16, |
eI2CPMessageStatusNoLeaseSet = 21 |
}; |
enum I2CPSessionStatus |
{ |
eI2CPSessionStatusDestroyed = 0, |
eI2CPSessionStatusCreated = 1, |
eI2CPSessionStatusUpdated = 2, |
eI2CPSessionStatusInvalid = 3, |
eI2CPSessionStatusRefused = 4 |
}; |
// params |
const char I2CP_PARAM_MESSAGE_RELIABILITY[] = "i2cp.messageReliability"; |
class I2CPSession; |
class I2CPDestination: public LeaseSetDestination |
{ |
public: |
I2CPDestination (boost::asio::io_context& service, std::shared_ptr<I2CPSession> owner, |
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentityEx> identity, bool isPublic, bool isSameThread, |
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params); |
~I2CPDestination () {}; |
void Stop (); |
void SetEncryptionPrivateKey (const uint8_t * key); |
void SetEncryptionType (i2p::data::CryptoKeyType keyType) { m_EncryptionKeyType = keyType; }; |
void SetECIESx25519EncryptionPrivateKey (const uint8_t * key); |
void LeaseSetCreated (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); // called from I2CPSession |
void LeaseSet2Created (uint8_t storeType, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); // called from I2CPSession |
void SendMsgTo (const uint8_t * payload, size_t len, const i2p::data::IdentHash& ident, uint32_t nonce); // called from I2CPSession |
bool SendMsg (const uint8_t * payload, size_t len, std::shared_ptr<i2p::garlic::GarlicRoutingSession> remoteSession, uint32_t nonce); |
// implements LocalDestination |
bool Decrypt (const uint8_t * encrypted, uint8_t * data, i2p::data::CryptoKeyType preferredCrypto) const; |
bool SupportsEncryptionType (i2p::data::CryptoKeyType keyType) const; |
const uint8_t * GetEncryptionPublicKey (i2p::data::CryptoKeyType keyType) const; // for 4 only |
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentityEx> GetIdentity () const { return m_Identity; }; |
protected: |
void CleanupDestination (); |
// I2CP |
void HandleDataMessage (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void CreateNewLeaseSet (const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel> >& tunnels); |
private: |
std::shared_ptr<I2CPDestination> GetSharedFromThis () |
{ return std::static_pointer_cast<I2CPDestination>(shared_from_this ()); } |
bool SendMsg (std::shared_ptr<I2NPMessage> msg, std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::LeaseSet> remote); |
bool SendMsg (std::shared_ptr<I2NPMessage> garlic, |
std::shared_ptr<i2p::tunnel::OutboundTunnel> outboundTunnel, std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::Lease> remoteLease); |
void PostCreateNewLeaseSet (std::vector<std::shared_ptr<i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel> > tunnels); |
private: |
std::shared_ptr<I2CPSession> m_Owner; |
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentityEx> m_Identity; |
i2p::data::CryptoKeyType m_EncryptionKeyType; |
std::shared_ptr<i2p::crypto::CryptoKeyDecryptor> m_Decryptor; // standard |
std::shared_ptr<i2p::crypto::ECIESX25519AEADRatchetDecryptor> m_ECIESx25519Decryptor; |
uint8_t m_ECIESx25519PrivateKey[32]; |
uint64_t m_LeaseSetExpirationTime; |
bool m_IsCreatingLeaseSet, m_IsSameThread; |
boost::asio::deadline_timer m_LeaseSetCreationTimer; |
i2p::util::MemoryPoolMt<I2NPMessageBuffer<I2NP_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE> > m_I2NPMsgsPool; |
}; |
class RunnableI2CPDestination: private i2p::util::RunnableService, public I2CPDestination |
{ |
public: |
RunnableI2CPDestination (std::shared_ptr<I2CPSession> owner, std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentityEx> identity, |
bool isPublic, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params); |
~RunnableI2CPDestination (); |
void Start (); |
void Stop (); |
}; |
class I2CPServer; |
class I2CPSession: public std::enable_shared_from_this<I2CPSession> |
{ |
public: |
I2CPSession (I2CPServer& owner, std::shared_ptr<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket); |
~I2CPSession (); |
void Start (); |
void Stop (); |
uint16_t GetSessionID () const { return m_SessionID; }; |
std::shared_ptr<const I2CPDestination> GetDestination () const { return m_Destination; }; |
// called from I2CPDestination |
void SendI2CPMessage (uint8_t type, const uint8_t * payload, size_t len); |
void SendMessagePayloadMessage (const uint8_t * payload, size_t len); |
void SendMessageStatusMessage (uint32_t nonce, I2CPMessageStatus status); |
void AddRoutingSession (const i2p::data::IdentHash& signingKey, std::shared_ptr<i2p::garlic::GarlicRoutingSession> remoteSession); |
void CleanupRoutingSessions (); |
// message handlers |
void GetDateMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void CreateSessionMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void DestroySessionMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void ReconfigureSessionMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void CreateLeaseSetMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void CreateLeaseSet2MessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void SendMessageMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void SendMessageExpiresMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void HostLookupMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void DestLookupMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
void GetBandwidthLimitsMessageHandler (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
private: |
void ReadProtocolByte (); |
void ReceiveHeader (); |
void HandleReceivedHeader (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); |
void ReceivePayload (); |
void HandleReceivedPayload (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); |
void HandleMessage (); |
void Terminate (); |
void HandleI2CPMessageSent (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); |
std::string ExtractString (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
size_t PutString (uint8_t * buf, size_t len, const std::string& str); |
void ExtractMapping (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, std::map<std::string, std::string>& mapping); |
void SendSessionStatusMessage (I2CPSessionStatus status); |
void SendHostReplyMessage (uint32_t requestID, std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentityEx> identity); |
private: |
I2CPServer& m_Owner; |
std::shared_ptr<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> m_Socket; |
uint8_t m_Header[I2CP_HEADER_SIZE], m_Payload[I2CP_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; |
size_t m_PayloadLen; |
std::shared_ptr<I2CPDestination> m_Destination; |
std::mutex m_RoutingSessionsMutex; |
std::unordered_map<i2p::data::IdentHash, std::shared_ptr<i2p::garlic::GarlicRoutingSession> > m_RoutingSessions; // signing key->session |
uint16_t m_SessionID; |
uint32_t m_MessageID; |
bool m_IsSendAccepted; |
// to client |
bool m_IsSending; |
uint8_t m_SendBuffer[I2CP_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; |
i2p::stream::SendBufferQueue m_SendQueue; |
}; |
typedef void (I2CPSession::*I2CPMessageHandler)(const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); |
class I2CPServer: private i2p::util::RunnableService |
{ |
public: |
I2CPServer (const std::string& interface, uint16_t port, bool isSingleThread); |
~I2CPServer (); |
void Start (); |
void Stop (); |
auto& GetService () { return GetIOService (); }; |
bool IsSingleThread () const { return m_IsSingleThread; }; |
bool InsertSession (std::shared_ptr<I2CPSession> session); |
void RemoveSession (uint16_t sessionID); |
std::shared_ptr<I2CPSession> FindSessionByIdentHash (const i2p::data::IdentHash& ident) const; |
private: |
void Accept (); |
void HandleAccept(const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::shared_ptr<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket); |
private: |
bool m_IsSingleThread; |
I2CPMessageHandler m_MessagesHandlers[256]; |
std::map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<I2CPSession> > m_Sessions; |
boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor m_Acceptor; |
public: |
const decltype(m_MessagesHandlers)& GetMessagesHandlers () const { return m_MessagesHandlers; }; |
// for HTTP |
const decltype(m_Sessions)& GetSessions () const { return m_Sessions; }; |
}; |
} |
} |