#ifndef SAM_H__ #define SAM_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Identity.h" #include "LeaseSet.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "Destination.h" namespace i2p { namespace client { const size_t SAM_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; const int SAM_SOCKET_CONNECTION_MAX_IDLE = 3600; // in seconds const int SAM_SESSION_READINESS_CHECK_INTERVAL = 20; // in seconds const char SAM_HANDSHAKE[] = "HELLO VERSION"; const char SAM_HANDSHAKE_REPLY[] = "HELLO REPLY RESULT=OK VERSION=%s\n"; const char SAM_HANDSHAKE_NOVERSION[] = "HELLO REPLY RESULT=NOVERSION\n"; const char SAM_HANDSHAKE_I2P_ERROR[] = "HELLO REPLY RESULT=I2P_ERROR\n"; const char SAM_SESSION_CREATE[] = "SESSION CREATE"; const char SAM_SESSION_CREATE_REPLY_OK[] = "SESSION STATUS RESULT=OK DESTINATION=%s\n"; const char SAM_SESSION_CREATE_DUPLICATED_ID[] = "SESSION STATUS RESULT=DUPLICATED_ID\n"; const char SAM_SESSION_CREATE_DUPLICATED_DEST[] = "SESSION STATUS RESULT=DUPLICATED_DEST\n"; const char SAM_SESSION_STATUS_INVALID_KEY[] = "SESSION STATUS RESULT=INVALID_KEY\n"; const char SAM_SESSION_STATUS_I2P_ERROR[] = "SESSION STATUS RESULT=I2P_ERROR MESSAGE=%s\n"; const char SAM_STREAM_CONNECT[] = "STREAM CONNECT"; const char SAM_STREAM_STATUS_OK[] = "STREAM STATUS RESULT=OK\n"; const char SAM_STREAM_STATUS_INVALID_ID[] = "STREAM STATUS RESULT=INVALID_ID\n"; const char SAM_STREAM_STATUS_CANT_REACH_PEER[] = "STREAM STATUS RESULT=CANT_REACH_PEER\n"; const char SAM_STREAM_STATUS_I2P_ERROR[] = "STREAM STATUS RESULT=I2P_ERROR\n"; const char SAM_STREAM_ACCEPT[] = "STREAM ACCEPT"; const char SAM_DATAGRAM_SEND[] = "DATAGRAM SEND"; const char SAM_DEST_GENERATE[] = "DEST GENERATE"; const char SAM_DEST_REPLY[] = "DEST REPLY PUB=%s PRIV=%s\n"; const char SAM_DEST_REPLY_I2P_ERROR[] = "DEST REPLY RESULT=I2P_ERROR\n"; const char SAM_NAMING_LOOKUP[] = "NAMING LOOKUP"; const char SAM_NAMING_REPLY[] = "NAMING REPLY RESULT=OK NAME=ME VALUE=%s\n"; const char SAM_DATAGRAM_RECEIVED[] = "DATAGRAM RECEIVED DESTINATION=%s SIZE=%lu\n"; const char SAM_NAMING_REPLY_INVALID_KEY[] = "NAMING REPLY RESULT=INVALID_KEY NAME=%s\n"; const char SAM_NAMING_REPLY_KEY_NOT_FOUND[] = "NAMING REPLY RESULT=INVALID_KEY_NOT_FOUND NAME=%s\n"; const char SAM_PARAM_MIN[] = "MIN"; const char SAM_PARAM_MAX[] = "MAX"; const char SAM_PARAM_STYLE[] = "STYLE"; const char SAM_PARAM_ID[] = "ID"; const char SAM_PARAM_SILENT[] = "SILENT"; const char SAM_PARAM_DESTINATION[] = "DESTINATION"; const char SAM_PARAM_NAME[] = "NAME"; const char SAM_PARAM_SIGNATURE_TYPE[] = "SIGNATURE_TYPE"; const char SAM_PARAM_CRYPTO_TYPE[] = "CRYPTO_TYPE"; const char SAM_PARAM_SIZE[] = "SIZE"; const char SAM_VALUE_TRANSIENT[] = "TRANSIENT"; const char SAM_VALUE_STREAM[] = "STREAM"; const char SAM_VALUE_DATAGRAM[] = "DATAGRAM"; const char SAM_VALUE_RAW[] = "RAW"; const char SAM_VALUE_TRUE[] = "true"; const char SAM_VALUE_FALSE[] = "false"; const char SAM_VALUE_HOST[] = "HOST"; const char SAM_VALUE_PORT[] = "PORT"; enum SAMSocketType { eSAMSocketTypeUnknown, eSAMSocketTypeSession, eSAMSocketTypeStream, eSAMSocketTypeAcceptor, eSAMSocketTypeTerminated }; class SAMBridge; struct SAMSession; class SAMSocket: public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: typedef boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket Socket_t; SAMSocket (SAMBridge& owner, std::shared_ptr socket); ~SAMSocket (); boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& GetSocket () { return *m_Socket; }; void ReceiveHandshake (); void SetSocketType (SAMSocketType socketType) { m_SocketType = socketType; }; SAMSocketType GetSocketType () const { return m_SocketType; }; void Terminate (const char* reason); private: void HandleHandshakeReceived (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); void HandleHandshakeReplySent (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); void HandleMessage (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); void SendMessageReply (const char * msg, size_t len, bool close); void HandleMessageReplySent (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred, bool close); void Receive (); void HandleReceived (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); void I2PReceive (); void HandleI2PReceive (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); void HandleI2PAccept (std::shared_ptr stream); void HandleWriteI2PData (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, size_t sz); void HandleI2PDatagramReceive (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); void ProcessSessionCreate (char * buf, size_t len); void ProcessStreamConnect (char * buf, size_t len, size_t rem); void ProcessStreamAccept (char * buf, size_t len); void ProcessDestGenerate (char * buf, size_t len); void ProcessNamingLookup (char * buf, size_t len); void SendI2PError(const std::string & msg); size_t ProcessDatagramSend (char * buf, size_t len, const char * data); // from SAM 1.0 void ExtractParams (char * buf, std::map& params); void Connect (std::shared_ptr remote); void HandleConnectLeaseSetRequestComplete (std::shared_ptr leaseSet); void SendNamingLookupReply (std::shared_ptr identity); void HandleNamingLookupLeaseSetRequestComplete (std::shared_ptr leaseSet, i2p::data::IdentHash ident); void HandleSessionReadinessCheckTimer (const boost::system::error_code& ecode); void SendSessionCreateReplyOk (); void WriteI2PData(size_t sz); void WriteI2PDataImmediate(uint8_t * ptr, size_t sz); void HandleWriteI2PDataImmediate(const boost::system::error_code & ec, uint8_t * buff); private: SAMBridge& m_Owner; std::shared_ptr m_Socket; boost::asio::deadline_timer m_Timer; char m_Buffer[SAM_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; size_t m_BufferOffset; uint8_t m_StreamBuffer[SAM_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE]; SAMSocketType m_SocketType; std::string m_ID; // nickname bool m_IsSilent; bool m_IsAccepting; // for eSAMSocketTypeAcceptor only std::shared_ptr m_Stream; }; struct SAMSession { std::shared_ptr localDestination; std::list > m_Sockets; std::shared_ptr UDPEndpoint; std::mutex m_SocketsMutex; /** safely add a socket to this session */ void AddSocket(std::shared_ptr sock) { std::lock_guard lock(m_SocketsMutex); m_Sockets.push_back(sock); } /** safely remove a socket from this session */ void DelSocket(SAMSocket * sock) { std::lock_guard lock(m_SocketsMutex); m_Sockets.remove_if([sock](const std::shared_ptr s) -> bool { return s.get() == sock; }); } /** get a list holding a copy of all sam sockets from this session */ std::list > ListSockets() { std::list > l; { std::lock_guard lock(m_SocketsMutex); for(const auto& sock : m_Sockets ) l.push_back(sock); } return l; } SAMSession (std::shared_ptr dest); ~SAMSession (); void CloseStreams (); }; class SAMBridge { public: SAMBridge (const std::string& address, int port); ~SAMBridge (); void Start (); void Stop (); boost::asio::io_service& GetService () { return m_Service; }; std::shared_ptr CreateSession (const std::string& id, const std::string& destination, // empty string means transient const std::map * params); void CloseSession (const std::string& id); std::shared_ptr FindSession (const std::string& id) const; /** send raw data to remote endpoint from our UDP Socket */ void SendTo(const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, std::shared_ptr remote); private: void Run (); void Accept (); void HandleAccept(const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::shared_ptr socket); void ReceiveDatagram (); void HandleReceivedDatagram (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred); private: bool m_IsRunning; std::thread * m_Thread; boost::asio::io_service m_Service; boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor m_Acceptor; boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint m_DatagramEndpoint, m_SenderEndpoint; boost::asio::ip::udp::socket m_DatagramSocket; mutable std::mutex m_SessionsMutex; std::map > m_Sessions; uint8_t m_DatagramReceiveBuffer[i2p::datagram::MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE+1]; public: // for HTTP const decltype(m_Sessions)& GetSessions () const { return m_Sessions; }; }; } } #endif