#include "WebSocks.h" #include "Log.h" #include #ifdef WITH_EVENTS #include "ClientContext.h" #include "Identity.h" #include "Destination.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include #include #include #include #define GCC47_BOOST149 ((BOOST_VERSION == 104900) && (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) #if !GCC47_BOOST149 #include #endif namespace i2p { namespace client { typedef websocketpp::server WebSocksServerImpl; typedef std::function)> StreamConnectFunc; struct IWebSocksConn : public I2PServiceHandler { IWebSocksConn(I2PService * parent) : I2PServiceHandler(parent) {} virtual void Close() = 0; virtual void GotMessage(const websocketpp::connection_hdl & conn, WebSocksServerImpl::message_ptr msg) = 0; }; typedef std::shared_ptr WebSocksConn_ptr; WebSocksConn_ptr CreateWebSocksConn(const websocketpp::connection_hdl & conn, WebSocksImpl * parent); class WebSocksImpl { typedef std::mutex mutex_t; typedef std::unique_lock lock_t; typedef std::shared_ptr Destination_t; public: typedef WebSocksServerImpl ServerImpl; typedef ServerImpl::message_ptr MessagePtr; WebSocksImpl(const std::string & addr, int port) : Parent(nullptr), m_Run(false), m_Addr(addr), m_Port(port), m_Thread(nullptr) { m_Server.init_asio(); m_Server.set_open_handler(std::bind(&WebSocksImpl::ConnOpened, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } void InitializeDestination(WebSocks * parent) { Parent = parent; m_Dest = Parent->GetLocalDestination(); } ServerImpl::connection_ptr GetConn(const websocketpp::connection_hdl & conn) { return m_Server.get_con_from_hdl(conn); } void CloseConn(const websocketpp::connection_hdl & conn) { auto c = GetConn(conn); if(c) c->close(websocketpp::close::status::normal, "closed"); } void CreateStreamTo(const std::string & addr, int port, StreamConnectFunc complete) { auto & addressbook = i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook(); i2p::data::IdentHash ident; if(addressbook.GetIdentHash(addr, ident)) { // address found m_Dest->CreateStream(complete, ident, port); } else { // not found complete(nullptr); } } void ConnOpened(websocketpp::connection_hdl conn) { auto ptr = CreateWebSocksConn(conn, this); Parent->AddHandler(ptr); m_Conns.push_back(ptr); } void Start() { if(m_Run) return; // already started m_Server.listen(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(m_Addr), m_Port); m_Server.start_accept(); m_Run = true; m_Thread = new std::thread([&] (){ while(m_Run) { try { m_Server.run(); } catch( std::exception & ex) { LogPrint(eLogError, "Websocks runtime exception: ", ex.what()); } } }); m_Dest->Start(); } void Stop() { for(const auto & conn : m_Conns) conn->Close(); m_Dest->Stop(); m_Run = false; m_Server.stop(); if(m_Thread) { m_Thread->join(); delete m_Thread; } m_Thread = nullptr; } boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint GetLocalEndpoint() { return boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(m_Addr), m_Port); } i2p::datagram::DatagramDestination * GetDatagramDest() const { auto dgram = m_Dest->GetDatagramDestination(); if(!dgram) dgram = m_Dest->CreateDatagramDestination(); return dgram; } WebSocks * Parent; private: std::vector m_Conns; bool m_Run; ServerImpl m_Server; std::string m_Addr; int m_Port; std::thread * m_Thread; Destination_t m_Dest; }; struct WebSocksConn : public IWebSocksConn , public std::enable_shared_from_this { enum ConnState { eWSCInitial, eWSCTryConnect, eWSCFailConnect, eWSCOkayConnect, eWSCDatagram, eWSCClose, eWSCEnd }; typedef WebSocksServerImpl ServerImpl; typedef ServerImpl::message_ptr Message_t; typedef websocketpp::connection_hdl ServerConn; typedef std::shared_ptr Destination_t; typedef std::shared_ptr StreamDest_t; typedef std::shared_ptr Stream_t; ServerConn m_Conn; Stream_t m_Stream; ConnState m_State; WebSocksImpl * m_Parent; std::string m_RemoteAddr; int m_RemotePort; uint8_t m_RecvBuf[2048]; bool m_IsDatagram; i2p::datagram::DatagramDestination * m_Datagram; WebSocksConn(const ServerConn & conn, WebSocksImpl * parent) : IWebSocksConn(parent->Parent), m_Conn(conn), m_Stream(nullptr), m_State(eWSCInitial), m_Parent(parent), m_IsDatagram(false), m_Datagram(nullptr) { } ~WebSocksConn() { Close(); } void HandleDatagram(const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { auto conn = m_Parent->GetConn(m_Conn); if(conn) { std::stringstream ss; ss << from.GetIdentHash().ToBase32(); ss << ".b32.i2p:"; ss << std::to_string(fromPort); ss << "\n"; ss << std::string((char *)buf, len); conn->send(ss.str()); } } void BeginDatagram() { m_Datagram = m_Parent->GetDatagramDest(); m_Datagram->SetReceiver( std::bind( &WebSocksConn::HandleDatagram, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5), m_RemotePort); } void EnterState(ConnState state) { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: state ", m_State, " -> ", state); switch(m_State) { case eWSCInitial: if (state == eWSCClose) { m_State = eWSCClose; // connection was opened but never used LogPrint(eLogInfo, "websocks: connection closed but never used"); Close(); return; } else if (state == eWSCTryConnect) { // we will try to connect m_State = eWSCTryConnect; m_Parent->CreateStreamTo(m_RemoteAddr, m_RemotePort, std::bind(&WebSocksConn::ConnectResult, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } else if (state == eWSCDatagram) { if (m_RemotePort >= 0 && m_RemotePort <= 65535) { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: datagram mode initiated"); m_State = eWSCDatagram; BeginDatagram(); SendResponse(""); } else SendResponse("invalid port"); } else { LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: invalid state change ", m_State, " -> ", state); } return; case eWSCTryConnect: if(state == eWSCOkayConnect) { // we connected okay LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: connected to ", m_RemoteAddr, ":", m_RemotePort); SendResponse(""); m_State = eWSCOkayConnect; } else if(state == eWSCFailConnect) { // we did not connect okay LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: failed to connect to ", m_RemoteAddr, ":", m_RemotePort); SendResponse("failed to connect"); m_State = eWSCFailConnect; EnterState(eWSCInitial); } else if(state == eWSCClose) { // premature close LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: websocket connection closed prematurely"); m_State = eWSCClose; } else { LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: invalid state change ", m_State, " -> ", state); } return; case eWSCFailConnect: if (state == eWSCInitial) { // reset to initial state so we can try connecting again m_RemoteAddr = ""; m_RemotePort = 0; LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: reset websocket conn to initial state"); m_State = eWSCInitial; } else if (state == eWSCClose) { // we are going to close the connection m_State = eWSCClose; Close(); } else { LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: invalid state change ", m_State, " -> ", state); } return; case eWSCDatagram: if(state != eWSCClose) { LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: invalid state change ", m_State, " -> ", state); } m_State = eWSCClose; Close(); return; case eWSCOkayConnect: if(state == eWSCClose) { // graceful close m_State = eWSCClose; Close(); } else { LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: invalid state change ", m_State, " -> ", state); } return; case eWSCClose: if(state == eWSCEnd) { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: socket ended"); Kill(); auto me = shared_from_this(); Done(me); } else { LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: invalid state change ", m_State, " -> ", state); } return; default: LogPrint(eLogError, "websocks: bad state ", m_State); } } void StartForwarding() { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: begin forwarding data"); uint8_t b[1]; m_Stream->Send(b, 0); AsyncRecv(); } void HandleAsyncRecv(const boost::system::error_code &ec, std::size_t n) { if(ec) { // error LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: connection error ", ec.message()); EnterState(eWSCClose); } else { // forward data LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks recv ", n); std::string str((char*)m_RecvBuf, n); auto conn = m_Parent->GetConn(m_Conn); if(!conn) { LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: connection is gone"); EnterState(eWSCClose); return; } conn->send(str); AsyncRecv(); } } void AsyncRecv() { m_Stream->AsyncReceive( boost::asio::buffer(m_RecvBuf, sizeof(m_RecvBuf)), std::bind(&WebSocksConn::HandleAsyncRecv, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), 60); } /** @brief send error message or empty string for success */ void SendResponse(const std::string & errormsg) { boost::property_tree::ptree resp; if(errormsg.size()) { resp.put("error", errormsg); resp.put("success", 0); } else { resp.put("success", 1); } std::ostringstream ss; write_json(ss, resp); auto conn = m_Parent->GetConn(m_Conn); if(conn) conn->send(ss.str()); } void ConnectResult(Stream_t stream) { m_Stream = stream; if(m_State == eWSCClose) { // premature close of websocket Close(); return; } if(m_Stream) { // connect good EnterState(eWSCOkayConnect); StartForwarding(); } else { // connect failed EnterState(eWSCFailConnect); } } virtual void GotMessage(const websocketpp::connection_hdl & conn, WebSocksServerImpl::message_ptr msg) { (void) conn; std::string payload = msg->get_payload(); if(m_State == eWSCOkayConnect) { // forward to server LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: forward ", payload.size()); m_Stream->Send((uint8_t*)payload.c_str(), payload.size()); } else if (m_State == eWSCInitial) { // recv connect request auto itr = payload.find(":"); if(itr == std::string::npos) { // no port m_RemotePort = 0; m_RemoteAddr = payload; } else { // includes port m_RemotePort = std::stoi(payload.substr(itr+1)); m_RemoteAddr = payload.substr(0, itr); } m_IsDatagram = m_RemoteAddr == "DATAGRAM"; if(m_IsDatagram) EnterState(eWSCDatagram); else EnterState(eWSCTryConnect); } else if (m_State == eWSCDatagram) { // send datagram // format is "host:port\npayload" auto idx = payload.find("\n"); std::string line = payload.substr(0, idx); auto itr = line.find(":"); auto & addressbook = i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook(); std::string addr; int port = 0; if (itr == std::string::npos) { addr = line; } else { addr = line.substr(0, itr); port = std::atoi(line.substr(itr+1).c_str()); } i2p::data::IdentHash ident; if(addressbook.GetIdentHash(addr, ident)) { const char * data = payload.c_str() + idx + 1; size_t len = payload.size() - (1 + line.size()); m_Datagram->SendDatagramTo((const uint8_t*)data, len, ident, m_RemotePort, port); } } else { // wtf? LogPrint(eLogWarning, "websocks: got message in invalid state ", m_State); } } virtual void Close() { if(m_State == eWSCClose) { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "websocks: closing connection"); if(m_Stream) m_Stream->Close(); if(m_Datagram) m_Datagram->ResetReceiver(m_RemotePort); m_Parent->CloseConn(m_Conn); EnterState(eWSCEnd); } else { EnterState(eWSCClose); } } }; WebSocksConn_ptr CreateWebSocksConn(const websocketpp::connection_hdl & conn, WebSocksImpl * parent) { auto ptr = std::make_shared(conn, parent); auto c = parent->GetConn(conn); c->set_message_handler(std::bind(&WebSocksConn::GotMessage, ptr.get(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); return ptr; } } } #else // no websocket support namespace i2p { namespace client { class WebSocksImpl { public: WebSocksImpl(const std::string & addr, int port) : m_Addr(addr), m_Port(port) { } ~WebSocksImpl() { } void Start() { LogPrint(eLogInfo, "WebSockets not enabled on compile time"); } void Stop() { } void InitializeDestination(WebSocks * parent) { } boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint GetLocalEndpoint() { return boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(m_Addr), m_Port); } std::string m_Addr; int m_Port; }; } } #endif namespace i2p { namespace client { WebSocks::WebSocks(const std::string & addr, int port, std::shared_ptr localDestination) : m_Impl(new WebSocksImpl(addr, port)) { m_Impl->InitializeDestination(this); } WebSocks::~WebSocks() { delete m_Impl; } void WebSocks::Start() { m_Impl->Start(); GetLocalDestination()->Start(); } boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint WebSocks::GetLocalEndpoint() const { return m_Impl->GetLocalEndpoint(); } void WebSocks::Stop() { m_Impl->Stop(); GetLocalDestination()->Stop(); } } }