#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Base.h" #include "FS.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Tunnel.h" #include "Transports.h" #include "NetDb.hpp" #include "HTTP.h" #include "LeaseSet.h" #include "Destination.h" #include "RouterContext.h" #include "ClientContext.h" #include "HTTPServer.h" #include "Daemon.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef WIN32_APP #include "Win32/Win32App.h" #endif // For image and info #include "version.h" namespace i2p { namespace http { const char *itoopieFavicon = "data:image/png;base64," "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACx" "jwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAALiIAAC4iAari3ZIAAAAHdElNRQfgCQsUNSZrkhi1AAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0" "d2FyZQBwYWludC5uZXQgNC4wLjEyQwRr7AAAAoJJREFUOE9jwAUqi4Q1oEwwcDTV1+5sETaBclGB" "vb09C5QJB6kWpvFQJoOCeLC5kmjEHCgXE2SlyETLi3h6QrkM4VL+ssWSCZUgtopITLKqaOotRTEn" "cbAkLqAkGtOqLBLVAWLXyWSVFkkmRiqLxuaqiWb/VBYJMAYrwgckJY25VEUzniqKhjU2y+RtCRSP" "6lUXy/1jIBV5tlYxZUaFVMq2NInwIi9hO8fSfOEAqDZUoCwal6MulvOvyS7gi69K4j9zxZT/m0ps" "/28ptvvvquXXryIa7QYMMdTwqi0WNtVi0GIDseXl7TnUxFKfnGlxAGp0+D8j2eH/8Ub7/9e7nf7X" "+Af/B7rwt6pI0h0l0WhQADOC9DBkhSirpImHNVZKp24ukkyoshGLnN8d5fA/y13t/44Kq/8hlnL/" "z7fZ/58f6vcxSNpbVUVFhV1RLNBVTsQzVYZPSwhsCAhkiIfpNMrkbO6TLf071Sfk/5ZSi/+7q6z/" "P5ns+v9mj/P/CpuI/20y+aeNGYxZoVoYGmsF3aFMBAAZlCwftnF9ke3//bU2//fXWP8/UGv731Am" "+V+DdNblSqnUYqhSTKAiYSOqJBrVqiaa+S3UNPr/gmyH/xuKXf63hnn/B8bIP0UxHfEyyeSNQKVM" "EB1AEB2twhcTLp+gIBJUoyKasEpVJHmqskh8qryovUG/ffCHHRU2q/Tk/YuB6eGPsbExa7ZkpLu1" "oLEcVDtuUCgV1w60rQzElpRUE1EVSX0BYidHiInXF4nagNhYQW60EF+ApH1ktni0A1SIITSUgVlZ" "JHYnlIsfzJjIp9xZKswL5YKBHL+coKJoRDaUSzoozxHVrygQU4JykQADAwAT5b1NHtwZugAAAABJ" "RU5ErkJggg=="; const char *cssStyles = "\r\n"; const char HTTP_PAGE_TUNNELS[] = "tunnels"; const char HTTP_PAGE_TRANSIT_TUNNELS[] = "transit_tunnels"; const char HTTP_PAGE_TRANSPORTS[] = "transports"; const char HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATIONS[] = "local_destinations"; const char HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION[] = "local_destination"; const char HTTP_PAGE_I2CP_LOCAL_DESTINATION[] = "i2cp_local_destination"; const char HTTP_PAGE_SAM_SESSIONS[] = "sam_sessions"; const char HTTP_PAGE_SAM_SESSION[] = "sam_session"; const char HTTP_PAGE_I2P_TUNNELS[] = "i2p_tunnels"; const char HTTP_PAGE_COMMANDS[] = "commands"; const char HTTP_PAGE_LEASESETS[] = "leasesets"; const char HTTP_COMMAND_ENABLE_TRANSIT[] = "enable_transit"; const char HTTP_COMMAND_DISABLE_TRANSIT[] = "disable_transit"; const char HTTP_COMMAND_SHUTDOWN_START[] = "shutdown_start"; const char HTTP_COMMAND_SHUTDOWN_CANCEL[] = "shutdown_cancel"; const char HTTP_COMMAND_SHUTDOWN_NOW[] = "terminate"; const char HTTP_COMMAND_RUN_PEER_TEST[] = "run_peer_test"; const char HTTP_COMMAND_RELOAD_CONFIG[] = "reload_config"; const char HTTP_COMMAND_LOGLEVEL[] = "set_loglevel"; const char HTTP_PARAM_SAM_SESSION_ID[] = "id"; const char HTTP_PARAM_ADDRESS[] = "address"; static void ShowUptime (std::stringstream& s, int seconds) { int num; if ((num = seconds / 86400) > 0) { s << num << " days, "; seconds -= num * 86400; } if ((num = seconds / 3600) > 0) { s << num << " hours, "; seconds -= num * 3600; } if ((num = seconds / 60) > 0) { s << num << " min, "; seconds -= num * 60; } s << seconds << " seconds"; } static void ShowTraffic (std::stringstream& s, uint64_t bytes) { s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2); auto numKBytes = (double) bytes / 1024; if (numKBytes < 1024) s << numKBytes << " KiB"; else if (numKBytes < 1024 * 1024) s << numKBytes / 1024 << " MiB"; else s << numKBytes / 1024 / 1024 << " GiB"; } static void ShowTunnelDetails (std::stringstream& s, enum i2p::tunnel::TunnelState eState, bool explr, int bytes) { std::string state; switch (eState) { case i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateBuildReplyReceived : case i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStatePending : state = "building"; break; case i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateBuildFailed : case i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateTestFailed : case i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed : state = "failed"; break; case i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring : state = "expiring"; break; case i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateEstablished : state = "established"; break; default: state = "unknown"; break; } s << " " << state << ((explr) ? " (exploratory)" : "") << ", "; s << " " << (int) (bytes / 1024) << " KiB
\r\n"; } static void SetLogLevel (const std::string& level) { if (level == "none" || level == "error" || level == "warn" || level == "info" || level == "debug") i2p::log::Logger().SetLogLevel(level); else { LogPrint(eLogError, "HTTPServer: unknown loglevel set attempted"); return; } i2p::log::Logger().Reopen (); } static void ShowPageHead (std::stringstream& s) { s << "\r\n" "\r\n" /* TODO: Add support for locale */ " \r\n" /* TODO: Find something to parse html/template system. This is horrible. */ #if (!defined(WIN32)) " \r\n" #else " \r\n" #endif " \r\n" " Purple I2P " VERSION " Webconsole\r\n" << cssStyles << "\r\n"; s << "\r\n" "
i2pd webconsole
\r\n" "
\r\n" "
\r\n" " Main page
\r\n" " Router commands
\r\n" " Local destinations
\r\n" " LeaseSets
\r\n" " Tunnels
\r\n" " Transit tunnels
\r\n" " Transports
\r\n" " I2P tunnels
\r\n"; if (i2p::client::context.GetSAMBridge ()) s << " SAM sessions
\r\n"; s << "
\r\n" "
"; } static void ShowPageTail (std::stringstream& s) { s << "
\r\n" "\r\n" "\r\n"; } static void ShowError(std::stringstream& s, const std::string& string) { s << "ERROR: " << string << "
\r\n"; } void ShowStatus ( std::stringstream& s, bool includeHiddenContent, i2p::http::OutputFormatEnum outputFormat) { s << "Uptime: "; ShowUptime(s, i2p::context.GetUptime ()); s << "
\r\n"; s << "Network status: "; switch (i2p::context.GetStatus ()) { case eRouterStatusOK: s << "OK"; break; case eRouterStatusTesting: s << "Testing"; break; case eRouterStatusFirewalled: s << "Firewalled"; break; case eRouterStatusError: { s << "Error"; switch (i2p::context.GetError ()) { case eRouterErrorClockSkew: s << "
Clock skew"; break; default: ; } break; } default: s << "Unknown"; } s << "
\r\n"; #if (!defined(WIN32) && !defined(QT_GUI_LIB) && !defined(ANDROID)) if (auto remains = Daemon.gracefulShutdownInterval) { s << "Stopping in: "; s << remains << " seconds"; s << "
\r\n"; } #endif auto family = i2p::context.GetFamily (); if (family.length () > 0) s << "Family: " << family << "
\r\n"; s << "Tunnel creation success rate: " << i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetTunnelCreationSuccessRate () << "%
\r\n"; s << "Received: "; ShowTraffic (s, i2p::transport::transports.GetTotalReceivedBytes ()); s << " (" << (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetInBandwidth () / 1024 << " KiB/s)
\r\n"; s << "Sent: "; ShowTraffic (s, i2p::transport::transports.GetTotalSentBytes ()); s << " (" << (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetOutBandwidth () / 1024 << " KiB/s)
\r\n"; s << "Transit: "; ShowTraffic (s, i2p::transport::transports.GetTotalTransitTransmittedBytes ()); s << " (" << (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetTransitBandwidth () / 1024 << " KiB/s)
\r\n"; s << "Data path: " << i2p::fs::GetDataDir() << "
\r\n"; s << "
"; if((outputFormat==OutputFormatEnum::forWebConsole)||!includeHiddenContent) { s << "\r\n\r\n

\r\n"; } if(includeHiddenContent) { s << "Router Ident: " << i2p::context.GetRouterInfo().GetIdentHashBase64() << "
\r\n"; s << "Router Family: " << i2p::context.GetRouterInfo().GetProperty("family") << "
\r\n"; s << "Router Caps: " << i2p::context.GetRouterInfo().GetProperty("caps") << "
\r\n"; s << "Our external address:" << "
\r\n" ; for (const auto& address : i2p::context.GetRouterInfo().GetAddresses()) { switch (address->transportStyle) { case i2p::data::RouterInfo::eTransportNTCP: if (address->host.is_v6 ()) s << "NTCP6  "; else s << "NTCP  "; break; case i2p::data::RouterInfo::eTransportSSU: if (address->host.is_v6 ()) s << "SSU6     "; else s << "SSU     "; break; default: s << "Unknown  "; } s << address->host.to_string() << ":" << address->port << "
\r\n"; } } s << "

\r\n"; if(outputFormat==OutputFormatEnum::forQtUi) { s << "
"; } s << "Routers: " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumRouters () << " "; s << "Floodfills: " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumFloodfills () << " "; s << "LeaseSets: " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumLeaseSets () << "
\r\n"; size_t clientTunnelCount = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountOutboundTunnels(); clientTunnelCount += i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountInboundTunnels(); size_t transitTunnelCount = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountTransitTunnels(); s << "Client Tunnels: " << std::to_string(clientTunnelCount) << " "; s << "Transit Tunnels: " << std::to_string(transitTunnelCount) << "
\r\n"; if(outputFormat==OutputFormatEnum::forWebConsole) { s << "\r\n"; s << "\r\n"; s << "\r\n"; s << "\r\n"; s << "\r\n"; s << "\r\n"; bool i2pcontrol; i2p::config::GetOption("i2pcontrol.enabled", i2pcontrol); s << "\r\n"; s << "
" << "HTTP Proxy" << "
" << "SOCKS Proxy" << "
" << "BOB" << "
" << "SAM" << "
" << "I2CP" << "
" << "I2PControl" << "
\r\n"; } } void ShowLocalDestinations (std::stringstream& s) { s << "Local Destinations:
\r\n"; for (auto& it: i2p::client::context.GetDestinations ()) { auto ident = it.second->GetIdentHash (); s << ""; s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident) << "
\r\n" << std::endl; } auto i2cpServer = i2p::client::context.GetI2CPServer (); if (i2cpServer && !(i2cpServer->GetSessions ().empty ())) { s << "
I2CP Local Destinations:
\r\n"; for (auto& it: i2cpServer->GetSessions ()) { auto dest = it.second->GetDestination (); if (dest) { auto ident = dest->GetIdentHash (); auto& name = dest->GetNickname (); s << "[ "; s << name << " ] ⇔ " << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident) <<"
\r\n" << std::endl; } } } } static void ShowLeaseSetDestination (std::stringstream& s, std::shared_ptr dest) { s << "Base64:
\r\n"; if(dest->GetNumRemoteLeaseSets()) { s << "

\r\n"; for(auto& it: dest->GetLeaseSets ()) s << it.second->GetIdentHash ().ToBase32 () << "
\r\n"; s << "

\r\n"; } else s << "LeaseSets: 0
\r\n"; auto pool = dest->GetTunnelPool (); if (pool) { s << "Inbound tunnels:
\r\n"; for (auto & it : pool->GetInboundTunnels ()) { it->Print(s); if(it->LatencyIsKnown()) s << " ( " << it->GetMeanLatency() << "ms )"; ShowTunnelDetails(s, it->GetState (), false, it->GetNumReceivedBytes ()); } s << "
\r\n"; s << "Outbound tunnels:
\r\n"; for (auto & it : pool->GetOutboundTunnels ()) { it->Print(s); if(it->LatencyIsKnown()) s << " ( " << it->GetMeanLatency() << "ms )"; ShowTunnelDetails(s, it->GetState (), false, it->GetNumSentBytes ()); } } s << "
\r\n"; s << "Tags
Incoming: " << dest->GetNumIncomingTags () << "
"; if (!dest->GetSessions ().empty ()) { s << "

\r\n"; for (const auto& it: dest->GetSessions ()) s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(it.first) << " " << it.second->GetNumOutgoingTags () << "
\r\n"; s << "

\r\n"; } else s << "Outgoing: 0
\r\n"; s << "
\r\n"; } void ShowLocalDestination (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& b32) { s << "Local Destination:
\r\n"; i2p::data::IdentHash ident; ident.FromBase32 (b32); auto dest = i2p::client::context.FindLocalDestination (ident); if (dest) { ShowLeaseSetDestination (s, dest); // show streams s << "\r\n"; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << "\r\n"; for (const auto& it: dest->GetAllStreams ()) { s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << ""; s << "\r\n"; } s << "
" << it->GetSendStreamID () << "" << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(it->GetRemoteIdentity ()) << "" << it->GetNumSentBytes () << "" << it->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "" << it->GetSendQueueSize () << "" << it->GetReceiveQueueSize () << "" << it->GetSendBufferSize () << "" << it->GetRTT () << "" << it->GetWindowSize () << "" << (int)it->GetStatus () << "
"; } } static void ShowI2CPLocalDestination (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& id) { auto i2cpServer = i2p::client::context.GetI2CPServer (); if (i2cpServer) { s << "I2CP Local Destination:
\r\n"; auto it = i2cpServer->GetSessions ().find (std::stoi (id)); if (it != i2cpServer->GetSessions ().end ()) ShowLeaseSetDestination (s, it->second->GetDestination ()); else ShowError(s, "I2CP session not found"); } else ShowError(s, "I2CP is not enabled"); } void ShowLeasesSets(std::stringstream& s) { s << "LeaseSets:
\r\n"; int counter = 1; // for each lease set i2p::data::netdb.VisitLeaseSets( [&s, &counter](const i2p::data::IdentHash dest, std::shared_ptr leaseSet) { // create copy of lease set so we extract leases i2p::data::LeaseSet ls(leaseSet->GetBuffer(), leaseSet->GetBufferLen()); s << "
\r\n"; if (!ls.IsValid()) s << "
!! Invalid !!
\r\n"; s << "
\r\n"; s << "\r\n

\r\n"; s << "Expires: " << ls.GetExpirationTime() << "
\r\n"; auto leases = ls.GetNonExpiredLeases(); s << "Non Expired Leases: " << leases.size() << "
\r\n"; for ( auto & l : leases ) { s << "Gateway: " << l->tunnelGateway.ToBase64() << "
\r\n"; s << "TunnelID: " << l->tunnelID << "
\r\n"; s << "EndDate: " << l->endDate << "
\r\n"; } s << "

\r\n"; } ); // end for each lease set } void ShowTunnels (std::stringstream& s) { s << "Tunnels:
\r\n"; s << "Queue size: " << i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetQueueSize () << "
\r\n"; auto ExplPool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetExploratoryPool (); s << "Inbound tunnels:
\r\n"; for (auto & it : i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetInboundTunnels ()) { it->Print(s); if(it->LatencyIsKnown()) s << " ( " << it->GetMeanLatency() << "ms )"; ShowTunnelDetails(s, it->GetState (), (it->GetTunnelPool () == ExplPool), it->GetNumReceivedBytes ()); } s << "
\r\n"; s << "Outbound tunnels:
\r\n"; for (auto & it : i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetOutboundTunnels ()) { it->Print(s); if(it->LatencyIsKnown()) s << " ( " << it->GetMeanLatency() << "ms )"; ShowTunnelDetails(s, it->GetState (), (it->GetTunnelPool () == ExplPool), it->GetNumSentBytes ()); } s << "
\r\n"; } static void ShowCommands (std::stringstream& s, uint32_t token) { /* commands */ s << "Router Commands
\r\n"; s << " Run peer test
\r\n"; //s << " Reload config
\r\n"; if (i2p::context.AcceptsTunnels ()) s << " Decline transit tunnels
\r\n"; else s << " Accept transit tunnels
\r\n"; #if (!defined(WIN32) && !defined(QT_GUI_LIB) && !defined(ANDROID)) if (Daemon.gracefulShutdownInterval) s << " Cancel graceful shutdown
"; else s << " Start graceful shutdown
\r\n"; #elif defined(WIN32_APP) if (i2p::util::DaemonWin32::Instance().isGraceful) s << " Cancel graceful shutdown
"; else s << " Graceful shutdown
\r\n"; #endif s << " Force shutdown
\r\n"; s << "
\r\nLogging level
\r\n"; s << " [none] "; s << " [error] "; s << " [warn] "; s << " [info] "; s << " [debug]
\r\n"; } void ShowTransitTunnels (std::stringstream& s) { s << "Transit tunnels:
\r\n"; for (const auto& it: i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetTransitTunnels ()) { if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast(it)) s << it->GetTunnelID () << " ⇒ "; else if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast(it)) s << " ⇒ " << it->GetTunnelID (); else s << " ⇒ " << it->GetTunnelID () << " ⇒ "; s << " " << it->GetNumTransmittedBytes () << "
\r\n"; } } void ShowTransports (std::stringstream& s) { s << "Transports:
\r\n"; auto ntcpServer = i2p::transport::transports.GetNTCPServer (); if (ntcpServer) { auto sessions = ntcpServer->GetNTCPSessions (); if (!sessions.empty ()) { std::stringstream tmp_s, tmp_s6; uint16_t cnt = 0, cnt6 = 0; for (const auto& it: sessions ) { if (it.second && it.second->IsEstablished () && !it.second->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint ().address ().is_v6 ()) { // incoming connection doesn't have remote RI if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) tmp_s << " ⇒ "; tmp_s << i2p::data::GetIdentHashAbbreviation (it.second->GetRemoteIdentity ()->GetIdentHash ()) << ": " << it.second->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint().address ().to_string (); if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) tmp_s << " ⇒ "; tmp_s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]"; tmp_s << "
\r\n" << std::endl; cnt++; } if (it.second && it.second->IsEstablished () && it.second->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint ().address ().is_v6 ()) { if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) tmp_s6 << " ⇒ "; tmp_s6 << i2p::data::GetIdentHashAbbreviation (it.second->GetRemoteIdentity ()->GetIdentHash ()) << ": " << "[" << it.second->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint().address ().to_string () << "]"; if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) tmp_s6 << " ⇒ "; tmp_s6 << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]"; tmp_s6 << "
\r\n" << std::endl; cnt6++; } } if (!tmp_s.str ().empty ()) { s << "

"; s << tmp_s.str () << "

\r\n"; } if (!tmp_s6.str ().empty ()) { s << "

"; s << tmp_s6.str () << "

\r\n"; } } } auto ssuServer = i2p::transport::transports.GetSSUServer (); if (ssuServer) { auto sessions = ssuServer->GetSessions (); if (!sessions.empty ()) { s << "

"; for (const auto& it: sessions) { auto endpoint = it.second->GetRemoteEndpoint (); if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ "; s << endpoint.address ().to_string () << ":" << endpoint.port (); if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ "; s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]"; if (it.second->GetRelayTag ()) s << " [itag:" << it.second->GetRelayTag () << "]"; s << "
\r\n" << std::endl; } s << "

\r\n"; } auto sessions6 = ssuServer->GetSessionsV6 (); if (!sessions6.empty ()) { s << "

"; for (const auto& it: sessions6) { auto endpoint = it.second->GetRemoteEndpoint (); if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ "; s << "[" << endpoint.address ().to_string () << "]:" << endpoint.port (); if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ "; s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]"; if (it.second->GetRelayTag ()) s << " [itag:" << it.second->GetRelayTag () << "]"; s << "
\r\n" << std::endl; } s << "

\r\n"; } } } void ShowSAMSessions (std::stringstream& s) { auto sam = i2p::client::context.GetSAMBridge (); if (!sam) { ShowError(s, "SAM disabled"); return; } s << "SAM Sessions:
\r\n"; for (auto& it: sam->GetSessions ()) { auto& name = it.second->localDestination->GetNickname (); s << ""; s << name << " (" << it.first << ")
\r\n" << std::endl; } } static void ShowSAMSession (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& id) { s << "SAM Session:
\r\n"; auto sam = i2p::client::context.GetSAMBridge (); if (!sam) { ShowError(s, "SAM disabled"); return; } auto session = sam->FindSession (id); if (!session) { ShowError(s, "SAM session not found"); return; } auto& ident = session->localDestination->GetIdentHash(); s << ""; s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident) << "
\r\n"; s << "
\r\n"; s << "Streams:
\r\n"; for (const auto& it: sam->ListSockets(id)) { switch (it->GetSocketType ()) { case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeSession : s << "session"; break; case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeStream : s << "stream"; break; case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeAcceptor : s << "acceptor"; break; default: s << "unknown"; break; } s << " [" << it->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint() << "]"; s << "
\r\n"; } } void ShowI2PTunnels (std::stringstream& s) { s << "Client Tunnels:
\r\n"; for (auto& it: i2p::client::context.GetClientTunnels ()) { auto& ident = it.second->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash(); s << ""; s << it.second->GetName () << " ⇐ "; s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident); s << "
\r\n"<< std::endl; } auto httpProxy = i2p::client::context.GetHttpProxy (); if (httpProxy) { auto& ident = httpProxy->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash(); s << ""; s << "HTTP Proxy" << " ⇐ "; s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident); s << "
\r\n"<< std::endl; } auto socksProxy = i2p::client::context.GetSocksProxy (); if (socksProxy) { auto& ident = socksProxy->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash(); s << ""; s << "SOCKS Proxy" << " ⇐ "; s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident); s << "
\r\n"<< std::endl; } auto& serverTunnels = i2p::client::context.GetServerTunnels (); if (!serverTunnels.empty ()) { s << "
\r\nServer Tunnels:
\r\n"; for (auto& it: serverTunnels) { auto& ident = it.second->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash(); s << ""; s << it.second->GetName () << " ⇒ "; s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident); s << ":" << it.second->GetLocalPort (); s << "
\r\n"<< std::endl; } } auto& clientForwards = i2p::client::context.GetClientForwards (); if (!clientForwards.empty ()) { s << "
\r\nClient Forwards:
\r\n"; for (auto& it: clientForwards) { auto& ident = it.second->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash(); s << ""; s << it.second->GetName () << " ⇐ "; s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident); s << "
\r\n"<< std::endl; } } auto& serverForwards = i2p::client::context.GetServerForwards (); if (!serverForwards.empty ()) { s << "
\r\nServer Forwards:
\r\n"; for (auto& it: serverForwards) { auto& ident = it.second->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash(); s << ""; s << it.second->GetName () << " ⇐ "; s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident); s << "
\r\n"<< std::endl; } } } HTTPConnection::HTTPConnection (std::string hostname, std::shared_ptr socket): m_Socket (socket), m_Timer (socket->get_io_service ()), m_BufferLen (0), expected_host(hostname) { /* cache options */ i2p::config::GetOption("http.auth", needAuth); i2p::config::GetOption("http.user", user); i2p::config::GetOption("http.pass", pass); } void HTTPConnection::Receive () { m_Socket->async_read_some (boost::asio::buffer (m_Buffer, HTTP_CONNECTION_BUFFER_SIZE), std::bind(&HTTPConnection::HandleReceive, shared_from_this (), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } void HTTPConnection::HandleReceive (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { if (ecode) { if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) Terminate (ecode); return; } m_Buffer[bytes_transferred] = '\0'; m_BufferLen = bytes_transferred; RunRequest(); Receive (); } void HTTPConnection::RunRequest () { HTTPReq request; int ret = request.parse(m_Buffer); if (ret < 0) { m_Buffer[0] = '\0'; m_BufferLen = 0; return; /* error */ } if (ret == 0) return; /* need more data */ HandleRequest (request); } void HTTPConnection::Terminate (const boost::system::error_code& ecode) { if (ecode == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) return; boost::system::error_code ignored_ec; m_Socket->shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignored_ec); m_Socket->close (); } bool HTTPConnection::CheckAuth (const HTTPReq & req) { /* method #1: http://user:pass@ */ if (req.uri.find('@') != std::string::npos) { URL url; if (url.parse(req.uri) && url.user == user && url.pass == pass) return true; } /* method #2: 'Authorization' header sent */ auto provided = req.GetHeader ("Authorization"); if (provided.length () > 0) { bool result = false; std::string expected = user + ":" + pass; size_t b64_sz = i2p::data::Base64EncodingBufferSize(expected.length()) + 1; char * b64_creds = new char[b64_sz]; std::size_t len = 0; len = i2p::data::ByteStreamToBase64((unsigned char *)expected.c_str(), expected.length(), b64_creds, b64_sz); /* if we decoded properly then check credentials */ if(len) { b64_creds[len] = '\0'; expected = "Basic "; expected += b64_creds; result = expected == provided; } delete [] b64_creds; return result; } LogPrint(eLogWarning, "HTTPServer: auth failure from ", m_Socket->remote_endpoint().address ()); return false; } void HTTPConnection::HandleRequest (const HTTPReq & req) { std::stringstream s; std::string content; HTTPRes res; LogPrint(eLogDebug, "HTTPServer: request: ", req.uri); if (needAuth && !CheckAuth(req)) { res.code = 401; res.add_header("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"WebAdmin\""); SendReply(res, content); return; } bool strictheaders; i2p::config::GetOption("http.strictheaders", strictheaders); if (strictheaders) { std::string http_hostname; i2p::config::GetOption("http.hostname", http_hostname); std::string host = req.GetHeader("Host"); auto idx = host.find(':'); /* strip out port so it's just host */ if (idx != std::string::npos && idx > 0) { host = host.substr(0, idx); } if (!(host == expected_host || host == http_hostname)) { /* deny request as it's from a non whitelisted hostname */ res.code = 403; content = "host missmatch"; SendReply(res, content); return; } } // Html5 head start ShowPageHead (s); if (req.uri.find("page=") != std::string::npos) { HandlePage (req, res, s); } else if (req.uri.find("cmd=") != std::string::npos) { HandleCommand (req, res, s); } else { ShowStatus (s, true, i2p::http::OutputFormatEnum::forWebConsole); res.add_header("Refresh", "10"); } ShowPageTail (s); res.code = 200; content = s.str (); SendReply (res, content); } std::map HTTPConnection::m_Tokens; void HTTPConnection::HandlePage (const HTTPReq& req, HTTPRes& res, std::stringstream& s) { std::map params; std::string page(""); URL url; url.parse(req.uri); url.parse_query(params); page = params["page"]; if (page == HTTP_PAGE_TRANSPORTS) ShowTransports (s); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_TUNNELS) ShowTunnels (s); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_COMMANDS) { uint32_t token; RAND_bytes ((uint8_t *)&token, 4); token &= 0x7FFFFFFF; // clear first bit auto ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); for (auto it = m_Tokens.begin (); it != m_Tokens.end (); ) { if (ts > it->second + TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT) it = m_Tokens.erase (it); else ++it; } m_Tokens[token] = ts; ShowCommands (s, token); } else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_TRANSIT_TUNNELS) ShowTransitTunnels (s); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATIONS) ShowLocalDestinations (s); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION) ShowLocalDestination (s, params["b32"]); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_I2CP_LOCAL_DESTINATION) ShowI2CPLocalDestination (s, params["i2cp_id"]); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_SAM_SESSIONS) ShowSAMSessions (s); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_SAM_SESSION) ShowSAMSession (s, params["sam_id"]); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_I2P_TUNNELS) ShowI2PTunnels (s); else if (page == HTTP_PAGE_LEASESETS) ShowLeasesSets(s); else { res.code = 400; ShowError(s, "Unknown page: " + page); return; } } void HTTPConnection::HandleCommand (const HTTPReq& req, HTTPRes& res, std::stringstream& s) { std::map params; URL url; url.parse(req.uri); url.parse_query(params); std::string token = params["token"]; if (token.empty () || m_Tokens.find (std::stoi (token)) == m_Tokens.end ()) { ShowError(s, "Invalid token"); return; } std::string cmd = params["cmd"]; if (cmd == HTTP_COMMAND_RUN_PEER_TEST) i2p::transport::transports.PeerTest (); else if (cmd == HTTP_COMMAND_RELOAD_CONFIG) i2p::client::context.ReloadConfig (); else if (cmd == HTTP_COMMAND_ENABLE_TRANSIT) i2p::context.SetAcceptsTunnels (true); else if (cmd == HTTP_COMMAND_DISABLE_TRANSIT) i2p::context.SetAcceptsTunnels (false); else if (cmd == HTTP_COMMAND_SHUTDOWN_START) { i2p::context.SetAcceptsTunnels (false); #if (!defined(WIN32) && !defined(QT_GUI_LIB) && !defined(ANDROID)) Daemon.gracefulShutdownInterval = 10*60; #elif defined(WIN32_APP) i2p::win32::GracefulShutdown (); #endif } else if (cmd == HTTP_COMMAND_SHUTDOWN_CANCEL) { i2p::context.SetAcceptsTunnels (true); #if (!defined(WIN32) && !defined(QT_GUI_LIB) && !defined(ANDROID)) Daemon.gracefulShutdownInterval = 0; #elif defined(WIN32_APP) i2p::win32::StopGracefulShutdown (); #endif } else if (cmd == HTTP_COMMAND_SHUTDOWN_NOW) { #ifndef WIN32_APP Daemon.running = false; #else i2p::win32::StopWin32App (); #endif } else if (cmd == HTTP_COMMAND_LOGLEVEL){ std::string level = params["level"]; SetLogLevel (level); } else { res.code = 400; ShowError(s, "Unknown command: " + cmd); return; } s << "SUCCESS: Command accepted

\r\n"; s << "Back to commands list
\r\n"; s << "

You will be redirected in 5 seconds"; res.add_header("Refresh", "5; url=/?page=commands"); } void HTTPConnection::SendReply (HTTPRes& reply, std::string& content) { reply.add_header("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"); reply.add_header("Content-Type", "text/html"); reply.body = content; m_SendBuffer = reply.to_string(); boost::asio::async_write (*m_Socket, boost::asio::buffer(m_SendBuffer), std::bind (&HTTPConnection::Terminate, shared_from_this (), std::placeholders::_1)); } HTTPServer::HTTPServer (const std::string& address, int port): m_IsRunning (false), m_Thread (nullptr), m_Work (m_Service), m_Acceptor (m_Service, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint (boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(address), port)), m_Hostname(address) { } HTTPServer::~HTTPServer () { Stop (); } void HTTPServer::Start () { bool needAuth; i2p::config::GetOption("http.auth", needAuth); std::string user; i2p::config::GetOption("http.user", user); std::string pass; i2p::config::GetOption("http.pass", pass); /* generate pass if needed */ if (needAuth && pass == "") { uint8_t random[16]; char alnum[] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; pass.resize(sizeof(random)); RAND_bytes(random, sizeof(random)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(random); i++) { pass[i] = alnum[random[i] % (sizeof(alnum) - 1)]; } i2p::config::SetOption("http.pass", pass); LogPrint(eLogInfo, "HTTPServer: password set to ", pass); } m_IsRunning = true; m_Thread = std::unique_ptr(new std::thread (std::bind (&HTTPServer::Run, this))); m_Acceptor.listen (); Accept (); } void HTTPServer::Stop () { m_IsRunning = false; m_Acceptor.close(); m_Service.stop (); if (m_Thread) { m_Thread->join (); m_Thread = nullptr; } } void HTTPServer::Run () { while (m_IsRunning) { try { m_Service.run (); } catch (std::exception& ex) { LogPrint (eLogError, "HTTPServer: runtime exception: ", ex.what ()); } } } void HTTPServer::Accept () { auto newSocket = std::make_shared (m_Service); m_Acceptor.async_accept (*newSocket, boost::bind (&HTTPServer::HandleAccept, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, newSocket)); } void HTTPServer::HandleAccept(const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::shared_ptr newSocket) { if (ecode) { if(newSocket) newSocket->close(); LogPrint(eLogError, "HTTP Server: error handling accept ", ecode.message()); if(ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) Accept(); return; } CreateConnection(newSocket); Accept (); } void HTTPServer::CreateConnection(std::shared_ptr newSocket) { auto conn = std::make_shared (m_Hostname, newSocket); conn->Receive (); } } // http } // i2p