@echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion title Building i2pd REM Copyright (c) 2013-2022, The PurpleI2P Project REM This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3 REM See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree REM To use that script, you must have installed in your MSYS installation these packages: REM Base: git make zip REM UCRT64: mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-boost mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-openssl mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gcc REM MINGW32: mingw-w64-i686-boost mingw-w64-i686-openssl mingw-w64-i686-gcc REM setting up variables for MSYS REM Note: if you installed MSYS64 to different path, edit WD variable (only C:\msys64 needed to edit)! set "WD=C:\msys64\usr\bin\" set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit set CHERE_INVOKING=enabled_from_arguments REM set MSYSTEM=MSYS set MSYSTEM=MINGW32 set "xSH=%WD%bash -lc" set "FILELIST=i2pd.exe README.txt contrib/i2pd.conf contrib/tunnels.conf contrib/certificates contrib/tunnels.d contrib/webconsole" REM detecting number of processors set /a threads=%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% REM we must work in root of repo cd .. REM deleting old log files del /S build_*.log >> nul 2>&1 echo Receiving latest commit and cleaning up... %xSH% "git checkout contrib/* && git pull && make clean" > build\build.log 2>&1 REM set to variable current commit hash for /F "usebackq" %%a in (`%xSH% "git describe --tags"`) DO ( set tag=%%a ) REM set to variable latest released tag for /F "usebackq" %%b in (`%xSH% "git describe --abbrev=0"`) DO ( set reltag=%%b ) echo Preparing configuration files and README for packaging... %xSH% "echo To use configs and certificates, move all files and certificates folder from contrib directory here. > README.txt" >> nul REM converting configuration files to DOS format (make usable in Windows Notepad) %xSH% "unix2dos contrib/i2pd.conf contrib/tunnels.conf contrib/tunnels.d/* contrib/webconsole/style.css" >> build\build.log 2>&1 REM Prepare binary signing command if signing key and password provided if defined SIGNKEY ( if defined SIGNPASS ( echo Signing options found^^! for %%X in (signtool.exe) do (set xSIGNTOOL=%%~$PATH:X) if not defined xSIGNTOOL ( if not defined SIGNTOOL ( echo Error: Can't find signtool^^! Please provide path to binary using SIGNTOOL variable^^! exit /b 1 ) else ( set "xSIGNTOOL=%SIGNTOOL%" ) ) set "xSIGNOPTS=sign /tr http://timestamp.digicert.com /td sha256 /fd sha256 /f ^"%SIGNKEY%^" /p ^"%SIGNPASS%^"" ) ) REM starting building set MSYSTEM=MINGW32 set bitness=32 call :BUILDING set MSYSTEM=UCRT64 set bitness=64 call :BUILDING if exist C:\msys64-xp\ ( REM building for WinXP set "WD=C:\msys64-xp\usr\bin\" set MSYSTEM=MINGW32 set bitness=32 set "xSH=%WD%bash -lc" call :BUILDING_XP echo. ) REM compile installer echo Building installer... C:\PROGRA~2\INNOSE~1\ISCC.exe /dI2Pd_TextVer="%tag%" /dI2Pd_Ver="%reltag%.0" build\win_installer.iss >> build\build.log 2>&1 REM Sign binary if defined xSIGNOPTS ( "%xSIGNTOOL%" %xSIGNOPTS% build\setup_i2pd_v%tag%.exe ) %xSH% "git checkout contrib/*" >> build\build.log 2>&1 del README.txt i2pd_x32.exe i2pd_x64.exe i2pd_xp.exe >> nul echo Build complete... pause exit /b 0 :BUILDING %xSH% "make clean" >> nul echo Building i2pd %tag% for win%bitness%... REM Build i2pd %xSH% "make DEBUG=no USE_UPNP=yes -j%threads%" > build\build_win%bitness%_%tag%.log 2>&1 REM Sign binary if defined xSIGNOPTS ( "%xSIGNTOOL%" %xSIGNOPTS% i2pd.exe ) REM Copy binary for installer and create distribution archive %xSH% "cp i2pd.exe i2pd_x%bitness%.exe && zip -r9 build/i2pd_%tag%_win%bitness%_mingw.zip %FILELIST%" >> build\build_win%bitness%_%tag%.log 2>&1 REM Clean work directory %xSH% "make clean" >> build\build_win%bitness%_%tag%.log 2>&1 goto EOF :BUILDING_XP %xSH% "make clean" >> nul echo Building i2pd %tag% for winxp... %xSH% "make DEBUG=no USE_UPNP=yes USE_WINXP_FLAGS=yes -j%threads%" > build\build_winxp_%tag%.log 2>&1 REM Sign binary if defined xSIGNOPTS ( "%xSIGNTOOL%" %xSIGNOPTS% i2pd.exe ) REM Copy binary for installer and create distribution archive %xSH% "cp i2pd.exe i2pd_xp.exe && zip -r9 build/i2pd_%tag%_winxp_mingw.zip %FILELIST%" >> build\build_winxp_%tag%.log 2>&1 REM Clean work directory %xSH% "make clean" >> build\build_winxp_%tag%.log 2>&1 :EOF