version: 1.0.{build} pull_requests: do_not_increment_build_number: true branches: only: - openssl skip_tags: true os: Visual Studio 2015 shallow_clone: true clone_depth: 1 init: - cmd: >- mkdir \projects\instdir rem Appveyor has win32 openssl pre-installed that is picked up erroneously even for 64-bit. Cleaning the mess... Should happen before restoring cache. rem Might consider passing OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR if exist \OpenSSL-Win32 rmdir /S /Q \OpenSSL-Win32 if exist \OpenSSL-Win64 rmdir /S /Q \OpenSSL-Win64 if exist \OpenSSL rmdir /S /Q \OpenSSL environment: BOOST_ROOT: C:\Libraries\boost_1_59_0 MINIUPNPC: miniupnpc-1.9.20151026 OPENSSL: OpenSSL_1_0_2e ZLIB: zlib-1.2.8 matrix: # - type: static # msvc: 14 # x64: 0 # - type: static # variant: Release # # FIXME why is this necessary with Appveyor??? # cmake: -DSSL_EAY=/mingw32/lib/libssl.a -DLIB_EAY=/mingw32/lib/libcrypto.a - type: shared variant: Release - type: static msvc: 12 x64: 1 variant: RelWithDebInfo - type: static msvc: 14 variant: RelWithDebInfo cmake: -DWITH_PCH=ON # - type: static # msvc: 12 # - type: shared # msvc: 14 # variant: Debug # - type: shared # variant: Release # cmake: -DWITH_PCH=ON # x64: 1 install: - if not exist \projects\miniupnpc\ ( mkdir \projects\miniupnpc && curl -sL -o \projects\miniupnpc\%MINIUPNPC%.tar.gz ) - tar --strip-components=1 --directory=\projects\miniupnpc -xzf \projects\miniupnpc\%MINIUPNPC%.tar.gz - if not exist \projects\zlib\ ( mkdir \projects\zlib && cd \projects\zlib && curl -sLO ) - tar --strip-components=1 --directory=\projects\zlib -xzf \projects\zlib\%ZLIB%.tar.gz - patch -p0 C:/projects/zlib/CMakeLists.txt %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%/build/cmake-zlib-static.patch - patch -p0 C:/projects/zlib/CMakeLists.txt %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%/build/cmake-zlib-amd64.patch - if "%type%" == "static" ( set "static=ON" && set "boostlib=lib" ) else ( set "static=OFF" && set "dll=dll" ) - if "%x64%"=="1" ( set "bitness=64" && set "openssl_target=VC-WIN64A" && set "zlib_asm=-DAMD64=ON" ) else ( set "bitness=32" && set "openssl_target=VC-WIN32" && set "zlib_asm=-DASM686=ON "-DCMAKE_ASM_MASM_FLAGS=/W0 /safeseh"" ) - set /a generator=%msvc%+2001 - if defined msvc ( ( if "%x64%" == "1" ( call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio %msvc%.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 && set "generator=Visual Studio %msvc% %generator% Win64" ) else ( call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio %msvc%.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86 && set "generator=Visual Studio %msvc% %generator%" ) ) && set "zlib_root=C:/stage/zlib-Win%bitness%-vc%msvc%-%type%" && if "%variant%" neq "Debug" ( set "boost_variant=variant=release" && set "boostdbg=-gd" ) ) else ( set "generator=Unix Makefiles" ) - if defined msvc if not exist %zlib_root% ( mkdir \projects\zlib-build && cd \projects\zlib-build && cmake ../zlib -G "%generator%" %zlib_asm% -DWITH_STATIC=%static% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%zlib_root% > c:\projects\instdir\build_zlib.log && cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL >> c:\projects\instdir\build_zlib.log || type c:\projects\instdir\build_zlib.log ) - cmd: >- rem cinst nasm cd \projects if not exist nasm-2.11.08-installer.exe curl --silent --location --remote-name nasm-2.11.08-installer.exe /S set "PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\nasm" if not exist curl --silent --location --remote-name - cd %BOOST_ROOT% - if defined msvc if not exist "stage%bitness%\lib\%boostlib%boost_system-vc%msvc%0-mt%boostdbg%*" ( bootstrap > c:\projects\instdir\build_boost.log && b2 toolset=msvc-%msvc%.0 %boost_variant% link=%type% runtime-link=%type% address-model=%bitness% --build-type=minimal --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-date_time --stagedir=stage%bitness% >> c:\projects\instdir\build_boost.log || type c:\projects\instdir\build_boost.log ) - if defined msvc if not exist C:\stage\OpenSSL-Win%bitness%-vc%msvc%-%type%\ ( cd \projects && 7z x > NUL && cd openssl-%OPENSSL% && perl Configure %openssl_target% no-rc2 no-rc4 no-rc5 no-idea no-bf no-cast no-whirlpool no-md2 no-md4 no-ripemd no-mdc2 no-camellia no-seed no-comp no-krb5 no-gmp no-rfc3779 no-ec2m no-ssl2 no-jpake no-srp no-sctp no-srtp --prefix=c:\stage\OpenSSL-Win%bitness%-vc%msvc%-%type% > c:\projects\instdir\build_openssl.log && ( if "%x64%" == "1" ( ms\do_win64a >> c:\projects\instdir\build_openssl.log ) else ( ms\do_nasm >> c:\projects\instdir\build_openssl.log ) ) && nmake -f ms\nt%dll%.mak install >> c:\projects\instdir\build_openssl.log 2>&1 && mklink /J \OpenSSL \stage\OpenSSL-Win%bitness%-vc%msvc%-%type% || type c:\projects\instdir\build_openssl.log ) - rem already there: mingw-w64-i686-openssl mingw-w64-i686-gcc cmake - if not defined msvc ( C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --needed --noconfirm -Sy bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime msys2-runtime-devel" && if "%x64%" == "1" ( C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S mingw-w64-x86_64-boost mingw-w64-x86_64-miniupnpc" ) else ( C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S mingw-w64-i686-boost mingw-w64-i686-miniupnpc" ) ) cache: - C:\projects\ - C:\projects\nasm-2.11.08-installer.exe - C:\projects\miniupnpc\%MINIUPNPC%.tar.gz - C:\stage - '%BOOST_ROOT%\stage32' - '%BOOST_ROOT%\stage64' - C:\projects\zlib\%ZLIB%.tar.gz build_script: - cmd: >- mkdir \projects\build rem FIXME use fixup_bundle in cmake rem msbuild i2pd.sln /p:Configuration=Release if defined variant ( set cmake_extra=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%variant% && set "cmake_build=--config %variant%" ) echo "bitness=%bitness%; static=%static%; dll=%dll%; type=%type%; generator=%generator%; variant=%variant%; cmake=%cmake%; cmake_extra=%cmake_extra%" - if not defined msvc ( C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "export PATH=/mingw%bitness%/bin:/usr/bin && cd /c/projects/build && cmake /c/projects/i2pd/build -G 'Unix Makefiles' -DWITH_AESNI=ON -DWITH_UPNP=ON %cmake% %cmake_extra% -DWITH_STATIC=%static% -DWITH_HARDENING=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/c/projects/instdir -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH=/mingw%bitness% && make install" && 7z a -tzip -mx9 -mmt C:\projects\i2pd\ C:\projects\instdir\* C:\msys64\mingw%bitness%\bin\zlib1.dll C:\msys64\mingw%bitness%\bin\*eay32.dll ) - rem We are fine with multiple generated configurations in MS solution. Will use later - if defined msvc ( cd \projects\build && cmake ..\i2pd\build -G "%generator%" -DWITH_UPNP=ON %cmake% -DWITH_STATIC=%static% -DZLIB_ROOT=%zlib_root% -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIR:PATH=%BOOST_ROOT%/stage%bitness%/lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=c:/projects/instdir && cmake --build . %cmake_build% --target install && 7z a -tzip -mx9 -mmt C:\projects\i2pd\ C:\projects\instdir\* && cmake --build . %cmake_build% --target package && xcopy i2pd*win*.exe ..\i2pd\ ) test: off artifacts: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: - path: i2pd-2.1.0-win64.exe - path: i2pd-2.1.0-win32.exe