/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2024, The PurpleI2P Project * * This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3 * * See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree */ #include "Log.h" #include "Base.h" #include "I2NPProtocol.h" #include "Transports.h" #include "NetDb.hpp" #include "NetDbRequests.h" #include "ECIESX25519AEADRatchetSession.h" #include "RouterContext.h" namespace i2p { namespace data { RequestedDestination::RequestedDestination (const IdentHash& destination, bool isExploratory, bool direct): m_Destination (destination), m_IsExploratory (isExploratory), m_IsDirect (direct), m_IsActive (true), m_CreationTime (i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch ()), m_LastRequestTime (0), m_NumAttempts (0) { if (i2p::context.IsFloodfill ()) m_ExcludedPeers.insert (i2p::context.GetIdentHash ()); // exclude self if floodfill } RequestedDestination::~RequestedDestination () { if (m_RequestComplete) m_RequestComplete (nullptr); } std::shared_ptr RequestedDestination::CreateRequestMessage (std::shared_ptr router, std::shared_ptr replyTunnel) { std::lock_guard l (m_ExcludedPeersMutex); std::shared_ptr msg; if(replyTunnel) msg = i2p::CreateRouterInfoDatabaseLookupMsg (m_Destination, replyTunnel->GetNextIdentHash (), replyTunnel->GetNextTunnelID (), m_IsExploratory, &m_ExcludedPeers); else msg = i2p::CreateRouterInfoDatabaseLookupMsg(m_Destination, i2p::context.GetIdentHash(), 0, m_IsExploratory, &m_ExcludedPeers); if(router) m_ExcludedPeers.insert (router->GetIdentHash ()); m_LastRequestTime = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); m_NumAttempts++; return msg; } std::shared_ptr RequestedDestination::CreateRequestMessage (const IdentHash& floodfill) { std::lock_guard l (m_ExcludedPeersMutex); auto msg = i2p::CreateRouterInfoDatabaseLookupMsg (m_Destination, i2p::context.GetRouterInfo ().GetIdentHash () , 0, false, &m_ExcludedPeers); m_ExcludedPeers.insert (floodfill); m_NumAttempts++; m_LastRequestTime = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); return msg; } bool RequestedDestination::IsExcluded (const IdentHash& ident) const { std::lock_guard l (m_ExcludedPeersMutex); return m_ExcludedPeers.count (ident); } void RequestedDestination::ClearExcludedPeers () { std::lock_guard l (m_ExcludedPeersMutex); m_ExcludedPeers.clear (); } std::unordered_set RequestedDestination::GetExcludedPeers () const { std::lock_guard l (m_ExcludedPeersMutex); return m_ExcludedPeers; } void RequestedDestination::Success (std::shared_ptr r) { if (m_IsActive) { m_IsActive = false; if (m_RequestComplete) { m_RequestComplete (r); m_RequestComplete = nullptr; } } } void RequestedDestination::Fail () { if (m_IsActive) { m_IsActive = false; if (m_RequestComplete) { m_RequestComplete (nullptr); m_RequestComplete = nullptr; } } } NetDbRequests::NetDbRequests (): RunnableServiceWithWork ("NetDbReq"), m_ManageRequestsTimer (GetIOService ()) { } NetDbRequests::~NetDbRequests () { Stop (); } void NetDbRequests::Start () { m_LastPoolCleanUpTime = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); if (!IsRunning ()) { StartIOService (); ScheduleManageRequests (); } } void NetDbRequests::Stop () { if (IsRunning ()) { m_ManageRequestsTimer.cancel (); StopIOService (); m_RequestedDestinations.clear (); m_RequestedDestinationsPool.CleanUpMt (); } } std::shared_ptr NetDbRequests::CreateRequest (const IdentHash& destination, bool isExploratory, bool direct, RequestedDestination::RequestComplete requestComplete) { // request RouterInfo directly auto dest = m_RequestedDestinationsPool.AcquireSharedMt (destination, isExploratory, direct); dest->SetRequestComplete (requestComplete); { std::unique_lock l(m_RequestedDestinationsMutex); auto ret = m_RequestedDestinations.emplace (destination, dest); if (!ret.second) // not inserted { dest->SetRequestComplete (nullptr); // don't call requestComplete in destructor dest = ret.first->second; // existing one if (requestComplete && dest->IsActive ()) { auto prev = dest->GetRequestComplete (); if (prev) // if already set dest->SetRequestComplete ( [requestComplete, prev](std::shared_ptr r) { prev (r); // call previous requestComplete (r); // then new }); else dest->SetRequestComplete (requestComplete); } return nullptr; } } return dest; } void NetDbRequests::RequestComplete (const IdentHash& ident, std::shared_ptr r) { GetIOService ().post ([this, ident, r]() { std::shared_ptr request; { std::unique_lock l(m_RequestedDestinationsMutex); auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.find (ident); if (it != m_RequestedDestinations.end ()) { request = it->second; if (request->IsExploratory ()) m_RequestedDestinations.erase (it); // otherwise cache for a while } } if (request) { if (r) request->Success (r); else request->Fail (); } }); } std::shared_ptr NetDbRequests::FindRequest (const IdentHash& ident) const { std::unique_lock l(m_RequestedDestinationsMutex); auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.find (ident); if (it != m_RequestedDestinations.end ()) return it->second; return nullptr; } void NetDbRequests::ManageRequests () { uint64_t ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); if (ts > m_LastPoolCleanUpTime + REQUESTED_DESTINATIONS_POOL_CLEANUP_INTERVAL) { m_RequestedDestinationsPool.CleanUpMt (); m_LastPoolCleanUpTime = ts; } std::unique_lock l(m_RequestedDestinationsMutex); for (auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.begin (); it != m_RequestedDestinations.end ();) { auto& dest = it->second; if (dest->IsActive () || ts < dest->GetCreationTime () + REQUEST_CACHE_TIME) { if (!dest->IsExploratory ()) { // regular request bool done = false; if (ts < dest->GetCreationTime () + MAX_REQUEST_TIME) { if (ts > dest->GetLastRequestTime () + MIN_REQUEST_TIME) // try next floodfill if no response after min interval done = !SendNextRequest (dest); } else // request is expired done = true; if (done) dest->Fail (); it++; } else { // exploratory if (ts >= dest->GetCreationTime () + MAX_EXPLORATORY_REQUEST_TIME) { dest->Fail (); it = m_RequestedDestinations.erase (it); // delete expired exploratory request right a way } else it++; } } else it = m_RequestedDestinations.erase (it); } } bool NetDbRequests::SendNextRequest (std::shared_ptr dest) { if (!dest || !dest->IsActive ()) return false; bool ret = true; auto count = dest->GetNumAttempts (); if (!dest->IsExploratory () && count < MAX_NUM_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS) { auto nextFloodfill = netdb.GetClosestFloodfill (dest->GetDestination (), dest->GetExcludedPeers ()); if (nextFloodfill) { bool direct = dest->IsDirect (); if (direct && !nextFloodfill->IsReachableFrom (i2p::context.GetRouterInfo ()) && !i2p::transport::transports.IsConnected (nextFloodfill->GetIdentHash ())) direct = false; // floodfill can't be reached directly auto s = shared_from_this (); auto onDrop = [s, dest]() { if (dest->IsActive ()) { s->GetIOService ().post ([s, dest]() { if (dest->IsActive ()) s->SendNextRequest (dest); }); } }; if (direct) { if (CheckLogLevel (eLogDebug)) LogPrint (eLogDebug, "NetDbReq: Try ", dest->GetDestination ().ToBase64 (), " at ", count, " floodfill ", nextFloodfill->GetIdentHash ().ToBase64 (), " directly"); auto msg = dest->CreateRequestMessage (nextFloodfill->GetIdentHash ()); msg->onDrop = onDrop; i2p::transport::transports.SendMessage (nextFloodfill->GetIdentHash (), msg); } else { auto pool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetExploratoryPool (); if (pool) { auto outbound = pool->GetNextOutboundTunnel (); auto inbound = pool->GetNextInboundTunnel (); if (nextFloodfill && outbound && inbound) { if (CheckLogLevel (eLogDebug)) LogPrint (eLogDebug, "NetDbReq: Try ", dest->GetDestination ().ToBase64 (), " at ", count, " floodfill ", nextFloodfill->GetIdentHash ().ToBase64 (), " through tunnels"); auto msg = dest->CreateRequestMessage (nextFloodfill, inbound); msg->onDrop = onDrop; outbound->SendTunnelDataMsgTo (nextFloodfill->GetIdentHash (), 0, i2p::garlic::WrapECIESX25519MessageForRouter (msg, nextFloodfill->GetIdentity ()->GetEncryptionPublicKey ())); } else { ret = false; if (!inbound) LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: No inbound tunnels"); if (!outbound) LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: No outbound tunnels"); } } else { ret = false; LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: Exploratory pool is not ready"); } } } else { ret = false; LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: No more floodfills for ", dest->GetDestination ().ToBase64 (), " after ", count, "attempts"); } } else { if (!dest->IsExploratory ()) LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: ", dest->GetDestination ().ToBase64 (), " not found after ", MAX_NUM_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS," attempts"); ret = false; } return ret; } void NetDbRequests::ScheduleManageRequests () { m_ManageRequestsTimer.expires_from_now (boost::posix_time::seconds(MANAGE_REQUESTS_INTERVAL)); m_ManageRequestsTimer.async_wait (std::bind (&NetDbRequests::HandleManageRequestsTimer, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } void NetDbRequests::HandleManageRequestsTimer (const boost::system::error_code& ecode) { if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { if (i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetExploratoryPool ()) // expolratory pool is ready? ManageRequests (); ScheduleManageRequests (); } } void NetDbRequests::PostDatabaseSearchReplyMsg (std::shared_ptr msg) { GetIOService ().post ([this, msg]() { HandleDatabaseSearchReplyMsg (msg); }); } void NetDbRequests::HandleDatabaseSearchReplyMsg (std::shared_ptr msg) { const uint8_t * buf = msg->GetPayload (); char key[48]; int l = i2p::data::ByteStreamToBase64 (buf, 32, key, 48); key[l] = 0; size_t num = buf[32]; // num LogPrint (eLogDebug, "NetDbReq: DatabaseSearchReply for ", key, " num=", num); IdentHash ident (buf); auto dest = FindRequest (ident); if (dest && dest->IsActive ()) { if (!dest->IsExploratory () && (num > 0 || dest->GetNumAttempts () < 3)) // before 3-rd attempt might be just bad luck { // try to send next requests if (!SendNextRequest (dest)) RequestComplete (ident, nullptr); } else // no more requests for destination possible. delete it RequestComplete (ident, nullptr); } else /*if (!m_FloodfillBootstrap)*/ { LogPrint (eLogInfo, "NetDbReq: Unsolicited or late database search reply for ", key); return; } // try responses if (num > NETDB_MAX_NUM_SEARCH_REPLY_PEER_HASHES) { LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: Too many peer hashes ", num, " in database search reply, Reduced to ", NETDB_MAX_NUM_SEARCH_REPLY_PEER_HASHES); num = NETDB_MAX_NUM_SEARCH_REPLY_PEER_HASHES; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { const uint8_t * router = buf + 33 + i*32; char peerHash[48]; int l1 = i2p::data::ByteStreamToBase64 (router, 32, peerHash, 48); peerHash[l1] = 0; LogPrint (eLogDebug, "NetDbReq: ", i, ": ", peerHash); auto r = netdb.FindRouter (router); if (!r || i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch () > r->GetTimestamp () + 3600*1000LL) { // router with ident not found or too old (1 hour) LogPrint (eLogDebug, "NetDbReq: Found new/outdated router. Requesting RouterInfo..."); /* if(m_FloodfillBootstrap) RequestDestinationFrom(router, m_FloodfillBootstrap->GetIdentHash(), true); else */if (!IsRouterBanned (router)) netdb.RequestDestination (router); else LogPrint (eLogDebug, "NetDbReq: Router ", peerHash, " is banned. Skipped"); } else LogPrint (eLogDebug, "NetDbReq: [:|||:]"); } } } }