#include #include #include #include "Log.h" #include "util.h" #include "NetDb.h" #include "Destination.h" namespace i2p { namespace client { ClientDestination::ClientDestination (bool isPublic, i2p::data::SigningKeyType sigType): m_IsRunning (false), m_Thread (nullptr), m_Service (nullptr), m_Work (nullptr), m_CurrentOutboundTunnel (nullptr), m_LeaseSet (nullptr), m_IsPublic (isPublic), m_DatagramDestination (nullptr) { m_Keys = i2p::data::PrivateKeys::CreateRandomKeys (sigType); CryptoPP::DH dh (i2p::crypto::elgp, i2p::crypto::elgg); dh.GenerateKeyPair(i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (), m_EncryptionPrivateKey, m_EncryptionPublicKey); m_Pool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CreateTunnelPool (*this, 3); // 3-hops tunnel if (m_IsPublic) LogPrint ("Local address ", GetIdentHash ().ToBase32 (), ".b32.i2p created"); m_StreamingDestination = new i2p::stream::StreamingDestination (*this); // TODO: } ClientDestination::ClientDestination (const std::string& fullPath, bool isPublic): m_IsRunning (false), m_Thread (nullptr), m_Service (nullptr), m_Work (nullptr), m_CurrentOutboundTunnel (nullptr), m_LeaseSet (nullptr), m_IsPublic (isPublic), m_DatagramDestination (nullptr) { std::ifstream s(fullPath.c_str (), std::ifstream::binary); if (s.is_open ()) { s.seekg (0, std::ios::end); size_t len = s.tellg(); s.seekg (0, std::ios::beg); uint8_t * buf = new uint8_t[len]; s.read ((char *)buf, len); m_Keys.FromBuffer (buf, len); delete[] buf; LogPrint ("Local address ", GetIdentHash ().ToBase32 (), ".b32.i2p loaded"); } else { LogPrint ("Can't open file ", fullPath, " Creating new one"); m_Keys = i2p::data::PrivateKeys::CreateRandomKeys (i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_DSA_SHA1); std::ofstream f (fullPath, std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::out); size_t len = m_Keys.GetFullLen (); uint8_t * buf = new uint8_t[len]; len = m_Keys.ToBuffer (buf, len); f.write ((char *)buf, len); delete[] buf; LogPrint ("New private keys file ", fullPath, " for ", m_Keys.GetPublic ().GetIdentHash ().ToBase32 (), ".b32.i2p created"); } CryptoPP::DH dh (i2p::crypto::elgp, i2p::crypto::elgg); dh.GenerateKeyPair(i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (), m_EncryptionPrivateKey, m_EncryptionPublicKey); m_Pool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CreateTunnelPool (*this, 3); // 3-hops tunnel m_StreamingDestination = new i2p::stream::StreamingDestination (*this); // TODO: } ClientDestination::ClientDestination (const i2p::data::PrivateKeys& keys, bool isPublic): m_IsRunning (false), m_Thread (nullptr), m_Service (nullptr), m_Work (nullptr), m_Keys (keys), m_CurrentOutboundTunnel (nullptr), m_LeaseSet (nullptr), m_IsPublic (isPublic), m_DatagramDestination (nullptr) { CryptoPP::DH dh (i2p::crypto::elgp, i2p::crypto::elgg); dh.GenerateKeyPair(i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (), m_EncryptionPrivateKey, m_EncryptionPublicKey); m_Pool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CreateTunnelPool (*this, 3); // 3-hops tunnel if (m_IsPublic) LogPrint ("Local address ", GetIdentHash ().ToBase32 (), ".b32.i2p created"); m_StreamingDestination = new i2p::stream::StreamingDestination (*this); // TODO: } ClientDestination::~ClientDestination () { Stop (); for (auto it: m_RemoteLeaseSets) delete it.second; if (m_Pool) i2p::tunnel::tunnels.DeleteTunnelPool (m_Pool); delete m_LeaseSet; delete m_Work; delete m_Service; delete m_StreamingDestination; delete m_DatagramDestination; } void ClientDestination::Run () { if (m_Service) m_Service->run (); } void ClientDestination::Start () { m_Service = new boost::asio::io_service; m_Work = new boost::asio::io_service::work (*m_Service); m_Pool->SetActive (true); m_IsRunning = true; m_Thread = new std::thread (std::bind (&ClientDestination::Run, this)); m_StreamingDestination->Start (); } void ClientDestination::Stop () { m_StreamingDestination->Stop (); if (m_DatagramDestination) { auto d = m_DatagramDestination; m_DatagramDestination = nullptr; delete d; } if (m_Pool) i2p::tunnel::tunnels.StopTunnelPool (m_Pool); m_IsRunning = false; if (m_Service) m_Service->stop (); if (m_Thread) { m_Thread->join (); delete m_Thread; m_Thread = 0; } delete m_Work; m_Work = nullptr; delete m_Service; m_Service = nullptr; } const i2p::data::LeaseSet * ClientDestination::FindLeaseSet (const i2p::data::IdentHash& ident) { auto it = m_RemoteLeaseSets.find (ident); if (it != m_RemoteLeaseSets.end ()) { if (it->second->HasNonExpiredLeases ()) return it->second; else { LogPrint ("All leases of remote LeaseSet expired. Request it"); i2p::data::netdb.RequestDestination (ident, true, m_Pool); } } else { auto ls = i2p::data::netdb.FindLeaseSet (ident); if (ls) { ls = new i2p::data::LeaseSet (*ls); m_RemoteLeaseSets[ident] = ls; return ls; } } return nullptr; } const i2p::data::LeaseSet * ClientDestination::GetLeaseSet () { if (!m_Pool) return nullptr; if (!m_LeaseSet) UpdateLeaseSet (); return m_LeaseSet; } void ClientDestination::UpdateLeaseSet () { auto newLeaseSet = new i2p::data::LeaseSet (*m_Pool); if (!m_LeaseSet) m_LeaseSet = newLeaseSet; else { // TODO: implement it better *m_LeaseSet = *newLeaseSet; delete newLeaseSet; } } void ClientDestination::SendTunnelDataMsgs (const std::vector& msgs) { m_CurrentOutboundTunnel = m_Pool->GetNextOutboundTunnel (m_CurrentOutboundTunnel); if (m_CurrentOutboundTunnel) m_CurrentOutboundTunnel->SendTunnelDataMsg (msgs); else { LogPrint ("No outbound tunnels in the pool"); for (auto it: msgs) DeleteI2NPMessage (it.data); } } void ClientDestination::ProcessGarlicMessage (I2NPMessage * msg) { m_Service->post (boost::bind (&ClientDestination::HandleGarlicMessage, this, msg)); } void ClientDestination::ProcessDeliveryStatusMessage (I2NPMessage * msg) { m_Service->post (boost::bind (&ClientDestination::HandleDeliveryStatusMessage, this, msg)); } void ClientDestination::HandleI2NPMessage (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel * from) { I2NPHeader * header = (I2NPHeader *)buf; switch (header->typeID) { case eI2NPData: HandleDataMessage (buf + sizeof (I2NPHeader), be16toh (header->size)); break; case eI2NPDatabaseStore: HandleDatabaseStoreMessage (buf + sizeof (I2NPHeader), be16toh (header->size)); i2p::HandleI2NPMessage (CreateI2NPMessage (buf, GetI2NPMessageLength (buf), from)); // TODO: remove break; default: i2p::HandleI2NPMessage (CreateI2NPMessage (buf, GetI2NPMessageLength (buf), from)); } } void ClientDestination::HandleDatabaseStoreMessage (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { I2NPDatabaseStoreMsg * msg = (I2NPDatabaseStoreMsg *)buf; size_t offset = sizeof (I2NPDatabaseStoreMsg); if (msg->replyToken) // TODO: offset += 36; if (msg->type == 1) // LeaseSet { LogPrint ("Remote LeaseSet"); auto it = m_RemoteLeaseSets.find (msg->key); if (it != m_RemoteLeaseSets.end ()) { it->second->Update (buf + offset, len - offset); LogPrint ("Remote LeaseSet updated"); } else { LogPrint ("New remote LeaseSet added"); m_RemoteLeaseSets[msg->key] = new i2p::data::LeaseSet (buf + offset, len - offset); } } else LogPrint ("Unexpected client's DatabaseStore type ", msg->type, ". Dropped"); } void ClientDestination::SetLeaseSetUpdated () { i2p::garlic::GarlicDestination::SetLeaseSetUpdated (); UpdateLeaseSet (); if (m_IsPublic) i2p::data::netdb.PublishLeaseSet (m_LeaseSet, m_Pool); } void ClientDestination::HandleDataMessage (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { uint32_t length = be32toh (*(uint32_t *)buf); buf += 4; // we assume I2CP payload switch (buf[9]) { case PROTOCOL_TYPE_STREAMING: // streaming protocol if (m_StreamingDestination) m_StreamingDestination->HandleDataMessagePayload (buf, length); else LogPrint ("Missing streaming destination"); break; case PROTOCOL_TYPE_DATAGRAM: // datagram protocol if (m_DatagramDestination) m_DatagramDestination->HandleDataMessagePayload (buf, length); else LogPrint ("Missing streaming destination"); break; default: LogPrint ("Data: unexpected protocol ", buf[9]); } } std::shared_ptr ClientDestination::CreateStream (const i2p::data::LeaseSet& remote, int port) { if (m_StreamingDestination) return m_StreamingDestination->CreateNewOutgoingStream (remote, port); return nullptr; } void ClientDestination::AcceptStreams (const i2p::stream::StreamingDestination::Acceptor& acceptor) { if (m_StreamingDestination) m_StreamingDestination->SetAcceptor (acceptor); } void ClientDestination::StopAcceptingStreams () { if (m_StreamingDestination) m_StreamingDestination->ResetAcceptor (); } bool ClientDestination::IsAcceptingStreams () const { if (m_StreamingDestination) return m_StreamingDestination->IsAcceptorSet (); return false; } i2p::datagram::DatagramDestination * ClientDestination::CreateDatagramDestination () { if (!m_DatagramDestination) m_DatagramDestination = new i2p::datagram::DatagramDestination (*this); return m_DatagramDestination; } } }