#include "I2PEndian.h" #include #include #include "RouterContext.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Timestamp.h" #include "I2NPProtocol.h" #include "Transports.h" #include "NetDb.h" #include "Tunnel.h" namespace i2p { namespace tunnel { Tunnel::Tunnel (TunnelConfig * config): m_Config (config), m_Pool (nullptr), m_IsEstablished (false), m_IsFailed (false) { } Tunnel::~Tunnel () { delete m_Config; } void Tunnel::Build (uint32_t replyMsgID, OutboundTunnel * outboundTunnel) { CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (); size_t numRecords = m_Config->GetNumHops (); I2NPMessage * msg = NewI2NPMessage (); *msg->GetPayload () = numRecords; msg->len += numRecords*sizeof (I2NPBuildRequestRecordElGamalEncrypted) + 1; I2NPBuildRequestRecordElGamalEncrypted * records = (I2NPBuildRequestRecordElGamalEncrypted *)(msg->GetPayload () + 1); TunnelHopConfig * hop = m_Config->GetFirstHop (); int i = 0; while (hop) { EncryptBuildRequestRecord (*hop->router, CreateBuildRequestRecord (hop->router->GetIdentHash (), hop->tunnelID, hop->nextRouter->GetIdentHash (), hop->nextTunnelID, hop->layerKey, hop->ivKey, hop->replyKey, hop->replyIV, hop->next ? rnd.GenerateWord32 () : replyMsgID, // we set replyMsgID for last hop only hop->isGateway, hop->isEndpoint), records[i]); i++; hop = hop->next; } hop = m_Config->GetLastHop ()->prev; size_t ind = numRecords - 1; while (hop) { for (size_t i = ind; i < numRecords; i++) { m_CBCDecryption.SetKeyWithIV (hop->replyKey, 32, hop->replyIV); m_CBCDecryption.ProcessData((uint8_t *)&records[i], (uint8_t *)&records[i], sizeof (I2NPBuildRequestRecordElGamalEncrypted)); } hop = hop->prev; ind--; } FillI2NPMessageHeader (msg, eI2NPVariableTunnelBuild); if (outboundTunnel) outboundTunnel->SendTunnelDataMsg (GetNextIdentHash (), 0, msg); else i2p::transports.SendMessage (GetNextIdentHash (), msg); } bool Tunnel::HandleTunnelBuildResponse (uint8_t * msg, size_t len) { LogPrint ("TunnelBuildResponse ", (int)msg[0], " records."); TunnelHopConfig * hop = m_Config->GetLastHop (); int num = msg[0]; while (hop) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { uint8_t * record = msg + 1 + i*sizeof (I2NPBuildResponseRecord); m_CBCDecryption.SetKeyWithIV(hop->replyKey, 32, hop->replyIV); m_CBCDecryption.ProcessData(record, record, sizeof (I2NPBuildResponseRecord)); } hop = hop->prev; num--; } m_IsEstablished = true; for (int i = 0; i < msg[0]; i++) { I2NPBuildResponseRecord * record = (I2NPBuildResponseRecord *)(msg + 1 + i*sizeof (I2NPBuildResponseRecord)); LogPrint ("Ret code=", (int)record->ret); if (record->ret) // if any of participants declined the tunnel is not established m_IsEstablished = false; } return m_IsEstablished; } void Tunnel::LayerDecrypt (const uint8_t * in, size_t len, const uint8_t * layerKey, const uint8_t * iv, uint8_t * out) { m_CBCDecryption.SetKeyWithIV (layerKey, 32, iv); m_CBCDecryption.ProcessData(out, in, len); } void Tunnel::IVDecrypt (const uint8_t * in, const uint8_t * ivKey, uint8_t * out) { m_ECBDecryption.SetKey (ivKey, 32); m_ECBDecryption.ProcessData(out, in, 16); } void Tunnel::EncryptTunnelMsg (I2NPMessage * tunnelMsg) { uint8_t * payload = tunnelMsg->GetPayload () + 4; TunnelHopConfig * hop = m_Config->GetLastHop (); while (hop) { // iv + data IVDecrypt (payload, hop->ivKey, payload); LayerDecrypt (payload + 16, TUNNEL_DATA_ENCRYPTED_SIZE, hop->layerKey, payload, payload+16); IVDecrypt (payload, hop->ivKey, payload); hop = hop->prev; } } void InboundTunnel::HandleTunnelDataMsg (I2NPMessage * msg) { if (IsFailed ()) SetFailed (false); // incoming messages means a tunnel is alive msg->from = this; EncryptTunnelMsg (msg); m_Endpoint.HandleDecryptedTunnelDataMsg (msg); } void OutboundTunnel::SendTunnelDataMsg (const uint8_t * gwHash, uint32_t gwTunnel, i2p::I2NPMessage * msg) { TunnelMessageBlock block; if (gwHash) { block.hash = gwHash; if (gwTunnel) { block.deliveryType = eDeliveryTypeTunnel; block.tunnelID = gwTunnel; } else block.deliveryType = eDeliveryTypeRouter; } else block.deliveryType = eDeliveryTypeLocal; block.data = msg; m_Gateway.SendTunnelDataMsg (block); } void OutboundTunnel::SendTunnelDataMsg (std::vector msgs) { for (auto& it : msgs) m_Gateway.PutTunnelDataMsg (it); m_Gateway.SendBuffer (); } Tunnels tunnels; Tunnels::Tunnels (): m_IsRunning (false), m_IsTunnelCreated (false), m_NextReplyMsgID (555), m_Thread (nullptr), m_ExploratoryPool (nullptr) { } Tunnels::~Tunnels () { for (auto& it : m_OutboundTunnels) delete it; m_OutboundTunnels.clear (); for (auto& it : m_InboundTunnels) delete it.second; m_InboundTunnels.clear (); for (auto& it : m_TransitTunnels) delete it.second; m_TransitTunnels.clear (); for (auto& it : m_PendingTunnels) delete it.second; m_PendingTunnels.clear (); for (auto& it: m_Pools) delete it.second; m_Pools.clear (); } InboundTunnel * Tunnels::GetInboundTunnel (uint32_t tunnelID) { auto it = m_InboundTunnels.find(tunnelID); if (it != m_InboundTunnels.end ()) return it->second; return nullptr; } TransitTunnel * Tunnels::GetTransitTunnel (uint32_t tunnelID) { auto it = m_TransitTunnels.find(tunnelID); if (it != m_TransitTunnels.end ()) return it->second; return nullptr; } Tunnel * Tunnels::GetPendingTunnel (uint32_t replyMsgID) { auto it = m_PendingTunnels.find(replyMsgID); if (it != m_PendingTunnels.end ()) { Tunnel * t = it->second; m_PendingTunnels.erase (it); return t; } return nullptr; } InboundTunnel * Tunnels::GetNextInboundTunnel () { InboundTunnel * tunnel = nullptr; size_t minReceived = 0; for (auto it : m_InboundTunnels) { if (it.second->IsFailed ()) continue; if (!tunnel || it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () < minReceived) { tunnel = it.second; minReceived = it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes (); } } return tunnel; } OutboundTunnel * Tunnels::GetNextOutboundTunnel () { CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (); uint32_t ind = rnd.GenerateWord32 (0, m_OutboundTunnels.size () - 1), i = 0; OutboundTunnel * tunnel = nullptr; for (auto it: m_OutboundTunnels) { if (i >= ind) return it; if (!it->IsFailed ()) { tunnel = it; i++; } } return tunnel; } TunnelPool * Tunnels::CreateTunnelPool (i2p::data::LocalDestination& localDestination) { auto pool = new TunnelPool (localDestination); m_Pools[pool->GetIdentHash ()] = pool; return pool; } void Tunnels::DeleteTunnelPool (TunnelPool * pool) { if (pool) { m_Pools.erase (pool->GetIdentHash ()); delete pool; } } void Tunnels::AddTransitTunnel (TransitTunnel * tunnel) { m_TransitTunnels[tunnel->GetTunnelID ()] = tunnel; } void Tunnels::Start () { m_IsRunning = true; m_Thread = new std::thread (std::bind (&Tunnels::Run, this)); } void Tunnels::Stop () { m_IsRunning = false; m_Queue.WakeUp (); if (m_Thread) { m_Thread->join (); delete m_Thread; m_Thread = 0; } } void Tunnels::Run () { std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds(1)); // wait for other parts are ready uint64_t lastTs = 0; while (m_IsRunning) { try { I2NPMessage * msg = m_Queue.GetNextWithTimeout (1000); // 1 sec while (msg) { uint32_t tunnelID = be32toh (*(uint32_t *)msg->GetPayload ()); InboundTunnel * tunnel = GetInboundTunnel (tunnelID); if (tunnel) tunnel->HandleTunnelDataMsg (msg); else { TransitTunnel * transitTunnel = GetTransitTunnel (tunnelID); if (transitTunnel) transitTunnel->HandleTunnelDataMsg (msg); else { LogPrint ("Tunnel ", tunnelID, " not found"); i2p::DeleteI2NPMessage (msg); } } msg = m_Queue.Get (); } uint64_t ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); if (ts - lastTs >= 15) // manage tunnels every 15 seconds { ManageTunnels (); lastTs = ts; } } catch (std::exception& ex) { LogPrint ("Tunnels: ", ex.what ()); } } } void Tunnels::ManageTunnels () { // check pending tunnel. if something is still there, wipe it out // because it wouldn't be reponded anyway for (auto& it : m_PendingTunnels) { LogPrint ("Pending tunnel build request ", it.first, " has not been responded. Deleted"); delete it.second; } m_PendingTunnels.clear (); ManageInboundTunnels (); ManageOutboundTunnels (); ManageTransitTunnels (); ManageTunnelPools (); /* if (!m_IsTunnelCreated) { InboundTunnel * inboundTunnel = CreateOneHopInboundTestTunnel (); if (inboundTunnel) CreateOneHopOutboundTestTunnel (inboundTunnel); inboundTunnel = CreateTwoHopsInboundTestTunnel (); if (inboundTunnel) CreateTwoHopsOutboundTestTunnel (inboundTunnel); m_IsTunnelCreated = true; }*/ } void Tunnels::ManageOutboundTunnels () { uint64_t ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); for (auto it = m_OutboundTunnels.begin (); it != m_OutboundTunnels.end ();) { if (ts > (*it)->GetCreationTime () + TUNNEL_EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT) { LogPrint ("Tunnel ", (*it)->GetTunnelID (), " expired"); auto pool = (*it)->GetTunnelPool (); if (pool) pool->TunnelExpired (*it); it = m_OutboundTunnels.erase (it); } else it++; } if (m_OutboundTunnels.size () < 15) // TODO: store exploratory tunnels explicitly { // trying to create one more oubound tunnel if (m_InboundTunnels.empty ()) return; InboundTunnel * inboundTunnel = GetNextInboundTunnel (); if (m_OutboundTunnels.empty () || m_OutboundTunnels.size () < 3) { LogPrint ("Creating one hop outbound tunnel..."); CreateTunnel ( new TunnelConfig (std::vector { i2p::data::netdb.GetRandomRouter () }, inboundTunnel->GetTunnelConfig ())); } else { LogPrint ("Creating two hops outbound tunnel..."); auto firstHop = i2p::data::netdb.GetRandomRouter (); CreateTunnel ( new TunnelConfig (std::vector { firstHop, i2p::data::netdb.GetRandomRouter (firstHop) }, inboundTunnel->GetTunnelConfig ())); } } } void Tunnels::ManageInboundTunnels () { uint64_t ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); for (auto it = m_InboundTunnels.begin (); it != m_InboundTunnels.end ();) { if (ts > it->second->GetCreationTime () + TUNNEL_EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT) { LogPrint ("Tunnel ", it->second->GetTunnelID (), " expired"); auto pool = it->second->GetTunnelPool (); if (pool) pool->TunnelExpired (it->second); it = m_InboundTunnels.erase (it); } else it++; } if (m_InboundTunnels.empty ()) { LogPrint ("Creating zero hops inbound tunnel..."); CreateZeroHopsInboundTunnel (); return; } if (m_InboundTunnels.size () < 15) // TODO: store exploratory tunnels explicitly { // trying to create one more inbound tunnel if (m_OutboundTunnels.empty () || m_InboundTunnels.size () < 3) { LogPrint ("Creating one hop inbound tunnel..."); CreateTunnel ( new TunnelConfig (std::vector { i2p::data::netdb.GetRandomRouter () })); } else { OutboundTunnel * outboundTunnel = GetNextOutboundTunnel (); LogPrint ("Creating two hops inbound tunnel..."); auto router = outboundTunnel->GetTunnelConfig ()->GetFirstHop ()->router; auto firstHop = i2p::data::netdb.GetRandomRouter (outboundTunnel->GetEndpointRouter ()); CreateTunnel ( new TunnelConfig (std::vector { firstHop, router != &i2p::context.GetRouterInfo () ? router : i2p::data::netdb.GetRandomRouter (firstHop) }), outboundTunnel); } } } void Tunnels::ManageTransitTunnels () { uint32_t ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); for (auto it = m_TransitTunnels.begin (); it != m_TransitTunnels.end ();) { if (ts > it->second->GetCreationTime () + TUNNEL_EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT) { LogPrint ("Transit tunnel ", it->second->GetTunnelID (), " expired"); it = m_TransitTunnels.erase (it); } else it++; } } void Tunnels::ManageTunnelPools () { for (auto& it: m_Pools) { it.second->CreateTunnels (); it.second->TestTunnels (); } } void Tunnels::PostTunnelData (I2NPMessage * msg) { if (msg) m_Queue.Put (msg); } template TTunnel * Tunnels::CreateTunnel (TunnelConfig * config, OutboundTunnel * outboundTunnel) { TTunnel * newTunnel = new TTunnel (config); m_PendingTunnels[m_NextReplyMsgID] = newTunnel; newTunnel->Build (m_NextReplyMsgID, outboundTunnel); m_NextReplyMsgID++; // TODO: should be atomic return newTunnel; } void Tunnels::AddOutboundTunnel (OutboundTunnel * newTunnel) { m_OutboundTunnels.push_back (newTunnel); auto pool = newTunnel->GetTunnelPool (); if (pool) pool->TunnelCreated (newTunnel); } void Tunnels::AddInboundTunnel (InboundTunnel * newTunnel) { m_InboundTunnels[newTunnel->GetTunnelID ()] = newTunnel; auto pool = newTunnel->GetTunnelPool (); if (!pool) { // build symmetric outbound tunnel CreateTunnel (newTunnel->GetTunnelConfig ()->Invert (), GetNextOutboundTunnel ()); } else pool->TunnelCreated (newTunnel); } void Tunnels::CreateZeroHopsInboundTunnel () { CreateTunnel ( new TunnelConfig (std::vector { &i2p::context.GetRouterInfo () })); } } }