Building ======== On Ubuntu/Debian based * sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libcrypto++-dev libboost-date-time-dev * $ cd i2pd/build * $ cmake .. * $ make Then, run it: $ ./i2pd The client should now reseed by itself. By default, the web console is located at http://localhost:7070/. For a list of cmake options, see Building Unit Tests =================== To build unit tests, you'll need to install the boost unit test framework. On Ubuntu/Debian based * sudo apt-get install libboost-test-dev To build the tests, run $ cmake .. -DWITH_TESTS=ON CMake Options ============ Available cmake options: * CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -- build profile (Debug/Release) * WITH_AESNI -- AES-NI support (ON/OFF) * WITH_HARDENING -- enable hardening features (ON/OFF) (gcc only) * WITH_TESTS -- build tests (ON/OFF) * WITH_BENCHMARK -- build bechmarking code (ON/OFF) * WITH_OPTIMIZE -- enable optimization flags (ON/OFF) (not for MSVC) * I2PD_DATA_DIR -- directory where i2pd will store data